Teaching Experience

  • 1993
    Professor & Head
    Gujarat University, Ahmedabad
  • 1990
    Lecturer in Biology
    Science College , Pilvai, N.G.

Academic Identity

Scopus Id
Google Scholar Id
IRINS (Vidwan) Id


  • May 2013
  • June 2021
    Chairperson, WDC
  • June 2020
    Interim Chairperson
  • June 2020
  • June 2019
  • June 2018
  • June 2018
    Member-VC Nominee
  • June 2018
  • June 2018
  • June 2017
    Member Secretary
  • June 2014
    Member Secretary
  • June 2014
    Gujarat University, Ahmedabad
  • January 2017
  • January 2014
  • January 2011
    Associate fellow
  • February 2010
    Sectional President
  • December 2008


December 2020

Book Title: Comparative study of Phytochemical Screening and antimicrobial activity of Melia azedarach L. and Azadirachta indica A.Juss

ISBN: ISBN: 978-93-90420-56-8

Pages: -

Language: English

Publisher Akinik Publications, Delhi

Book Bhavna Singh, Dhruv Pandya and Archana Mankad
December 2020

Book Title: Assessment of Datura stramonium for Phytoremediation

ISBN: ISBN: 978-613-8-94294-8

Pages: -

Language: English

Publisher Scholars Press, Mauritius

Book Jahnavi Pandya, Ruby Patel and Archana Mankad
December 2020

Book Title: Antimicrobial activity of selected ornamentals of Apocyanaceae family

ISBN: ISBN: 978-613-8-9380-7

Pages: -

Language: English

Publisher Scholars Press, Mauritius

Book Dhruv Pandya, Archana Mankad and Himanshu Pandya

Book Title: Effect of Chemicals on Growth and cut flower of T. rotundifolia

ISBN: 978-3-659-88373-6

Pages: -

Language: English

Publisher Lambert Academic Publishing

Book Ruby Patel and Archana Mankad

Book Title: Climbers in urban setup: An indispensable element

ISBN: 978-3-659-83790-6

Pages: -

Language: English

Publisher Scholars Press

Book Ruby Patel,Yogesh Jasrai and Archana Mankad

Book Title: Effect of Chemicals on Growth and cut flower of Tithonia rotundifolia

ISBN: 978-3-659-88373-6

Pages: -

Language: English

Publisher Lambert Academic Publishing

Book Ruby G Patel, Archana U Mankad

Book Title: Biochemical estimations of Chrysanthemum coronarium L and Gaillrdia pulchella Foug

ISBN: 978-3-659-83874-3

Pages: -

Language: English

Publisher Scholars Press, Germany

Book Ruby G Patel, Archana U Mankad

Book Title: physiological changes during petal senescence in Tithonia rotundifolia

ISBN: 978-3-659-90520-9

Pages: -

Language: English

Publisher Lambert Academic Publishing

Book Ruby G Patel, Archana U Mankad

Book Title: Oxidative stress during petal senescence in Chrysanthemum coronarium L and Gaillrdia pulchella Foug

ISBN: 978-3-659-83954-2

Pages: -

Language: English

Publisher Scholars Press

Book Ruby G Patel, Archana U Mankad

Book Title: Flowering of carrot plants -Issues and Challenges

ISBN: 978-3-659-39261-0

Pages: -

Language: English

Publisher Lambert Academic Publishing

Book Archana Mankad and A.B.Vora

Book Title: Storage and viability of Moringa pollen

ISBN: 978-3-659-24121-5

Pages: -

Language: English

Publisher Lambert Academic Publishing

Book Manisha Rathod and Archana Mankad

Book Title: In vitro pollen germination and storage of Crinum asiaticum

ISBN: 978- 3-659-17985-3

Pages: -

Language: English

Publisher Lambert Academic Publishing

Book Renuka Desai and Archana Mankad
December 2019

Book Title: Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. B Biol. Sci.

Chapter Title: Seasonal Dynamics and Light Use Efficiency of major mangrove species over Indian region

ISBN: 978- 3-659-17985-3

Pages: 267 - 275

Language: English

Publisher Lambert Academic Publishing

Book Chapters Kripa M K, Hari Nivas A, Nikhil Lele, Thangaradjou T, Saravana Kumar A, Archana. U. Mankad, T. V. R Murthy

Book Title: Studies on post harvest shelf life of Ipomoea sp. under the influence of various chemicals

Chapter Title: Studies on post harvest shelf life of Ipomoea sp. under the influence of various chemicals


Pages: 287 - 292

Language: English

Publisher Crop productivity and quality improvement

Book Chapters Pratiksha Patel and Archana Mankad

Book Title: Effect of Maleic Hydrazide on the post harvest shelf life of cut flowers of Cosmos bipinnatus cav

Chapter Title: Studies on the effect of Maleic Hydrazide on the post harvest shelf life of cut flowers of Cosmos bipinnatus cav


Pages: 293 - 294

Language: English

Publisher Crop productivity and quality improvement through physiological interventions

Book Chapters Goral Jani and Archana Mankad

Book Title: Role of preservatives in improving Post harvest shelf life of cut flowers.

Chapter Title:


Pages: -


Publisher Proceedings of the National Seminar of Indian Society of Plant Physiology

Book Chapters Archana Mankad
Sep 2021


Journal: Towards Excellence

ISSN: 0974 035X

Volume (issue): 13 (3)

Language: English


Publisher Gujarat University

Journals Bhavsar, Manasi, Naman Mangukia, and Archana Mankad
Sep 2020

Title: Dynamic nature of latex of Calotropis procera (Aiton) Dryand: A review.

Journal: International Journal of Botany Studies

ISSN: ISSN: 2455-541X

Volume (issue): 5 (5)

Language: English

DOI: --

Publisher Gupta Publications

Journals Sanjukta Rajhans, Himanshu A Pandya , Archana Mankad
Sep 2020

Title: Biotechnological Approach to increase the Metal Stress Tolerance capacity of Impatiens balsamina L

Journal: Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences

ISSN: ISSN : 0976 1675

Volume (issue): 11 (5)

Language: English

DOI: DOI: 6177-0806-214

Publisher Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Journals Dhruv Pandya, Archana Mankad and Himanshu Pandya
Sep 2019

Title: High resolution mapping of Solar-induced fluorescence using in situ measurements and Remote sensing data over an Indian mangrove region

Journal: Environment and Ecology

ISSN: ISSN NO. 0970-0420

Volume (issue): 37 (3)

Language: English


Publisher Environment and Ecology

Journals Kripa M. K, Ankit Gohel, Nikhil Lele, T.V.R Murthy and Archana. U. Mankad
Sep 2018

Title: Effect of chemicals on post harvest vase life of Gladiolus.

Journal: Vidya

ISSN: ISSN 2321-1520

Volume (issue): 3 (2)

Language: English


Publisher Vidya

Journals Zalak Gandhi and Archana Mankad
Sep 2018

Title: Network based meta analysis to identify the key regulators in progression of bone metastatic breast cancers

Journal: Research Journal of Life Sciences, Bioinformatics, Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences

ISSN: ISSN : 2454-6348

Volume (issue): 4 (6)

Language: English


Publisher Research Journal of Life Sciences, Bioinformatics, Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences

Journals S Gudipati,A Mankad,H A Pandya, Y T Jasrai
Sep 2018

Title: Role of aurora kinases in cancer: a comprehensive review.

Journal: RJLBPCS

ISSN: ISSN 2454 6348

Volume (issue): 4 (5)

Language: English


Publisher RJLBPCS

Journals Pandya, P. N., Mankad, A. U., & Raval, R. M.
Sep 2017

Title: Extraction and characterization of starch from the tuber of Crinum species

Journal: IJPAES

ISSN: ISSN-2231-4490

Volume (issue): 7 (4)

Language: English


Publisher IJPAES

Journals Deepti Sharma and Archana Mankad
Sep 2016

Title: Dehydration Technology for some selected Ornamental Plant Species

Journal: Vidya

ISSN: ISSN 2321-1520

Volume (issue): 1 (2)

Language: English


Publisher Vidya

Journals Goral Jani and Archana Mankad,
Sep 2013

Title: Starch metabolism during petal senescence in Tagetes erecta L. cut flowers.

Journal: The Journal of Indian Botanical Society

ISSN: ISSN 0091-4468

Volume (issue): 92 (3)

Language: English


Publisher Indian Botanical Society

Journals Renuka Desai, Ruby Patel and Archana Mankad
Sep 2006

Title: Response in flowering and yield of Zinnia elegans to foliar application of GA3 and MH.

Journal: Vidya

ISSN: ISSN 2321-1520

Volume (issue): 1 (1)

Language: English


Publisher Vidya

Journals Goral Jani and Archana Mankad,
Sep 2006

Title: Vase life and quality of Zinnia elegans cut flowers as influenced by sucrose as the preservative solution

Journal: Advanced Biological Sciences

ISSN: --

Volume (issue): 5 (2)

Language: English


Publisher Adv.Bio.Sci.

Journals Goral Jani and Archana Mankad,
Sep 2006

Title: Influence of GA3 & MH on seed germination of Cosmos bipinnatus under laboratory conditions

Journal: Advanced Biological Sciences

ISSN: --

Volume (issue): 5 (1)

Language: English


Publisher Adv.Bio.Sci.

Journals Goral Jani and Archana Mankad,
Oct 2023

Title: Identification and characterization of known and new miRNAs from Nicotiana tabacum and nta-miR156's predictive role in Wnt Signalling Pathway.

Journal: Advances in Cancer Biology-Metastasis

ISSN: 2667-3940.

Volume (issue): 8 (1)

Language: English


Publisher Advances in Cancer Biology-Metastasis

Journals 1. Bhavsar Mansi, Naman Mangukia, Sivakumar Prasanth Kumar, Saumya Patel, Rakesh Rawal, and Archana Mankad
Oct 2022

Title: The decadal changes and socio-economic stresses on coastal area through remote sensing and GIS technology:A Review of Puri, Odisha

Journal: International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest

ISSN: E -ISSN 2583 3995

Volume (issue): 1 (2)

Language: English

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56588/iabcd.v1i2.41

Publisher International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest , Gujarat University

Journals Priyanka Pati, Nirmal Desai, Archana Mankad and Hitesh Solanki
Oct 2022

Title: Remote sensing trend of forest ecosystem productivity in Gujarat using satellite imagery

Journal: International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest

ISSN: E -ISSN 2583 3995

Volume (issue): 1 (2)

Language: English

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56588/iabcd.v1i2.58

Publisher International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest , Gujarat University

Journals Mohapatra, J., Pandya, H. and Archana Mankad
Oct 2022

Title: A review on potential of medicinal plant: Limonia acidissima lL.

Journal: International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest

ISSN: E -ISSN 2583 3995

Volume (issue): 1 (2)

Language: English

DOI: . https://doi.org/10.56588/iabcd.v1i2.63

Publisher International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest , Gujarat University

Journals Bhavsar, S., Sapra, P., Maitreya, B., and Archana Mankad
Oct 2022

Title: In silico screening of major cancer drug targets (growth factor receptors) for nature derived phytochemicals

Journal: International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest

ISSN: E -ISSN 2583 3995

Volume (issue): 1 (2)

Language: English

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56588/iabcd.v1i2.66

Publisher International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest , Gujarat University

Journals Trivedi, T., Kumar, S., Archana Mankad, Patel, S., Rawal, R., & Pandya, H
Oct 2022

Title: Assessing the physical changes and the stresses on the coastal areas using geoinformatics from Sipasurubili to Mohanipur, Puri, Odisha.

Journal: International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest

ISSN: E -ISSN 2583 3995

Volume (issue): 1 (2)

Language: English

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56588/iabcd.v1i2.70

Publisher International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest , Gujarat University

Journals Pati, P., Desai, N., Archana Mankad, & Solanki, H
Oct 2022

Title: An appraise on Tecoma stans (l.) Ex. Juss, kunth. - Phytochemical potentials.

Journal: International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest

ISSN: E -ISSN 2583 3995

Volume (issue): 1 (2)

Language: English

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56588/iabcd.v1i2.79

Publisher International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest , Gujarat University

Journals Fernandes, A., and Archana Mankad
Oct 2022

Title: Sustainable utilization of crop residue as briquettes

Journal: International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest

ISSN: E -ISSN 2583 3995

Volume (issue): 1 (2)

Language: English

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56588/iabcd.v1i2.87

Publisher International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest , Gujarat University

Journals Kazi, A and Archana Mankad
Oct 2022

Title: Bioefficacy of Epipremnum aureum: A review

Journal: International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest

ISSN: 2583-3995

Volume (issue): 1 (2)

Language: English

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56588/iabcd.v1i2.43

Publisher International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest , Gujarat University

Journals Vishakha Panchal, Palak Sapra & Archana Mankad
Oct 2020

Title: Documentation of conserved and novel miRNAs participated in plant secondary metabolic pathways of sanctified Aegle marmelos

Journal: Gene Reports

ISSN: ISSN 2452-0144

Volume (issue): 21 (10)

Language: English

DOI: 100943

Publisher Gene Reports

Journals Mohanty P, Ayachit G, Mohanty JN, Pandya H, Archana Mankad , Das J
Oct 2019

Title: Review on the chemical constituents in Coriander sativum (L.)

Journal: International Journal of Scientific Research and Reviews

ISSN: ISSN:2279-543X

Volume (issue): 8 (4)

Language: English



Journals Snigdha Dixit, Ancy Fernandes and Archana Mankad
Oct 2019

Title: Total Phenolic Content in crude aqueous extracts of Kigelia africana (Lam.) Benth. leaves and flowers.

Journal: International Journal of Scientific Research and Reviews

ISSN: ISSN:2279-543X

Volume (issue): 8 (4)

Language: English



Journals A. J. Fernandes and A. U. Mankad and S. Rajhans
Oct 2011

Title: Sugar metabolism during ray floret senescence in uncut flowers of Cosmos bipinnatus sonata series sonata white

Journal: Journal of Indian Botanical society

ISSN: ISSN 0091-4468

Volume (issue): 90 (3)

Language: English


Publisher Indian Botanical society

Journals Goral Jani and Archana Mankad,
Oct 2008

Title: Effect of Gibberellic acid and Maleic hydrazide on growth, flowering and yield of Cosmos bipinnatus Cav

Journal: Journal of Indian Botanical Society

ISSN: ISSN 0091-4468

Volume (issue): 87 (3)

Language: English


Publisher Indian Botanical society

Journals Goral Jani and Archana Mankad,
Oct 2007

Title: Studies on the effect of Maleic Hydrazide on the post harvest shelf life of Ipomoea tricolor Cav.var.Heavenly Blue cut flowers.

Journal: Advanced Biological Sciences

ISSN: --

Volume (issue): 6 (1)

Language: English


Publisher Adv.Bio.Sci.

Journals Pratiksha Patel and Archana Mankad
Oct 2007

Title: Effect of Maleic hydrazide in combination with sucrose on post harvest shelf life of Cosmos bipinnatus Cav.

Journal: Advanced Biological Sciences

ISSN: --

Volume (issue): 6 (1)

Language: English


Publisher Adv.Bio.Sci.

Journals Goral Jani and Archana Mankad,
Oct 2005

Title: Studies on Post harvest shelf life of cut Centaurea cyanus and Antirrhinum majus flowers

Journal: Vidya

ISSN: ISSN 2321-1520

Volume (issue): 1 (2)

Language: English


Publisher Vidya

Journals Dhruty Vyas and Archana Mankad,
Oct 1998

Title: Flowering behaviour of carrot cv Early Nantes under the influence of GA3 treatment.

Journal: Journal of Indian Botanical society

ISSN: ISSN 0091-4468

Volume (issue): 77 (4)

Language: English


Publisher Indian Botanical society

Journals Archana Mankad and A.B.Vora
Nov 2018

Title: Comparative study of Phytochemical screening and antibacterial activity of Curcuma longa L. and Curcuma aromaticum. Journal of medicinal studies

Journal: Journal of medicinal plant studies

ISSN: E-ISSN 2320 3862

Volume (issue): 6 (6)

Language: English


Publisher Journal of medicinal plant studies

Journals Bhoomi Joshi, Dhruv Pandya and Archana Mankad
May 2023

Title: MicroRNAs from Holarrhena pubescens stems: Identification by small RNA Sequencing and their Potential Contribution to Human Gene Targets.

Journal: Functional & Integrative Genomics

ISSN: 2193-1801

Volume (issue): 23 (2)

Language: English

DOI: . https://doi.org/10.1007/S10142-023-01078-0

Publisher Functional & Integrative Genomics

Journals Trivedi, T. S., Patel, M. P., Nanavaty, V., Mankad, A. U., Rawal, R. M., & Patel, S. K
May 2022

Title: A review on pyrethroid as insectide and it’s adverse effect on human

Journal: International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest

ISSN: E -ISSN 2583 3995

Volume (issue): 1 (1)

Language: English

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56588/iabcd.v1i1.32

Publisher International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest , Gujarat University

Journals Preeti Patel, Palak Sapra and Archana Mankad
May 2022

Title: Phytochemical profile of the latex extracts of Calotropis procera (Aiton) Dryand.

Journal: International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest

ISSN: E -ISSN 2583 3995

Volume (issue): 1 (1)

Language: English

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56588/iabcd.v1i2.50

Publisher International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest , Gujarat University

Journals Jayswal, M., Rajhans, S., Archana Mankad, A., & Pandya, H.
May 2022

Title: Recent floriculture in India

Journal: International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest

ISSN: E -ISSN 2583 3995

Volume (issue): 1 (1)

Language: English

DOI: DOI: https://doi.org/10.56588/iabcd.v1i1.8

Publisher International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest, Gujarat University

Journals Aditi J Malviya, Milan Vala and Archana Mankad
May 2022

Title: Phytoextraction of arsenic and boron and its effect on growth parameters of Tagetes erecta L.

Journal: International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest

ISSN: E -ISSN 2583 3995

Volume (issue): 1 (1)

Language: English

DOI: DOI: https://doi.org/10.56588/iabcd.v1i1.9

Publisher International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest , Gujarat University

Journals Freny T. Brahmakshatriya, Bhanu R. Solanki and Archana Mankad
May 2022

Title: Recent floriculture in India.

Journal: International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest

ISSN: E -ISSN 2583 3995

Volume (issue): 1 (1)

Language: English


Publisher International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest

Journals Aditi J Malviya, Milan Vala, and Archana Mankad
May 2022

Title: Phytoextraction of arsenic and boron and its effect on growth parameters of Tagetes erecta L.

Journal: International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest,

ISSN: E- ISSN 2583 3995

Volume (issue): 1 (1)

Language: English

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56588/iabcd.v1i1.12

Publisher International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest,

Journals Kirti Pandya, Sanjukta Rajhans, Himanshu Pandya and Archana Mankad
May 2022

Title: The effect of calcium on growth and development of selected microgreens.

Journal: International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest

ISSN: E -ISSN 2583

Volume (issue): 1 (1)

Language: English


Publisher International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest

Journals Freny T. Brahmakshatriya, Bhanu R. Solanki and Archana Mankad
May 2022

Title: Evaluation of the effects of organic and inorganic fertilizers on Capsicum annuum L.

Journal: International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest

ISSN: E -ISSN 2583 3995

Volume (issue): 1 (1)

Language: English

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56588/iabcd.v1i1.10

Publisher International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest

Journals Gayatri B Jeediya, Sanjukta Rajhans, Himanshu Pandya, and Archana Mankad
May 2022

Title: Bioactivity of cinnamon essential oil.

Journal: International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest

ISSN: E -ISSN 2583 3995

Volume (issue): 1 (1)

Language: English

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56588/iabcd.v1i1.15

Publisher International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest

Journals Deep R. Darji, Palak Sapra, and Archana Mankad
May 2022

Title: Cost effective micropropagation of Polyscias fruticosa

Journal: International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest

ISSN: E -ISSN 2583 3995

Volume (issue): 1 (1)

Language: English

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56588/iabcd.v1i1.16

Publisher International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest

Journals Dhruv Pandya, Archana Mankad and Himanshu Pandya
May 2022

Title: Estimation of Protein metabolites during postharvest shelf life of Tithonia rotundifolia Blake.

Journal: International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest

ISSN: E -ISSN 2583 3995

Volume (issue): 1 (1)

Language: English


Publisher International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest

Journals Ruby Patel and Archana Mankad
May 2022

Title: Current and future projections of rise in vector borne diseases due to climate change in India.

Journal: International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest

ISSN: E -ISSN 2583 3995

Volume (issue): 1 (1)

Language: English

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56588/iabcd.v1i1.25

Publisher International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest

Journals Dipal Patel, Dhara Rajput and Archana Mankad
May 2022

Title: A review on Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal as an important ayurveda plant

Journal: International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest

ISSN: E -ISSN 2583 3995

Volume (issue): 1 (1)

Language: English

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56588/iabcd.v1i1.28

Publisher International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest

Journals Dhruv Pandya, Archana Mankad and Himanshu Pandya
May 2021

Title: A review on study of Plant species grown by methods of Hydroponics

Journal: IJCRT

ISSN: ISSN : 2320-2882

Volume (issue): 9 (5)

Language: English


Publisher IJCRT

Journals Aanal Maitreya & Archana Mankad
May 2021

Title: Inhibitory efficacy of selected herbal powders on Chapatti

Journal: Research and reviews: Journal of Environmental sciences

ISSN: --

Volume (issue): 3 (2)

Language: English

DOI: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4775228

Publisher Research and reviews: Journal of Environmental sciences

Journals Deep R. Darji, Palak Sapra , Archana Mankad
May 2021

Title: The grasslands of Bhavnagar: A review

Journal: International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences

ISSN: Online ISSN: 2664-7133, Print

Volume (issue): 3 (2)

Language: English


Publisher International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences

Journals Krishna Gadhvi* Dhruv Pandya, Himanshu Pandya, Archana Mankad
May 2019

Title: Municipal Solid waste management in Surat: characteristic and proximate analysis.

Journal: IJRAR

ISSN: E-ISSN 2348-1269

Volume (issue): 6 (2)

Language: English


Publisher IJRAR

Journals Sanjay Jain, Archana Mankad, Kunal Shah and Dhruv Pandya
May 2019

Title: Review on the Phytoconstitutents in selected ornamentals belonging to Bignoniaceae.

Journal: Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research,

ISSN: ISSN:2349-516

Volume (issue): 6 (5)

Language: English


Publisher Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research,

Journals Ancy J. Fernandes and Dr. Archana Mankad
May 2018

Title: Phytochemical mediated stimulation of ferulic acid using Beta vulgaris Linn. extract in Foeniculum vulgare Mill

Journal: Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

ISSN: E-ISSN: 2349-8234

Volume (issue): 7 (3)

Language: English


Publisher Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Journals S. Rajhans, Ancy Fernandez and Archana Mankad
Mar 2022

Title: Seaweed-more than just a weed: A Review

Journal: IJCSPUB

ISSN: ISSN 2250-1770

Volume (issue): 12 (1)

Language: English


Publisher IJCSPUB

Journals Chanchal L.Nakhuva, Ashish J Bhatt, and Archana Mankad
Mar 2022

Title: A review on cut flowers and post harvest technology

Journal: JETIR

ISSN: ISSN : 2349-5162

Volume (issue): 9 (3)

Language: English


Publisher JETIR

Journals Aditi J.Malaviya, Milan Vala , Archana Mankad
Mar 2022

Title: A review on cut flowers and post harvest technology

Journal: JETIR

ISSN: ISSN : 2349-5162

Volume (issue): 9 (3)

Language: English


Publisher JETIR

Journals Aditi J.Malaviya, Milan Vala , Archana Mankad
Mar 2022

Title: A review on cut flowers and post harvest technology

Journal: JETIR

ISSN: ISSN : 2349-5162

Volume (issue): 9 (3)

Language: English


Publisher JETIR

Journals Aditi J.Malaviya, Milan Vala , Archana Mankad
Mar 2022

Title: Review on phytoremediation: Environment friendly techniques to clean environment.

Journal: International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences

ISSN: ISSN 2664-7133

Volume (issue): 4 (1)

Language: English


Publisher International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences

Journals Brilisha Joddha, Dhruv Pandya, Himanshu Pandya and Archana Mankad
Mar 2022

Title: Salt Stress effects on Plant growth- A review

Journal: International Journal of Creative research thoughts

ISSN: ISSN 2664-7133

Volume (issue): 10 (4)

Language: English


Publisher International Journal of Creative research thoughts

Journals Vrunda Bhanderi, Bhanu R. Solanki and Archana Mankad
Mar 2022

Title: Review on phytoremediation: Environment friendly techniques to clean environment

Journal: .International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences

ISSN: ISSN 2664-7133

Volume (issue): 4 (1)

Language: English


Publisher International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences

Journals Brilisha Joddha, Dhruv Pandya, Himanshu Pandya and Archana Mankad
Mar 2022

Title: A review on cut flowers and post harvest technology

Journal: JETIR

ISSN: ISSN : 2349-5162

Volume (issue): 9 (3)

Language: English


Publisher JETIR

Journals Aditi J.Malaviya, Milan Vala and Archana Mankad
Mar 2022

Title: Seaweed-more than just a weed: A Review

Journal: IJCSPUB

ISSN: ISSN 2250-1770

Volume (issue): 12 (1)

Language: English


Publisher IJCSPUB

Journals Chanchal L.Nakhuva, Ashish J Bhatt and Archana Mankad
Mar 2022


Journal: Towards Excellence

ISSN: 0974 035X

Volume (issue): 14 (1)

Language: English


Publisher Gujarat University

Journals Bhavsar, Manasi, Naman Mangukia, Archana Mankad, and Toral Manvar
Mar 2021

Title: In-vitro Evaluation of the Inhibitory Effect of Selected Natural Essential Oils on Different Samples.

Journal: IJCRT

ISSN: ISSN: 2320-2882

Volume (issue): 9 (3)

Language: English

DOI: --

Publisher IJCRT

Journals Deep R. Darji, Palak Sapra and Archana Mankad
Mar 2021

Title: Horticulture schemes and benefits of farmers : A review

Journal: IJCRT

ISSN: ISSN : 2320-2882

Volume (issue): 9 (3)

Language: English


Publisher IJCRT

Journals Kachhad Aratiben, Prerak Gondaliya, Archana Mankad, Charvi Pandya & Bipin Rathod
Mar 2021

Title: Acid Rain- A review

Journal: IJCRT

ISSN: ISSN : 2320-2882

Volume (issue): 9 (4)

Language: English


Publisher IJCRT

Journals Amrita Kadchha, Charvi Pandya & Archana Mankad
Mar 2020

Title: A review on Prosopis cineraria as an important plant of arid regions of India.

Journal: EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research

ISSN: ISSN 2455-3662

Volume (issue): 6 (3)

Language: English


Publisher EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research

Journals Shambhu Vyas, Dhruv Pandya and Archana Mankad
Mar 2020

Title: FTIR spectroscopic studies on Latex of Plumeria rubra- comparative analysis of functional group after extraction.

Journal: World Journal of Pharmaceutical research

ISSN: ISSN 2277-7105

Volume (issue): 6 (3)

Language: English

DOI: 10.20959/wjpr20202-16766

Publisher --

Journals Mananki Patel, Sanjukta Rajhans, Himanshu Pandya and Archana Mankad
Mar 2020

Title: Phytochemicals of Jatropha gossypiifolia L.: A review

Journal: International Journal of innovative Science and research technology

ISSN: ISSN 2456- 2165

Volume (issue): 5 (1)

Language: English

DOI: --

Publisher --

Journals Reetu Dubey, Sanjukta Rajhans, and Archana Mankad
Mar 2020

Title: Cultivation of Oyster Mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus) using Bio-fertilizers to enhance yield: A review

Journal: International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering & Management

ISSN: E-ISSN: 2456-2033

Volume (issue): 6 (1)

Language: English


Publisher International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering & Management

Journals Pinky Agrawal, Anjali Shukla, Archana Mankad, Nainesh Modi
Mar 2019

Title: Antimicrobial activity of methanolic extracts of leaves of Nerium indicum L.

Journal: CJMR

ISSN: ISSN 0975-6876

Volume (issue): 6 (3)

Language: English


Publisher CJMR

Journals Dhruv Pandya, Himanshu Pandya and Archana Mankad
Mar 2019

Title: Modelling the Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) of an Indian Mangrove vegetation

Journal: Environment and Ecology

ISSN: ISSN NO. 0970-0420

Volume (issue): 37 (1)

Language: English


Publisher Environment and Ecology

Journals Kripa M K, Ankit Gohel, Nikhil Lele, Archana U Mankad and T V R Murthy
Mar 2013

Title: Shoot multiplication of Bignonia venusta L. through axillary bud. Life sciences leaflets

Journal: Life sciences leaflets

ISSN: ISSN 2277-4297

Volume (issue): 1 (2)

Language: English


Publisher Life sciences leaflets

Journals Ruby Patel, YogeshKumar Patel, Yogesh Jasrai and Archana Mankad
Mar 2013

Title: Climbers in urban setup-Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar

Journal: Life sciences leaflets

ISSN: ISSN 2277-4297

Volume (issue): 2 (1)

Language: English


Publisher Life sciences leaflets

Journals Ruby Patel, YogeshKumar Patel and Archana Mankad,
Mar 2010

Title: Effect of storage temperatures on vigour and vitality of Cenchrus ciliaris seeds.

Journal: Range Management and Agroforestry

ISSN: ISSN 0971-2070

Volume (issue): 31 (2)

Language: English


Publisher Range Management Society of India

Journals Rajkumari Parwani and Archana Mankad,
Mar 2004

Title: Histochemical studies on shoot apex of Carrot during evocation.

Journal: J. of “Current Biosciences

ISSN: --

Volume (issue): 3 (2)

Language: English


Publisher J. of “Current Biosciences

Journals Archana Mankad and A.B.Vora
Jun 2021

Title: Study of selected vertical gardens of Ahmedabad city

Journal: International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences

ISSN: ISSN: 2664-7133

Volume (issue): 3 (2)

Language: English


Publisher International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences

Journals Mobin Payak* , Dhruv Pandya, Archana Mankad, Himanshu Pandya
Jun 2021

Title: Preservative Efficacy of Selected Essential Oils on Strawberry

Journal: Journal of Advances in Nanotechnology and its Applications

ISSN: --

Volume (issue): 3 (1)

Language: English

DOI: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4896355

Publisher Journal of Advances in Nanotechnology and its Applications

Journals Deep R. Darji , Palak Sapra and Archana Mankad
Jun 2021

Title: Bioactivity of Thymus Essential Oil

Journal: Journal of Advances in Nanotechnology and its Applications

ISSN: --

Volume (issue): 3 (1)

Language: English

DOI: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4892474

Publisher Journal of Advances in Nanotechnology and its Applications

Journals Deep R. Darji, Palak Sapra and Archana Mankad
Jun 2020

Title: A review on different Pharmacological & biological activities of Azadirachta indica A. Jusm. And Melia azedarach L

Journal: Journal of Plant Science Research

ISSN: E-ISSN 0976 3880

Volume (issue): 36 (1)

Language: English

DOI: DOI: 10.32381/jpsr.2020.36.1-2.7

Publisher Journal of Plant Science Research

Journals Bhavna Singh, Dhruv Pandya and Archana Mankad
Jun 2019

Title: Aspergillus flavus: A fungi that grows on LDPE

Journal: International journal of Scientific Research and review

ISSN: ISSN 2279-543X

Volume (issue): 8 (6)

Language: English


Publisher International journal of Scientific Research and review

Journals Suhani Parekh and Archana Mankad
Jun 2019

Title: Aspergillus nidulans as a fungi that grows on low density Polythene

Journal: Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative research

ISSN: ISSN 2349-5162

Volume (issue): 6 (6)

Language: English


Publisher Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative research

Journals Suhani Parekh and Archana Mankad
Jul 2020

Title: In-Vitro Plant production approach to increase heavy metal stress tolerance capacity of Polyscias fruticose

Journal: Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communication

ISSN: ISSN 2321-4007

Volume (issue): 13 (3)

Language: English

DOI: 10.21786/bbrc/13.3/69

Publisher --

Journals Dhruv Pandya, Archana Mankad and Himanshu Pandya
Jul 2019

Title: Comparative Phytochemical Screening of Leaves and Fruits of Moringa oleifera L.

Journal: International journal of basic and applied research

ISSN: ISSN 2249-3352 (P) 2278-0505 (E)

Volume (issue): 9 (3)

Language: English


Publisher International journal of basic and applied research

Journals Megha Lodha, Dhruv Pandya, Archana Mankad and Himanshu Pandya
Jul 2019

Title: Seasonal dynamics in the leaf chlorophyll content of the major mangrove species of Pichavaram

Journal: International Journal of Science & Engineering

ISBN: --

Language: English


Publisher International Journal of Science & Engineering

Proceedings Kripa M K, Hari Nivas A, Nikhil Lele, Thangaradjou T, Archana U Mankad, T V R Murthy
Jan 2022

Title: Phytoremediation: An innovative perspective for reclaiming contaminated environment using ornamental plants

Journal: WJARR

ISSN: eISSN: 2581-9615

Volume (issue): 13 (2)

Language: English

DOI: DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.13.2.0088

Publisher WJARR

Journals Kirti Pandya, Sanjukta Rajhans, Himanshu Pandya and Archana Mankad
Jan 2022

Title: Phytoremediation: An innovative perspective for reclaiming contaminated environment using ornamental plants

Journal: WJARR

ISSN: eISSN: 2581-9615

Volume (issue): 13 (2)

Language: English

DOI: DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.13.2.0088

Publisher WJARR

Journals Kirti Pandya, Sanjukta Rajhans, Himanshu Pandya and Archana Mankad
Jan 2021

Title: A remote sensing approach to assess the Biodiversity of Indian mangroves

Journal: Biodiversity

ISSN: --

Volume (issue): 21 (4)

Language: English

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/14888386.2020.1843540

Publisher Taylor & Francis online

Journals Kripa M K, Nikhil Lele, Muktipada Panda, Susanta Kumar Das, Hari Nivas A, Niranjan Divakaran, Apoorva Sawant, Sankrita Naik-Gaonkar, A K Pattnaik, R N Samal, T Thangaradjou, A Saravanakumar, Bernard F
Jan 2020

Title: Cultivation of Oyster Mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus) using Bio-fertilizers to enhance yield: A review

Journal: International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering & Management

ISSN: E-ISSN: 2456-2033

Volume (issue): 6 (1)

Language: English


Publisher International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering & Management

Journals . Pinky Agrawal, Anjali Shukla, Archana Mankad, Nainesh Modi
Jan 2020

Title: Review on greenwalls, a sustainable urban landscaping feature

Journal: International Journal of Recent Scientific Research

ISSN: ISSN 0976-3031

Volume (issue): 11 (1)

Language: English


Publisher International Journal of Recent Scientific Research

Journals Aarki Thakor*, Dhruv Pandya and Archana Mankad
Jan 2020

Title: Review on Soilless method of cultivation: Hydroponics

Journal: International Journal of Recent Scientific Research

ISSN: ISSN 0976-3031

Volume (issue): 11 (1)

Language: English


Publisher International Journal of Recent Scientific Research

Journals Jemima Macwan, Dhruv Pandya Himanshu Pandya and Archana Mankad
Jan 2020

Title: Review on greenwalls, a sustainable urban landscaping feature.

Journal: International Journal of Recent Scientific Research

ISSN: 0976-3031

Volume (issue): 11 (11)

Language: English


Publisher International Journal of Recent Scientific Research

Journals Aarki Thakor*, Dhruv Pandya and Dr Archana Mankad
Jan 2020

Title: Common Poisonous plants of Gujarat : A review.

Journal: World Journal of Pharmaceutical research

ISSN: ISSN 2277-7105

Volume (issue): 9 (2)

Language: English

DOI: 10.20959/wjpr20202-16766

Publisher --

Journals Mananki Patel, Sanjukta Rajhans, Himanshu Pandya and Archana Mankad
Jan 2020

Title: Review on Soilless method of cultivation: Hydroponics

Journal: International Journal of Recent Scientific Research

ISSN: 0976-3031

Volume (issue): 1 (11)

Language: English


Publisher International Journal of Recent Scientific Research

Journals Jemima Macwan, Dhruv Pandya Himanshu Pandya and Archana Mankad
Jan 2020

Title: A review on Prosopis cineraria as ann important plant of arid regions of India.EPRA

Journal: International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research

ISSN: 2455-3662

Volume (issue): 3 (6)

Language: English

DOI: Doi: 10.36713/epra2013

Publisher EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research

Journals Shambhu Vyas, Dhruv Pandya and Archana Mankad
Jan 2019

Title: A review on chemical composition and pharmacological properties of Cocos nucifera (L) oil and water.

Journal: Annals of Plant Sciences

ISSN: 2287-688X

Volume (issue): 8 (8)

Language: English

DOI: doi.org/10.21746/aps.2019.8.8.2

Publisher Annals of Plant Sciences

Journals Reetu Dubey, Sanjukta Rajhans, Dhruv Pandya. Archana U Mankad
Jan 2019

Title: Comparative phytoremediation potential of in vitro and in vivo plantlets of Catharanthus roseus L

Journal: IJRAR

ISSN: ISSN2348-1269

Volume (issue): 6 (1)

Language: English


Publisher IJRAR

Journals Dhruv Pandya, Archana Mankad and Himanshu Pandya
Jan 2019

Title: Foeniculum vulgare Mill. And ferulic acid- physiological relation

Journal: IJRAR

ISSN: E-ISSN2348-1269

Volume (issue): 6 (1)

Language: English


Publisher IJRAR

Journals Sanjukta Rajhans , Ancy Josephalex Fernandes, Archana U Mankad, Himanshu A Pandya
Jan 2019

Title: DPPH assay of selected ornamentals of Apocyanaceae.

Journal: IJSRR

ISSN: ISSN: 2279-0543

Volume (issue): 8 (1)

Language: English


Publisher IJSRR

Journals Ancy Fernandez and Archana Mankad
Jan 2019

Title: Comparative Phytochemical screening of leaves and flowers of Thevetia peruviana L.

Journal: International Journal of Scientific Research and Review

ISSN: ISSN NO. 2279-543X

Volume (issue): 8 (1)

Language: English


Publisher International Journal of Scientific Research and Review

Journals Rajan Jani, Dhruv Pandya, Archana Mankad, Himanshu Pandya
Jan 2019

Title: Screening of diverse phytochemicals with Aurora Kinase C protein: An In Silico approach.

Journal: Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics

ISSN: ISSN 2250 1177

Volume (issue): 9 (1)

Language: English


Publisher Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics

Journals Pandya, P. N., Mankad, A. U., Rawal, R. M., & Prasanth, K. S
Jan 2019

Title: Molecular Dynamics of A Biglycan-Rosmarinic Acid Complex with Focal Adhesion Kinase for Possible Arrest of Metastasis in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC): An In- Silico Study

Journal: Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics

ISSN: ISSN 2250 1177

Volume (issue): 9 (1)

Language: English


Publisher Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics, 9(1): 67-74. (ISSN 2250 1177)

Journals Hyacinth Highland, Monica Thakur, Pujan Pandya, Archana Mankad, Linz-Buoy George
Jan 2018

Title: Molecular docking based screening of Noggin Inhibitors.

Journal: Bioinformation

ISSN: ISSN 0973 2063

Volume (issue): 14 (1)

Language: English


Publisher Bioinformation

Journals Sindhura Gudipati, Ravi Muttineni, Archana Uday Mankad, Himanshu Aniruddha Pandya,Yogesh Trilokinath Jasrai
Jan 2018

Title: Murraya koenigii Spreng.-A plant with blessings

Journal: Vidya

ISSN: ISSN 2321-1520

Volume (issue): 1 (1)

Language: English


Publisher Vidya

Journals Jatav Rinki, Ancy Fernandez and Archana Mankad
Jan 2018

Title: Phytochemical screening and evaluation of leaves of Citrus limon (L.)

Journal: Vidya

ISSN: ISSN 2321-1520

Volume (issue): 1 (1)

Language: English


Publisher Vidya

Journals Palak Sapra, Shirin Qureshi, Archana Mankad and Hitesh Solanki
Jan 2018

Title: Effect of copper on soil, growth and metabolites in Spinacia oleracea L.

Journal: Vidya

ISSN: ISSN 2321-1520

Volume (issue): 1 (1)

Language: English


Publisher Vidya

Journals Vinal Patel, Deepti Sharma, Suhani Parekh and Archana Mankad
Jan 2018

Title: Qualitative screening of selected onion varieties.

Journal: Global Journal for Research Analysis

ISSN: ISSN:2277-8160,

Volume (issue): 7 (1)

Language: English


Publisher Global Journal for Research Analysis

Journals S. Jayswal, A. Fernandes and A. Mankad
Jan 2017

Title: Phytochemistry and therapeutic uses of Allium sativum L as a medicinal plant

Journal: Vidya

ISSN: ISSN 2321-1520

Volume (issue): 2 (2)

Language: English


Publisher Vidya

Journals Kevat Seema R.,Shirin Qureshi, H.A.Solanki, Archana U. Mankad and Bharat Maitreya
Jan 2017

Title: Phytochemical screening and evaluation of rhizome of Curcuma longa L.

Journal: Vidya

ISSN: ISSN 2321-1520

Volume (issue): 2 (2)

Language: English


Publisher Vidya

Journals Miti Pancholi, Shirin Qureshi, Archana U. Mankad, Hitesh Solanki
Jan 2017

Title: Effect of water stress on the alkaloid content of Catharanthes roseus L.

Journal: Vidya

ISSN: ISSN 2321-1520

Volume (issue): 2 (2)

Language: English


Publisher Vidya

Journals Dhruv Pandya, Ancy Fernandez, Archana Mankad, Himanshu Pandya
Jan 2017

Title: Cadmium Accumulation and Its Effects on Growth and Biochemical Parameters in Tagetes erecta L

Journal: Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

ISSN: 2278-4136

Volume (issue): 6 (3)

Language: English


Publisher Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Journals Kuntal Shah, A. U. Mankad, M.N.Reddy
Jan 2017

Title: Lead Accumulation and its Effects on Growth and Biochemical Parameters in Tagetes erecta L

Journal: Int. J. Life. Sci. Scienti. Res.

ISSN: 2455-1716

Volume (issue): 3 (4)

Language: English


Publisher Int. J. Life. Sci. Scienti. Res.

Journals Kuntal Shah, A. U. Mankad, M. N. Reddy
Jan 2016

Title: In Silico MicroRNA Identification from Stevia rebaudiana Transcriptome Assembly

Journal: European Journal of Medicinal Plants

ISSN: 2231-0894

Volume (issue): 15 (2)

Language: English


Publisher European Journal of Medicinal Plants

Journals Aditya Mehta, Hemant Gupta , Rakesh Rawal , Archana Mankad , Tanushree Tiwari , Maulik Patel and Arpita Ghosh
Jan 2016

Title: Effect of chemical preservative on water relation and vase-life of Tithonia rotundifolia Blake Cut f

Journal: Annals of Biological Research

ISSN: 0976-1233

Volume (issue): 7 (1)

Language: English


Publisher Annals of Biological Research

Journals Ruby Patel , Aarti Thakkar and Archana Mankad
Jan 2016

Title: Effect of ethylene on petal senescence

Journal: Annals of biological Research

ISSN: 0976-1233

Volume (issue): 7 (5)

Language: English


Publisher Annals of biological Research

Journals Ruby Patel, Archana Mankad, Aarti Thakkar, Vibha Bhingradiya, Rinkal Mulani and Shivangi Mathur
Jan 2016

Title: Nutrient Management for enhanced growth of Catharanthus roseus L

Journal: International Applied Biologicals Computational Digest

ISSN: --

Volume (issue): 1 (1)

Language: English


Publisher International Applied Biologicals Computational Digest

Journals Jahnavi Pandya and Archana Mankad
Jan 2016

Title: In vitro shoot multiplication of Stevia rebaudiana (bert) through plant tissue culture

Journal: Int. J. Adv. Res.

ISSN: 2320-5407

Volume (issue): 4 (11)

Language: English


Publisher Int. J. Adv. Res.

Journals Vibha Bhingradiya, Archana Mankad, Ruby Patel and Shivangi Mathur
Jan 2016

Title: Stratification, mapping and quantification of major grass on Bedia Bet including Paleoclimatology in Great Rann of Kachchh

Journal: International Association of biological and computational digest

ISSN: --

Volume (issue): 1 (1)

Language: English


Publisher International Association of biological and computational digest

Journals Desai Nirmal, Mankad Archana and Jasrai Yogesh
Jan 2015

Title: Role of Bio-fertilizer in sustainable agriculture

Journal: Vidya

ISSN: ISSN 2321-1520

Volume (issue): 1 (1)

Language: English


Publisher Vidya

Journals Ruby Patel, Nimisha Patel and Archana Mankad
Jan 2015

Title: The effect of music on physico-chemical parameters of selected Plants

Journal: The International Journal of Plant , animal and environmental sciences.

ISSN: 2231-4490

Volume (issue): 5 (1)

Language: English


Publisher The International Journal of Plant , animal and environmental sciences.

Journals Deepti Sharma, Urvi Gupta, Ancy J Fernandes, Archana Mankad and Hitesh A. Solanki
Jan 2015

Title: Phenolics and Petal Senescence in Uncut Flower Petals of Tithonia rotundifolia Blake

Journal: Int. J. of Sci. and Res.

ISSN: 2319-7064

Volume (issue): 4 (7)

Language: English


Publisher Int. J. of Sci. and Res.

Journals Ruby Patel, Archana Mankad
Jan 2015

Title: Antioxidant potentials in leaves of Kigelia, Thespesia, Eucalyptus, Peltophorum and Azadirachta

Journal: International journal of advances in Pharmacy, biology and chemistry

ISSN: 2277- 4688

Volume (issue): 4 (3)

Language: English


Publisher International journal of advances in Pharmacy, biology and chemistry

Journals A. J. Fernandes, U. Gupta, D. Sharma, A. U. Mankad and H. A. Solanki
Jan 2014

Title: In vitro Pollen germination-A review

Journal: International Journal of Science and Research

ISSN: 2319-7064

Volume (issue): 3 (5)

Language: English


Publisher International Journal of Science and Research

Journals Ruby Patel and Archana Mankad
Jan 2014

Title: Effect of Gibberellins on Seed Germination of Tithonia rotundifolia Blake

Journal: IJIRSET,

ISSN: 2319-8753

Volume (issue): 3 (3)

Language: English


Publisher IJIRSET,

Journals Ruby G Patel and Archana U Mankad
Jan 2014

Title: Role of Total Protein in Petal Senecence of Chrysanthemum coronarium L. Uncut Flower Petals

Journal: International Research Journal of Humanities, Engineering and Pharmaceutical science.

ISSN: 2230-2955

Volume (issue): 2 (8)

Language: English


Publisher International Research Journal of Humanities, Engineering and Pharmaceutical science.

Journals Ruby G Patel, Yogesh B Patel and Archana U Mankad
Jan 2013

Title: Petal senescence in uncut Tithonia rotundifolia Blake : Role of Starch

Journal: International Journal of Scientific Research

ISSN: 2277-8179

Volume (issue): 2 (5)

Language: English


Publisher International Journal of Scientific Research

Journals Ruby Patel, Renuka Desai and Archana Mankad
Jan 2013

Title: Changes in sugars during Petal Senescence in cut flowers of Cosmos

Journal: Phytomorphology

ISSN: 0031-9449

Volume (issue): 63 (3)

Language: English


Publisher International society of plant morphologists

Journals Goral Jani and Archana Mankad
Jan 2012

Title: Efect of insecticides on pollen germination and pollen tube growth of Datura metel L

Journal: Research analysis and evaluation

ISSN: 075-3486

Volume (issue): 3 (34)

Language: English


Publisher Research analysis and evaluation

Journals Mital Katara and Archana Mankad
Jan 2012

Title: In vitro pollen germination of Datura metel L.1.Effect of sucrose

Journal: Research analysis and evaluation

ISSN: 075-3486

Volume (issue): 3 (35)

Language: English


Publisher Research analysis and evaluation

Journals Mital Katara and Archana Mankad
Jan 2012

Title: In vitro pollen germination of Datura metel L.1.Effect of Boric acid

Journal: Research analysis and evaluation

ISSN: 075-3486

Volume (issue): 4 (44)

Language: English


Publisher Research analysis and evaluation

Journals Mital Katara and Archana Mankad
Jan 2012

Title: Petal senescence in cut Tagetes erecta L. flowers: Role of phenolics

Journal: International Journal of Science ,Environment and Technology

ISSN: 2277-663X

Volume (issue): 1 (5)

Language: English


Publisher International Journal of Science ,Environment and Technology

Journals Renuka Desai, Ruby Patel and Archana Mankad
Jan 2012

Title: Seasonal impact on biomass production of Cenchrus ciliaris grass

Journal: International journal of drug discovery and herbal research

ISSN: 2231 – 6078

Volume (issue): 2 (2)

Language: English


Publisher International journal of drug discovery and herbal research

Journals Rajkumari Parwani and Archana Mankad
Jan 2012

Title: Sugar metabolism during ray floret senescence in uncut Tithonia rotundifolia Blake

Journal: Bioscience Guardian (International Journal)

ISSN: 2277 - 9493

Volume (issue): 2 (2)

Language: English


Publisher Bioscience Guardian (International Journal)

Journals Ruby Patel, Renuka Desai and Archana Mankad
Jan 2012

Title: Petal senescence in uncut Tithonia rotundifolia Blake:1. Role of Total Protein

Journal: Bioscience Guardian (International Journal)

ISSN: 2277 - 9493

Volume (issue): 2 (2)

Language: English


Publisher Bioscience Guardian (International Journal)

Journals Ruby Patel, Renuka Desai and Archana Mankad
Jan 2012

Title: Petal senescence in uncut Tagetes erecta L. flowers: Role of phenolics.

Journal: Bioscience Guardian (International Journal)

ISSN: 2277-9493

Volume (issue): 2 (2)

Language: English


Publisher Bioscience Guardian (International Journal)

Journals Renuka Desai, Ruby Patel and Archana Mankad
Jan 2011

Title: Effect of pH on pollen germination and pollen tube growth in Crinum asiaticum L

Journal: Bioscience Guardian(International Journal)

ISSN: 2284 - 9493

Volume (issue): 1 (2)

Language: English


Publisher Bioscience Guardian(International Journal)

Journals Renuka Desai and Archana Mankad
Jan 2010

Title: Role of Boron on in vitro pollen germination and tube growth in Crinum asiaticum L

Journal: Int. J. of Bioscience Reporter

ISSN: 2283 - 9493

Volume (issue): 8 (1)

Language: English


Publisher Int. J. of Bioscience Reporter

Journals Renuka Desai and Archana Mankad
Jan 2007

Title: Vase life and quality of Zinnia elegans cut flowers as influenced by holding solutions

Journal: Int. J. of “Bioscience Reporter”

ISSN: 2280 - 9493

Volume (issue): 1 (5)

Language: English


Publisher Int. J. of “Bioscience Reporter”

Journals Goral Jani and Archana Mankad
Jan 2007

Title: Vase life and quality of Cosmos bipinnatus Cav. cut flowers as influenced by different concentration

Journal: Int. J. of “Bioscience Reporter”

ISSN: 2281 - 9493

Volume (issue): 5 (1)

Language: English


Publisher Int. J. of “Bioscience Reporter”

Journals Goral Jani and Archana Mankad
Jan 2007

Title: Effect of some chemical preservatives on post harvest management of cut flowers of Cosmos bipinnatus

Journal: Int. J. of “Bioscience Reporter"

ISSN: 2282 - 9493

Volume (issue): 5 (2)

Language: English


Publisher Int. J. of “Bioscience Reporter”

Journals Goral Jani and Archana Mankad
Jan 2006

Title: Effect of chemicals and Post harvest shelf life of Cosmos bipinnatus and Centaurea moschata cut flow

Journal: International Journal of Bioscience Reporter

ISSN: 2278 - 9493

Volume (issue): 4 (1)

Language: English


Publisher International Journal of Bioscience Reporter

Journals Dipali Parmar and Archana Mankad
Jan 2006

Title: Studies on post harvest shelf life of cut flowers of Cosmos bipinnatus cav. using sucrose as the pre

Journal: Int. J. of “Bioscience Reporter"

ISSN: 2279 - 9493

Volume (issue): 4 (2)

Language: English


Publisher Int. J. of “Bioscience Reporter"

Journals Goral Jani and Archana Mankad
Jan 2005

Title: Response in growth of Zinnia elegans to foliar application of GA3 and MH(Maleic Hydrazide)

Journal: Int. J. of “Bioscience Reporter”

ISSN: 2277-9493

Volume (issue): 4 (1)

Language: English


Publisher Int. J. of “Bioscience Reporter”

Journals Goral Jani and Archana Mankad
Jan 2005

Title: Boron needs for pollen germination of some Garden plants

Journal: Int .J. of “Bioscience Reporter”

ISSN: 2277 - 9493

Volume (issue): 3 (1)

Language: English


Publisher Int .J. of “Bioscience Reporter”

Journals Zankhana Rathod and Archana Mankad
Jan 2005

Title: Effect of chemicals on Post harvest shelf life of Helianthus annuus cut flowers.

Journal: Journal of Current Biosciences

ISSN: --

Volume (issue): 2 (1)

Language: English


Publisher . Journal of Current Biosciences

Journals Mamta Jogani and Archana Mankad,
Jan 2003

Title: Effect of certain chemicals on Gaillardia and Dianthus chinensis flowers

Journal: Journal of Ornamental Horticulture

ISSN: 0972-0499

Volume (issue): 6 (2)

Language: English


Publisher Journal of Ornamental Horticulture

Journals Switu Parikh and Archana Mankad
Jan 2002

Title: Studies on Post harvest shelf life of cut Chrysanthemum indicum and Tagetes erecta flowers

Journal: Indian Journal of Plant Physiology

ISSN: 0019-5502

Volume (issue): 7 (3)

Language: English


Publisher Indian Society of Plant Physiology

Journals Avnika Patel and Archana Mankad
Jan 2001

Title: Studies on ageing of Rose (Rosa hybrida L) cv Gladiator –1

Journal: Journal of Indian Botanical society

ISSN: 0091-4468

Volume (issue): 80 (3)

Language: English


Publisher Indian Botanical society

Journals Archana Mankad
Jan 2001

Title: Studies on effect of GA3 on Carrot root.1.Protein and Amino acid content

Journal: Journal of Indian Botanical society

ISSN: 0091-4468

Volume (issue): 80 (3)

Language: English


Publisher Indian Botanical society

Journals Archana Mankad and A.B.Vora
Jan 1998

Title: Flowering behaviour of carrot cv Early Nantes under the influence of GA3 treatment

Journal: Journal of Indian Botanical society

ISSN: 0091-4468

Volume (issue): 77 (3)

Language: English


Publisher Journal of Indian Botanical society

Journals Archana Mankad and A.B.Vora
Jan 1996

Title: Effect of Photoperiodism and Gibberellic Acid on growth and flowering of Carrot ( Daucus carota L.)

Journal: Indian Journal of Plant Physiology

ISSN: 0019-5502

Volume (issue): 1 (4)

Language: English


Publisher Indian Society of Plant Physiology

Journals Archana Mankad and A.B.Vora
Feb 2023

Title: A novel insight of Picrorhiza kurroa miRNAs in human cystic fibrosis: A transcriptome-wide cross-kingdom study

Journal: Human Gene

ISSN: 2773-0441

Volume (issue): 35 (20)

Language: English

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.humgen.2023.201153

Publisher Human Gene

Journals Trivedi, T. S., Mangukia, N., Bhavsar, M., Mankad, A. U., Rawal, R. M., & Patel, S. K.
Feb 2023

Title: Identification of hub genes associated with human cystic fibrosis: A Meta-analysis approach.

Journal: Human Gene

ISSN: 2773-0441

Volume (issue): 35 (20)

Language: English

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.humgen.2022.201139

Publisher Human Gene

Journals Trivedi, T. S., Bhadresha, K. P., Patel, M. P., Mankad, A. U., Rawal, R. M., & Patel, S. K.
Feb 2021

Title: Nyctanthes Arbor tristis Linn : A Short Review

Journal: World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

ISSN: ISSN : 2278-4357

Volume (issue): 10 (3)

Language: English

DOI: DOI : 10.20959/wjpps20213-18575

Publisher World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Journals Mansi Solanki, Sanjukta Rajhans, Himanshu Pandya , Archana Mankad Archana Mankad
Feb 2021

Title: Bioplastic for future: A review then and now

Journal: World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews

ISSN: e ISSN : 2381-9615

Volume (issue): 9 (2)

Language: English

DOI: DOI: 10.30574/wjarr2021.9.2.0054

Publisher World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews

Journals Manali Shah, Sanjukta Rajhans, Himanshu Pandya ,Archana Mankad
Feb 2020

Title: Anticancer Efficacy of Thevetia peruviana (Pers.) K. Schum. Extracts on Triple Negative Human Breast Cancer Cell Line.

Journal: European Journal of Medicinal Plants

ISSN: ISSN: 2231-0894

Volume (issue): 31 (1)

Language: English


Publisher European Journal of Medicinal Plants

Journals S. Rajhans1 , K. Bhadresha , D. K. Yadav , R. M. Rawal , H. A. Pandya and A. U. Mankad
Feb 2019

Title: A review on Moringa oleifera as an important medicinal plant

Journal: IJRAR

ISSN: E-ISSN 2348-1269

Volume (issue): 6 (1)

Language: English


Publisher IJRAR

Journals Megha Lodha, Dhruv Pandya, Archana Mankad, Himanshu Pandya
Feb 2019

Title: Thevetia peruviana L.as an ornamental as well as medicinal plant.

Journal: IJRAR

ISSN: E-ISSN2348-1269

Volume (issue): 6 (1)

Language: English


Publisher IJRAR

Journals Rajan Jani, Dhruv Pandya, Archana Mankad, Himanshu Pandya
Feb 2019

Title: A review on Allium sativum L. as medicinal plant

Journal: IJRAR

ISSN: E-ISSN2348-1269

Volume (issue): 6 (1)

Language: English


Publisher IJRAR

Journals Anju Wilson, Dhruv Pandya, Archana Mankad, Hitesh Solanki
Feb 2019

Title: Search For A Natural Antagonist Of Hepatocyte Growth Factor Receptor (HGFR) Using Virtual Screening Approach.

Journal: RJLBPCS

ISSN: ISSN 2454 6348

Volume (issue): 5 (1)

Language: English


Publisher RJLBPCS

Journals Nisarg Vyas, Pujan Pandya, Archana Mankad, Dr. Ramtej Verma
Feb 2012

Title: Studies on pollen germination:storage and viability of Datura metel L

Journal: Research Aaj Tak

ISSN: ISSN 2278-2001

Volume (issue): 1 (2)

Language: English


Publisher Research Aaj Tak

Journals Mital Katara and Archana Mankad
Dec 2022

Title: Unraveling the miRnome of Nicotiana rustica (Aztec tobacco)-A Genomewide computational assessment

Journal: Plant Gene

ISSN: 2352-4073

Volume (issue): 32 (1)

Language: English

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plgene.2022.100378

Publisher Plant Gene

Journals Bhavsar Mansi, Naman Mangukia, Saumya Patel, Rakesh Rawal, and Archana Mankad.
Dec 2021

Title: A Comprehensive Review on Capsicum Spp

Journal: IJRAR

ISSN: E ISSN:2348 1269

Volume (issue): 8 (4)

Language: English


Publisher IJRAR

Journals Jeediya Gayatri Bhalabhai, Sanjukta Rajhans, Himanshu Pandya and Archana Mankad
Dec 2019

Title: Penicillim citrinum: The possible rescuer from LDPE waste

Journal: Infokara research

ISSN: ISSN 1021-9056

Volume (issue): 8 (12)

Language: English


Publisher Infokara research

Journals Suhani Parekh and Archana Mankad
Dec 2015

Title: Molecular interaction of selected phytochemicals under the charged environment of Plasmodium falciparum chloroquine (CQ) resistance transporter (PfCRT) model


ISSN: 9763031

Volume (issue): ()




Journals Archana Mankad
Dec 2006

Title: Studies on the effect of Maleic Hydrazide on the post harvest shelf life of cut flowers of Cosmos bipinnatus cav

Journal: National Seminar of Indian Society of Plant Physiology, on “Physiological Interventions for Improved Crop Productivity and Quality : Opportunities and Constraints

ISBN: --

Language: English


Publisher --

Proceedings Goral Jani and Archana Mankad
Dec 2006

Title: Studies on post harvest shelf life of Ipomoea sp. under the influence of various chemicals

Journal: Proc.of the National Seminar on Plant Physiology on ‘Crop productivity and quality improvement through physiological interventions

ISBN: --

Language: English


Publisher --

Proceedings Pratiksha Patel and Archana Mankad
Dec 2003

Title: Role of preservatives in improving Post harvest shelf life of cut flowers.

Journal: National Seminar of Indian Society of Plant Physiology, on “Physiological Interventions for Improved Crop Productivity and Quality : Opportunities and Constraints

ISBN: --

Language: English


Publisher --

Proceedings Archana Mankad
Aug 2020

Title: Effect of Ocimum sanctum L. and Ocimum basilicum L. leaves extracts on the Seed germination of Cicer arietinum L. and Vigna radiata L

Journal: International Journal of Botany Studies

ISSN: ISSN: 2455-541X

Volume (issue): 5 (4)

Language: English

DOI: --

Publisher Gupta Publications

Journals NK Mayank Parmar , Dhruv Pandya , Archana Mankad, Himanshu Pandya
Aug 2018

Title: Effect of water stress on the alkaloid content of Nerium indicum L

Journal: International Journal of Botany Studies

ISSN: ISSN: 2455-541X

Volume (issue): 3 (3)

Language: English


Publisher International Journal of Botany Studies

Journals Dhruv Pandya , Archana Mankad, Himanshu Pandya
Apr 2022

Title: Microgreen Nutrition, Bioactive Components, Cultivation: A Review


ISSN: ISSN: 2456-6683

Volume (issue): 6 (4)

Language: English



Journals Freny T. Brahmakshatriya, Bhanu R. Solanki and Archana Mankad
Apr 2022

Title: Microgreen Nutrition, Bioactive Components, Cultivation: A Review

Journal: International Journal of Research Culture Society

ISSN: ISSN: 2456-6683

Volume (issue): 6 (4)

Language: English

DOI: DOIs:10.2017/IJRCS/202204020

Publisher International Journal of Research Culture Society

Journals Freny T. Brahmakshatriya, Bhanu R. Solanki and Archana Mankad
Apr 2022

Title: Salt Stress effects on Plant growth- A review

Journal: International Journal of Creative research thoughts ( IJCRT)

ISSN: ISSN: 2320-2882

Volume (issue): 10 (4)

Language: English


Publisher International Journal of Creative research thoughts ( IJCRT)

Journals Vrunda Bhanderi, Bhanu R. Solanki and Archana Mankad
Apr 2021

Title: Mercury Toxicity- A review.

Journal: IJARESM

ISSN: ISSN: 2455-6211

Volume (issue): 9 (4)

Language: English


Publisher IJARESM

Journals Amrita Kadchha, Charvi Pandya & Archana Mankad
Apr 2021

Title: Pharmacological activities of Brassica juncea l. - A Review

Journal: World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

ISSN: ISSN 2278 – 4357

Volume (issue): 10 (5)

Language: English

DOI: DOI : 10.20959/wjpps20215-18904

Publisher World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Journals Archana Mankad
Apr 2021

Title: Review on Pharmacological Activities of Terminalia catappa L

Journal: International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM)

ISSN: ISSN: 2455-6211

Volume (issue): 9 (4)

Language: English


Publisher International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM)

Journals Janki Patel , Dhruv Pandya , Archana Mankad , Himanshu Pandya
Apr 2021

Title: Effect of eco-enzymes prepared from selected organic waste on domestic waste water treatment.

Journal: World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews

ISSN: --

Volume (issue): 10 (1)

Language: English

DOI: http://doi.org/10.30574/wjrr.2021.10.1.0159

Publisher World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews

Journals Bharvi S. Patel, Bhanu R. Solanki, Archana Mankad
Apr 2021

Title: A review on utility of eco-enzyme and its effectiveness in treatment of domestic wastewater

Journal: IJRAR

ISSN: E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349

Volume (issue): 8 (2)

Language: English


Publisher IJRAR

Journals Bharvi S. Patel, Bhanu R. Solanki and Archana Mankad
Apr 2021

Title: Production and Utilization of Bioenzyme using Fruits and vegetables peels: A review

Journal: International Journal of recent scientific research

ISSN: ISSN 0976 3031

Volume (issue): 12 (4)

Language: English


Publisher International Journal of recent scientific research

Journals Amee Patoliya, Charvi Pandya and Archana Mankad
Apr 2021

Title: A review on an endemic and threatened plant species of Gujarat-Helichrysum cutchicum.

Journal: International journal of creative research thoughts (IJCRT)

ISSN: ISSN2320-2882

Volume (issue): 9 (4)

Language: English


Publisher International journal of creative research thoughts (IJCRT)

Journals Aumshree Sorathia, Kalpesh Sorathia, Dhruv Pandya, Archana Mankad ,Himanshu Pandya
Apr 2021

Title: Bioactivity of Eucalyptus essential oil

Journal: International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology

ISSN: ISSN No. 2455-2143

Volume (issue): 5 (12)

Language: English


Publisher International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology

Journals Deep R. Darji, Palak Sapra and Archana Mankad
Apr 2020

Title: Preliminary Phytochemical screening , Quantitative estimation of Total Phenolic & Flavonoid content of Jatropha gossypiifolia L.

Journal: Int. J.Phar.Sci. Rev. Res.,

ISSN: ISSN 0976-044X

Volume (issue): 61 (2)

Language: English

DOI: --

Publisher --

Journals Reetu Dubey, Sanjukta Rajhans, and Archana Mankad
Apr 2020

Title: De novo sequencing and transcriptome analysis of Indian Bael (Aegle marmelos L.).

Journal: Gene Reports

ISSN: ISSN 2452-0144.

Volume (issue): 19 (6)

Language: English

DOI: 100671

Publisher Gene Reports

Journals Mohanty P, Ayachit G, Sharma P, Shaikh I, Mohanty JN, Archana Mankad, Pandya H, Das J.
Apr 2019

Title: Effect of Salinity treatment on the proteins, aminoacids and proline contents in Coriandrum sativum L.

Journal: IJICS

ISSN: ISSN 0971-1347

Volume (issue): 6 (4)

Language: English


Publisher IJICS

Journals Snigdha Dixit, Ancy Fernandez and Archana Mankad
Apr 2019

Title: Composition, Characteristics and Proximate analysis of samples of Gandhinagar Municipal Corporation for Solid waste Management

Journal: IJSRR

ISSN: ISSN 2279-543X

Volume (issue): 8 (4)

Language: English


Publisher IJSRR

Journals Sanjay Jain, Archana Mankad, Kunal Shah, Dhruv Pandya
Apr 2019

Title: Spatio-Temporal Variations in Mangrove Vegetation in conjunction with Related Environmental Factors in Pichavaram (India): 1996-2016.

Journal: International Journal of Scientific Research in Biological Sciences

ISSN: E-ISSN: 2347-7520

Volume (issue): 6 (2)

Language: English

DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijsrbs/v6i2.1525

Publisher International Journal of Scientific Research in Biological Sciences

Journals Kripa M K, Ashwini Mudaliar, Nikhil Lele, T V R Murthy, Archana U Mankad
Apr 2019

Title: Biomass productivity of selected palatable grasses.

Journal: Range Management and Agroforestry

ISSN: ISSN 0971-2070

Volume (issue): 30 (2)

Language: English


Publisher Range Management Society of India

Journals Rajkumari Parwani and Archana Mankad,
Apr 2005

Title: Study of Post harvest shelf life of selected ornamentals.

Journal: Journal of Indian Botanical society

ISSN: ISSN 0091-4468

Volume (issue): 84 (1)

Language: English


Publisher Indian Botanical society

Journals Jayesh Trivedi and Archana Mankad


Programme Attended


Title: Incredible Phytohormones

Start Date: 30 Sep, 2021

End Date: 30 Sep, 2021

Organization: Gujarat University Botanicals Society, Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Crime against Women

Start Date: 28 Feb, 2020

End Date: 28 Feb, 2020

Organization: Department of Biochemistry and Forensic Science, Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Participant

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: E flora: Challenges of Digitalisation

Start Date: 27 Sep, 2022

End Date: 27 Sep, 2022

Organization: Gujarat University Botanicals Society, Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: E-Flora

Start Date: 27 Sep, 2022

End Date: 27 Sep, 2022

Organization: Gujarat University Botanicals Society

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Eat right and live healthy

Start Date: 27 Jul, 2022

End Date: 27 Jul, 2022

Organization: Women Development Cell (WDC) & Internal Complaint Committee(ICC), Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: DNA techniques and applications

Start Date: 27 Jul, 2021

End Date: 27 Jul, 2021

Organization: Gujarat University Botanicals Society, Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Exploring our Innate Intelligence

Start Date: 27 Jan, 2023

End Date: 27 Jan, 2023

Organization: Gujarat University Botanicals Society

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: State Level

Programme Attended


Title: Amulya Mulyo

Start Date: 27 Aug, 2021

End Date: 27 Aug, 2021

Organization: Women Development Cell (WDC) & Internal Complaint Committee(ICC), Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Mushroom Cultivation

Start Date: 26 Aug, 2020

End Date: 26 Aug, 2020

Organization: Gujarat University Botanicals Society, Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Polyherbal Formulations

Start Date: 23 Sep, 2022

End Date: 23 Sep, 2022

Organization: Gujarat University Botanicals Society, Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Strengthening Positivity

Start Date: 23 Sep, 2021

End Date: 23 Sep, 2021

Organization: Women Development Cell (WDC) & Internal Complaint Committee(ICC), Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended



Start Date: 23 Oct, 2020

End Date: 23 Oct, 2020

Organization: Gujarat University Botanicals Society, Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Redefining Careers

Start Date: 23 Jul, 2021

End Date: 23 Jul, 2021

Organization: Women Development Cell (WDC) & Internal Complaint Committee(ICC), Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Bharatna Swatantrata Sangramna NaariRatno

Start Date: 23 Dec, 2021

End Date: 23 Dec, 2021

Organization: Women Development Cell (WDC) & Internal Complaint Committee(ICC), Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Plant Variety Rights

Start Date: 22 Sep, 2020

End Date: 22 Sep, 2020

Organization: Gujarat University Botanicals Society, Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Wetlands-Versatile, Valuable and Vulnerable

Start Date: 21 Jan, 2022

End Date: 21 Jan, 2022

Organization: Gujarat University Botanicals Society, Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Wetlands-Versatile, Valuable and Vulnerable

Start Date: 21 Jan, 2022

End Date: 21 Jan, 2022

Organization: Gujarat University Botanicals Society, Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Wetlands-Versatile, Valuable and Vulnerable

Start Date: 21 Jan, 2022

End Date: 21 Jan, 2022

Organization: Gujarat University Botanicals Society, Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Bioinformatics for Healthcare

Start Date: 20 Jan, 2022

End Date: 20 Jan, 2022

Organization: Gujarat University Botanicals Society, Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Plant Identification- Pehchaan Kaun

Start Date: 19 Jan, 2022

End Date: 19 Jan, 2022

Organization: Gujarat University Botanicals Society, Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Millets Awareness, Types, Importance, Climate resilient and economic security

Start Date: 19 Aug, 2022

End Date: 19 Aug, 2022

Organization: Central University of Gujarat

Role of faculty: Invited Speaker

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended

Professional devlopment programme

Title: Investor awareness programme

Start Date: 17 Feb, 2023

End Date: 17 Feb, 2023

Organization: Gujarat University Botanicals Society

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: State Level

Programme Attended


Title: Ozone for Life:36 years of Ozone layer protection

Start Date: 16 Sep, 2021

End Date: 16 Sep, 2021

Organization: We4Nature & Gujarat University Botanicals Society, Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Nurturing Nature-Indoors and Outdoors

Start Date: 15 Sep, 2021

End Date: 15 Sep, 2021

Organization: Gujarat University Botanicals Society, Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended

Short term course

Title: Comprehensive online intellectual property rights (IPR)

Start Date: 06 Jul, 2020

End Date: 14 Sep, 2020

Organization: i-Hub and Education Department

Role of faculty: Participant

Level of Programme: State Level

Programme Attended


Title: Relaxing the Mind

Start Date: 14 Oct, 2022

End Date: 14 Oct, 2022

Organization: Gujarat University Botanicals Society, Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: State Level

Programme Attended


Title: Healthy Oceans and Climate Change

Start Date: 13 Jul, 2021

End Date: 13 Jul, 2021

Organization: Gujarat University Botanicals Society, Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Money matters-Let us Value it

Start Date: 13 Aug, 2021

End Date: 13 Aug, 2021

Organization: Women Development Cell (WDC) & Internal Complaint Committee(ICC), Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Strengthening Research Acumen

Start Date: 12 Sep, 2022

End Date: 12 Sep, 2022

Organization: Women Development Cell (WDC) & Internal Complaint Committee(ICC), Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended

Refresher Course

Title: Biodiversity Today and Tomorrow

Start Date: 12 Jul, 2022

End Date: 12 Jul, 2022

Organization: HRDC, Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Resources person

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Improvisations on growing plants 2020(IGP2020)

Start Date: 11 Sep, 2020

End Date: 11 Sep, 2020

Organization: Gujarat University Botanicals Society, Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Cyber security-Challenges and Threats

Start Date: 09 Jul, 2021

End Date: 09 Jul, 2021

Organization: Women Development Cell (WDC) & Internal Complaint Committee(ICC), Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Technological Interventions in Plants 2020 (TIP 2020)

Start Date: 08 Oct, 2020

End Date: 08 Oct, 2020

Organization: Gujarat University Botanicals Society, Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Jagrut Mahila Surakshit Mahila

Start Date: 07 Oct, 2021

End Date: 07 Oct, 2021

Organization: Women Development Cell (WDC) & Internal Complaint Committee(ICC), Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Intellectual Property Right is your Right

Start Date: 07 Jan, 2022

End Date: 07 Jan, 2022

Organization: Gujarat University Botanicals Society, Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Microbial Biotech Interactions for sustainable Agriculture and Societal Development

Start Date: 06 Feb, 2020

End Date: 07 Feb, 2020

Organization: Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Participant

Level of Programme: International

Programme Attended


Title: Managing Personal Finance

Start Date: 06 Aug, 2022

End Date: 06 Aug, 2022

Organization: Women Development Cell (WDC) & Internal Complaint Committee(ICC), Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Forensic Medicine and Toxicology

Start Date: 04 Mar, 2020

End Date: 04 Mar, 2020

Organization: Department of Biochemistry and Forensic Science, Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Participant

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Sustainable Home Garden

Start Date: 03 Dec, 2020

End Date: 03 Dec, 2020

Organization: UN GLS

Role of faculty: Resources person

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Biodiversity of Gujarat-Then and Now

Start Date: 02 Jul, 2021

End Date: 02 Jul, 2021

Organization: Gujarat University Botanicals Society, Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Amazing Mangroves-A fragile and productive ecosystem

Start Date: 02 Feb, 2022

End Date: 02 Feb, 2022

Organization: Gujarat University Botanicals Society, Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: National

Paper Presented


Title: Tagetes erecta L.: A potential phytoremediant for the soil contaminated with Cadmiun (Cd)

Organization: National Seminar on “ Strategies to Understand Sustainable Utilization of Plant Wealth,” Department of Botany, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad

Date: 29 Sep, 2014

Level of Programme: National

Details: Authors: Kuntal Shah, Archana Mankad and M. N. Reddy

Paper Presented


Title: Role of preservatives in post harvest shelf life of Cosmos sulphureus cav. cut flower.

Organization: National seminar on new frontiers in plant science and biotechnology, Department of Botany, Goa,University

Date: 29 Jan, 2015

Level of Programme: National

Details: Authors : Ruby Patel and Archana Mankad

Paper Presented


Title: Establishment of supply chain for Stevia rebaudiana in Gujarat state

Organization: St. Xavier’s college. Ahmedabad. ·

Date: 29 Dec, 2017

Level of Programme: State Level

Details: Authors:Yask Agnihotri and Archana Mankad

Paper Presented


Title: Cross-Kingdom Regulation of Putative miRNAs derived from Aegle marmelos involved in diabetes via system biology approach

Organization: National Conference on Life Sciences and Biotechnology (LifeTech-2020) at Rama Devi Women's University, Bhubaneswar

Date: 27 Feb, 2020

Level of Programme: National

Details: Authors: Padmaja Mohanty, Jatindra Nath Mohanty, Shivarudrappa B Bhiarppanavar, Himanshu Pandya, Archana U Mankad , Jayashankar Das

Paper Presented


Title: System biology approach for understanding the cross kingdom regulation of Putative miRNAs derived from Aegle marmelos involved in cancer

Organization: National Conference on Life Sciences and Biotechnology (LifeTech-2020) at Rama Devi Women's University, Bhubaneswar

Date: 27 Feb, 2020

Level of Programme: National

Details: Authors: Padmaja Mohanty, Shivarudrappa B Bhiarppanavar, Jatindra Nath Mohanty, Himanshu Pandya, Archana U Mankad, Jayashankar Das

Paper Presented


Title: Cross-Kingdom Regulation of Putative miRNAs derived from Aegle marmelos involved in diabetes via system biology approach,

Organization: Rama Devi Women's University, Bhubaneswar

Date: 27 Feb, 2020

Level of Programme: National

Details: National Conference on Life Sciences and Biotechnology (LifeTech-2020)

Paper Presented


Title: In silico analysis of CD markers as potential drug targets in Leukemia

Organization: Bioconclave GCRI, Ahmedabad

Date: 27 Feb, 2014

Level of Programme: National

Details: Authors : Pujan Pandya and Archana Mankad

Paper Presented


Title: Effect of volatile substances on pollen germination of Datura metel L

Organization: National Conference on Frontiers in Biological Sciences, SP University, Vallabh Vidyanagar

Date: 27 Feb, 2009

Level of Programme: National

Details: Authors : Mital Katara and Archana Mankad

Paper Presented


Title: Effect of Maleic Hydrazide in combination with Sucrose on the Post harvest shelf life of cut flowers of Cosmos bipinnatus cav

Organization: Seminar on Reproductive Biology of Angiosperms,Talod

Date: 27 Feb, 2007

Level of Programme: State Level

Details: Authors : Goral Jani and Archana Mankad

Paper Presented


Title: Studies on Post harvest shelf life of cut Gaillardia flowers affected by Maleic Hydrazide

Organization: Seminar on Reproductive Biology of Angiosperms,Talod

Date: 27 Feb, 2007

Level of Programme: State Level

Details: Authors : Chauhan D.D. and Archana Mankad

Paper Presented


Title: Studies on the effect of Different sowing dates on growth of selected ornamentals.

Organization: Seminar on Reproductive Biology of Angiosperms,Talod

Date: 27 Feb, 2007

Level of Programme: State Level

Details: Authors : Gohel.N.H., Vaghela H.D., Patel, H.M. and Archana Mankad

Paper Presented


Title: Studies on the effect of Salinity on the growth of carpet grass(Zoysia tenuifolia)

Organization: Seminar on Reproductive Biology of Angiosperms,Talod

Date: 27 Feb, 2007

Level of Programme: State Level

Details: Authors : Bhavsar Sneha and Archana Mankad

Paper Presented


Title: Studies on the effect of Maleic Hydrazide on Post harvest vase life of Ipomoea tricolor cav

Organization: Seminar on Reproductive Biology of Angiosperms,Talod

Date: 27 Feb, 2007

Level of Programme: State Level

Details: Authors : Patel,P.S. and Archana Mankad

Paper Presented


Title: In silico analysis on use of medicinal plants for treating Alzheimer's

Organization: Science excellence : State level Seminar, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad

Date: 26 Sep, 2015

Level of Programme: State Level

Details: Authors : Pujan Pandya and Archana Mankad

Paper Presented


Title: Implications on use of phytochemicals & their role in regulation of COX-2

Organization: Bioinformatics Leads in Gujarat, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad

Date: 24 Sep, 2016

Level of Programme: State Level

Details: Authors : Pujan Pandya and Archana Mankad

Paper Presented


Title: Changes in sugars during petal senescence in cut flowers of Cosmos bipinnatus

Organization: . National Seminar on Sustainable crop productivity through physiological intervention at Ramnarain Ruia College, Mumbai

Date: 24 Nov, 2011

Level of Programme: National

Details: Authors : Goral Jani and Archana Mankad

Paper Presented


Title: Boron needs for pollen germination of some garden plants

Organization: National Seminar “Plant Sciences-2004” at Kadi College,Gandhinagar

Date: 24 Nov, 2004

Level of Programme: National

Details: Authors : Zankhana Rathod and Archana Mankad

Paper Presented


Title: Histochemical studies of carrot shoot apex during evocation

Organization: National Seminar “Plant Sciences-2004” at Kadi College,Gandhinagar

Date: 24 Nov, 2004

Level of Programme: National

Details: Authors : Archana Mankad and A.B.Vora

Paper Presented


Title: Supply chain management of medicinal plants in Gujarat state: a review

Organization: Botany Department, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad

Date: 24 Jan, 2018

Level of Programme: State Level

Details: Authors:Yask Agnihotri and Archana Mankad , Young Scientist award to Yask Agnihotri

Paper Presented


Title: Post Harvest keeping Quality of Zinnia elegans as influenced by various preservative solutions

Organization: National Seminar on New Horizons in Biological Sciences, NVPAS, Vallabh Vidyanagar,

Date: 23 Sep, 2007

Level of Programme: National

Details: Authors : Goral Jani and Archana Mankad

Paper Presented


Title: Effect of sucrose in combination with various chemicals on vase life of Ipomoea tricolor cav. Cut flowers

Organization: National Seminar on New Horizons in Biological Sciences,NVPAS,Vallabh Vidyanagar

Date: 23 Sep, 2007

Level of Programme: National

Details: Authors : Pratiksha Patel and Archana Mankad

Paper Presented


Title: Modelling chlorophyll fluorescence through SCOPE and in-situ measurements-a case study for mangrove vegetation

Organization: 38th International ACRS Conference, New Delhi.

Date: 23 Oct, 2017

Level of Programme: International

Details: Authors: M. K. Kripa, A. Gohel, N. Lele, T. V. R. Murthy, and Archana Mankad

Paper Presented


Title: Modelling chlorophyll fluorescence through SCOPE and in-situ measurements-a case study for mangrove vegetation

Organization: 38th International ACRS Conference, New Delhi.

Date: 23 Oct, 2017

Level of Programme: International

Details: Authors : M. K. Kripa, A. Gohel, N. Lele, T. V. R. Murthy, and Archana Mankad

Paper Presented


Title: Flowering behaviour of Carrot cv Early Nantes under the influence of GA3 treatment

Organization: National Conference of Indian Botanical Society, Mumbai

Date: 23 Oct, 1999

Level of Programme: National

Details: Authors : Archana Mankad and A.B.Vora

Paper Presented


Title: Studies on the effect of Maleic Hydrazide on the post harvest shelf life of cut flowers of Cosmos bipinnatus cav

Organization: National Seminar on Plant Physiology,Navsari

Date: 23 Nov, 2005

Level of Programme: National

Details: Authors : Goral Jani and Archana Mankad

Paper Presented


Title: Studies on post harvest shelf life of Ipomoea sp. under the influence of various chemicals

Organization: National Seminar on Plant Physiology,Navsari

Date: 23 Nov, 2005

Level of Programme: National

Details: Authors : Pratiksha Patel and Archana Mankad

Paper Presented


Title: Ocimum basilicum miRNOME revisited: A cross kingdom approach

Organization: NIPICON 2018, Nirma University

Date: 23 Jan, 2018

Level of Programme: International

Details: Authors : . Maulik Patel, Rakesh M Rawal and Archana Mankad

Paper Presented


Title: Effect of Water Quality on Heavy Metal Accumulation by Aquatic Macrophytes

Organization: 7th National Level Science Symposium, Christ College, Rajkot

Date: 23 Feb, 2014

Level of Programme: National

Details: Authors: Kuntal Shah, M. N. Reddy and Archana Mankad

Paper Presented


Title: Effect of NaCl and GA3 on germination of Coreopsis seeds

Organization: National Seminar on Emerging Areas in plant Sciences, MS University, Vadodara,

Date: 22 Feb, 2009

Level of Programme: National

Details: Authors : Kajal Gandhi and Archana Mankad

Paper Presented


Title: Effect of GA3 on Growth and development of Carrot.

Organization: National seminar on “Biodiversity, Plant Growth Regulators and Biotechnology” Ahmedabad.

Date: 22 Feb, 1996

Level of Programme: National

Details: Authors : Archana Mankad and A.B.Vora

Paper Presented


Title: A Study of Plant Biodiversity of Gujarat University Campus

Organization: National seminar on “Biodiversity, Plant Growth Regulators and Biotechnology” , Ahmedabad.

Date: 22 Feb, 1996

Level of Programme: National

Details: Authors : Archana Mankad and A.B.Vora

Paper Presented


Title: In silico analysis on inhibition of STAT3 protein using natural dietary compounds

Organization: State level seminar on Molecular Modelling and Chemistry, Gujarat university, Ahmedabad

Date: 21 Mar, 2015

Level of Programme: State Level

Details: Authors : Pujan Pandya and Archana Mankad

Paper Presented


Title: Cross Kingdom regulation of potentially identified miRNA from Ocimum basilicum using next generation using sequencing technology

Organization: International conference on integrating Ayurveda and herbal drugs for next generation therapeutics & supplements:Opportunities & Challenges, Ganpat University

Date: 21 Jan, 2018

Level of Programme: International

Details: Authors : Maulik Patel, Rakesh M Rawal and Archana Mankad

Paper Presented


Title: Exploring the chemopreventive potential of Phytochemicals present in Murraya koenigii L. through in silico computational methods.

Organization: International conference on integrating Ayurveda and herbal drugs for next generation therapeutics & supplements: Opportunities & Challenges, Ganpat University

Date: 21 Jan, 2018

Level of Programme: International

Details: Authors : Pujan Nainesh Pandya,Rakesh M Rawal and Archana Mankad

Paper Presented


Title: Carbon market mechanisms: evolution and future

Organization: Seminar on Integrating energy Transformations and Youth, Gujarat University

Date: 20 Feb, 2015

Level of Programme: State Level

Details: Authors : Nirmal Desai and Archana Mankad

Paper Presented


Title: A review: Phytoremediation - “An affordable green technology to clean up environment

Organization: National Seminar on “Biochemistry: A Science Beyond compartmentalization”, M. G. Science Institute, Ahmedabad

Date: 20 Dec, 2013

Level of Programme: National

Details: Authors: Kuntal Shah and Archana Mankad

Paper Presented


Title: Changes in amino acids and proteins in vernalised carrot seedlings.

Organization: International Conference of Plant Physiologists of the SAARC countries on “The role of Plant Physiology in crop productivity”,Gorakhpur,India

Date: 20 Dec, 1987

Level of Programme: International

Details: Authors : Archana Mankad and A.B.Vora

Paper Presented


Title: Phytoremediation of Lead (Pb) Contaminated soil by Tagetes erecta L.

Organization: Biological Tools for Sustainable Environment, Department of Biosciences, Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat

Date: 19 Feb, 2016

Level of Programme: State Level

Details: Authors: Kuntal Shah, Archana Mankad and M. N. Reddy

Paper Presented


Title: Pollen as an aerobiological pollutant

Organization: National Conference on Basic Science s as Foundation of Applied Sciences and Technology, Bhavnagar

Date: 19 Feb, 2012

Level of Programme: National

Details: Authors : Mital Katara and Archana Mankad

Paper Presented


Title: Flowering behavior of carrot under the influence of GA3 treatment

Organization: National seminar on “Recent Advances in Plant Growth Regulator Research” Jodhpur

Date: 17 Nov, 1988

Level of Programme: National

Details: Authors : Archana Mankad and A.B.Vora

Paper Presented


Title: Fungal spores an aeropollutants

Organization: National seminar on Fungi, Mithibai college, Mumbai

Date: 14 Jan, 2012

Level of Programme: National

Details: Authors: Archana Mankad

Paper Presented


Title: Value addition of cut flowers through dehydration technology

Organization: National Symposium, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad.

Date: 13 Oct, 2011

Level of Programme: National

Details: Authors : Archana Mankad

Paper Presented


Title: Petal Senescence-Problems and prospects

Organization: National Symposium, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad.

Date: 13 Oct, 2011

Level of Programme: National

Details: Authors : Archana Mankad

Paper Presented


Title: Nutrient quality of Cenchrus ciliaris during post harvest storage

Organization: National Symposium , Ahmedabad

Date: 13 Oct, 2011

Level of Programme: National

Details: Authors : Rajkumari Parwani and Archana Mankad

Paper Presented


Title: Influence of IBA on rooting of Vitex negundo stem cuttings

Organization: National Symposium, Ahmedabad

Date: 13 Oct, 2011

Level of Programme: National

Details: Authors : Palak Madia and Archana Mankad

Paper Presented


Title: Morphology and Physiology of petal cells

Organization: National Symposium, Ahmedabad

Date: 13 Oct, 2011

Level of Programme: National

Details: Authors : Darsana Sanja, Renuka Desai and Archana Mankad

Paper Presented


Title: Plants for removing indoor air pollutants

Organization: National Symposium, Ahmedabad.

Date: 13 Oct, 2011

Level of Programme: National

Details: Authors : Darsana Sanja and Archana Mankad