Teaching Experience

  • 2020
    Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University
  • 2017
    Associate Professor
    Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University
  • 2012
    Director (Academic)
    Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University, Gujarat
  • 2011
    Professor and Dean
    St. Kabir Institute of Professional Studies
  • 2010
    Post Doctoral Fellow
    University of New Brunswick, Canada
  • 2008
    Professor and Dean
    St. Kabir Institute of Professional Studies
  • 2007
    Associate Dean
    ICFAI Business School
  • 1997
    Lecturer & Lecturer (Senior Scale)
    Science College, Dholka
  • 1995
    Science College, Dholka

Academic Identity

Scopus Id
Google Scholar Id
IRINS (Vidwan) Id


  • May 2010
    Post Doctoral Fellowship
    University of New Brunswick, CANADA
  • March 2015
    Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM) Outstanding Service Award
  • July 2009
    Visiting Scholar
    University of New Brunswick, CANADA
  • January 2020
    Student Startup and Innovation Policy SSIP Award 2020
  • January 2019
    Student Startup and Innovation Policy SSIP Award 2019
  • January 2018
    Post Graduate Mathematical Sciences Teacher Award
  • December 2016
    Indian Institute of Materials Management (IIMM) Honorary Fellow Award


September 2017

Book Title: Some Mathematical Models on Co-operative Advertising

ISBN: 978-3-330-07495-8

Pages: -

Language: English

Publisher Lambert Academic Publishing

Book Dr. Ravi Gor, Krishna Solanki
October 2013

Book Title: Operations Research

ISBN: 978 81-203-3128-0

Pages: -

Language: English

Publisher Prentice Hall of India

Book Dr. Ravi Gor & Dr. Nita Shah
October 2008

Book Title: Supply Chain Management in hospitals: Recent Trends, Edited book

ISBN: 978-81-314-1946-5

Pages: -

Language: English

Publisher abc

Book Dr. Ravi Gor
June 2017

Book Title: mathematical modelling of exchange rate risk

ISBN: 978-3-330-07193-3

Pages: -

Language: English

Publisher Lambert Academic Publishing (Germany)

Book Dr. Ravi Gor & Sanjay Patel
January 2017

Book Title: Some lost sale recapture models in newsvendor framework

ISBN: 978-3-330-07490-3

Pages: -

Language: English

Publisher Lambert Academic Publishing (Germany)

Book Dr. Ravi Gor & Ashok Patel
August 2012

Book Title: PMS: An instrument for HR System

ISBN: 978-3 659-22973-2

Pages: -

Language: English

Publisher Lambert Academic Publishing (Germany)

Book Dr. Ravi Gor & Ranu Jain
August 2012

Book Title: Microarray Analysis on Alzheimer’s Disease

ISBN: 978-3-659-17375-2

Pages: -

Language: English

Publisher Lambert Academic Publishing (Germany)

Book Dr. Ravi Gor & Dr. Himanshu Pandya & Sweta Tripathi
August 2012

Book Title: Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science

ISBN: 978-93 81060-8

Pages: -

Language: English

Publisher Nirav Publications

Book Dr. Ravi Gor
August 2011

Book Title: Advanced Mathematics


Pages: -

Language: English

Publisher Nirav Prakashan

Book Dr. Ravi Gor
August 2011

Book Title: Cracking the MBA Entrance Test


Pages: -

Language: English

Publisher Nirav Publications

Book Dr. Ravi Gor
April 2017

Book Title: Fundamental Mathematical Concepts

ISBN: 978-93-86565-26-6

Pages: -

Language: English

Publisher NIRAV Prakashan

Book Dr. Ravi Gor & Aanal Desai
April 2011

Book Title: Management of Perishable Inventory - A mathematical modeling approach

ISBN: 978-3-8454-1925-1

Pages: -

Language: English

Publisher Lambert Academic Publishing (Germany)

Book Dr. Ravi Gor
November 2020

Book Title: Impact of COVID-19 on Indian Economy

Chapter Title: Startups Opportunities during COVID-19 with the help of Government Financial Assistance

ISBN: 939008429-6

Pages: 47 - 55

Language: English

Publisher L Ordine Nuovo Publication

Book Chapters Girnara Monaben & Dr. Ravi Gor
January 2005

Book Title: Supply Chain Management in Global Enterprise

Chapter Title: Study of collection - distribution policy of blood components for Prathama Blood Bank

ISBN: 0-07-060456-8

Pages: 144 - 155

Language: English

Publisher Tata McGraw Hill

Book Chapters Dr. Ravi Gor & Nita H Shah
January 2005

Book Title: Concepts of Biophysics

Chapter Title: An order level lot-size model with time dependent deterioration

ISBN: 8176489220

Pages: 58 - 64

Language: English

Publisher Aph Publishing Company

Book Chapters Dr. Ravi Gor & Nita Shah
December 2007

Book Title: E-Business

Chapter Title: ERP implementation in SME’s – Pre ROI Calculations


Pages: 37 - 44

Language: English

Publisher abc

Book Chapters Pankaj Madhani, Amit Saraswat, & Dr. Ravi Gor
Sep 2022

Title: Estimation of Default Risk by Structural Models: Theory and Literature

Journal: Gap interdisciplinarities

ISSN: 2581-5628

Volume (issue): 5 (3)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals George Jumbe & Dr. Ravi Gor
Sep 2022

Title: Exchange Rate Risk in a newsvendor framework under a Gamma -Distributed exchange rate error and isoelastic demand

Journal: International Journal of Engineering Science Technologies (IJOEST)

ISSN: 2456-8651

Volume (issue): 6 (5)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Zarna Mehta & Dr. Ravi Gor
Sep 2022

Title: Mathematical Model of Foreign Exchange Risk in a Supply Chain with Newsvendor Setting using a Lognormally Distribution Exchange Error and Isoelastic Demand

Journal: IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM)

ISSN: 2278-5728

Volume (issue): 18 (5)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Zarna Mehta & Dr. Ravi Gor
Sep 2022

Title: Back Testing Approaches for Validating VaR Models

Journal: International Journal of Engineering Science Technologies (IJOEST)

ISSN: 2456-8651

Volume (issue): 6 (6)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Kirit Vaniya & Dr. Ravi Gor
Sep 2020

Title: An empirical study of two modified black-scholes option pricing models on indian IT stock options

Journal: PIMT-Journal of research

ISSN: 2278-7925

Volume (issue): 12 (4)

Language: English


Publisher UGC

Journals Arun Chauhan & Dr. Ravi Gor
Sep 2020

Title: Relevancy of pricing European put option based on truncated gumble distribution in actual market

Journal: IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM)

ISSN: 2278-5728

Volume (issue): 16 (5)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Akash Singh & Dr. Ravi Gor
Sep 2020

Title: A comparative study of modified Black-scholes option pricing formula for selected Indian call options

Journal: IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM)

ISSN: 2278-5728

Volume (issue): 16 (5)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Arun Chauhan & Dr. Ravi Gor
Sep 2020

Title: Classification of grain seeds using Back Propagation

Journal: International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research

ISSN: 2278-7798

Volume (issue): 9 (9)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Shachi Bhavsar & Dr. Ravi Gor
Sep 2020

Title: Stock price prediction using support vector regression

Journal: International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research

ISSN: 2278-7798

Volume (issue): 9 (9)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Madhumita Ghosh & Dr. Ravi Gor
Sep 2020

Title: Mathematical model of foreign exchange risk in a supply chain with newsvendor setting using a log-normally distributed exchange rate error

Journal: IOSR Journal of economics and finance (IOSR-JEF)

ISSN: 2321-5933

Volume (issue): 11 (5)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Zarana Mehta & Dr. Ravi Gor
Sep 2013

Title: Modelling a random yield in-house production set up in a Newsvendor problem

Journal: International Journal of Research and Reviews in Applied Sciences

ISSN: 2076-7366

Volume (issue): 16 (3)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Solanki Krishna & Dr. Ravi Gor
Oct 2023

Title: Digital Image Encryption Using Laplace Transform and LFSR

Journal: International Journal of Engineering Science Technologies(IJOSET)

ISSN: 2349-6002

Volume (issue): 6 (5)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Srushti Gandhi & Dr. Ravi Gor
Oct 2020

Title: Effect of implied volatility on option prices using two option pricing models

Journal: NMIMS Management

ISSN: 0971-1023

Volume (issue): 29 (1)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Neha Sisodia & Dr.Ravi Gor
Oct 2020

Title: Study of india VIX options model

Journal: NMIMS Management

ISSN: 0971-1023

Volume (issue): 38 (4)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Arun Chauhan & Dr.Ravi Gor
Oct 2020

Title: Valuation of European put option by using the quadrature method under the variance-gamma process

Journal: International journal of engineering science technologies(IJOEST)

ISSN: 2456-8651

Volume (issue): 4 (5)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Akash Singh & Dr. Ravi Gor
Oct 2020

Title: A hybrid strategy using Mean Reverting Indicator PSAR and EMA

Journal: IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM)

ISSN: 2278-5728

Volume (issue): 16 (5)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Maitri Panchal & Dr. Ravi Gor
Oct 2016

Title: Transaction exposure model in a newsvendor framework with normally distributed exchange rate error and isoelastic demand

Journal: International Journal Physics and Mathematical Sciences

ISSN: 2277-2111

Volume (issue): 6 (2)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Patel Sanjay & Dr. Ravi Gor
Oct 2004

Title: Management of damageable merchandise

Journal: Journal of combinatorics, information & system sciences

ISSN: 0250-9628

Volume (issue): 28 (1)

Language: English


Publisher UGC

Journals Dr.Ravi Gor & Dr. Nita Shah
Nov 2022

Title: Investigating market efficiency of different oil markets and comparing it using Quantum harmonic oscillator

Journal: Quest Journal of Research in Applied Mathematics

ISSN: 2394-0743

Volume (issue): 8 (12)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Atman Bhatt & Dr. Ravi Gor
Nov 2022

Title: Cryptographic method to enhance Data Security using ElGamal algorithm and Mellin Transform

Journal: IOSR Journal of Mathematics

ISSN: 2278-5728

Volume (issue): 18 (6)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Akash Thakkar & Dr. Ravi Gor
Nov 2021

Title: Moving fibonacci strategy using bollinger bands

Journal: IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM)

ISSN: 2278-5728

Volume (issue): 17 (6)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Maitri Panchal & Dr. Ravi Gor
Nov 2008

Title: A time dependent deteriorating EOQ model with selling price and stock dependent demand during inflation under supplier credits

Journal: ICFAI- journal of operations Management

ISSN: 0972-6888

Volume (issue): 7 (4)

Language: English


Publisher UGC

Journals Dr.Ravi Gor, poonam pandey & Dr. nita shah
Nov 2007

Title: A multi item, multi policy inventory problem for a submersible pump manufacturer: Spreadsheet based solution approach

Journal: ICFAI- journal of operations Management

ISSN: 0972-6888

Volume (issue): 6 (4)

Language: English


Publisher UGC

Journals Dr. Ravi Gor & Satyendra kumar
May 2023

Title: Measuring value at risk of cryptocurrency using quantum harmonic oscillator.

Journal: International Journal of statistics and applied mathematics (IJSAM)

ISSN: 2456-1452

Volume (issue): 8 (2)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Atman Bhatt & Dr. Ravi Gor
May 2022

Title: Identification and Coding of Elliott Wave Pattern

Journal: ”, International Journal of Engineering Science Technologies (IJOEST)

ISSN: 2456-8651

Volume (issue): 6 (3)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Vaidehi Vaghela & Dr. Ravi Gor
May 2020


Journal: RESEARCH MATRIX: An International Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal Of Applied Research

ISSN: 2321-7073

Volume (issue): 3 (10)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Monaben Girnara & Dr. Ravi Gor
Mar 2019

Title: Adi Shankaracharya, Spirituality and Management

Journal: Research Guru: Online Journal of Multidisciplinary Subjects

ISSN: 2349-266X

Volume (issue): 12 (4)

Language: English


Publisher UGC approved Journal No. 63726

Journals Kinkhabwala Bhavesh & Dr. Ravi Gor
Mar 2018

Title: Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya – A Source of Learning Leadership Traits and Skills for Sustainable Management Practices

Journal: Purushartha: A Journal of Management Ethics and Spirituality (School of Management Sciences)

ISSN: 0975-024X

Volume (issue): 11 (1)

Language: English


Publisher UGC list 32347, SCOPUS

Journals Kinkhabwala Bhavesh & Dr. Ravi Gor
Mar 2016

Title: Pilot survey for accessing training and development activities in non-life insurance companies in Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar

Journal: International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy

ISSN: 2319-345X

Volume (issue): 5 (3)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Patel Chirag & Dr. Ravi Gor
Mar 2015

Title: Hedging against uncertain supply and demand using options in a single period framework

Journal: 5th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management IEOM-15, at DUBAI, UAE

ISBN: 978-1-4799-6064-4

Language: English


Publisher IEEE Explore

Proceedings Arcelus F. J., Dr. Ravi Gor, Srinivasan G.
Mar 2013

Title: Foreign Exchange Transaction exposure in a newsvendor setting

Journal: European Journal of Operational Research

ISSN: 0377-2217

Volume (issue): 227 (3)

Language: English


Publisher UGC List

Journals Arcelus, F.J, Dr. Ravi Gor, Srinivasan, G.
Jun 2023

Title: Study of Encryption Algorithms: A Review

Journal: International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing

ISSN: 2321-3361

Volume (issue): 13 (6)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Srushti Gandhi & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jun 2022

Title: Digital Image Encryption based on Gauss Map and Gabor Transformation

Journal: IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE)

ISSN: 2278-0661

Volume (issue): 24 (3)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Srushti Gandhi & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jun 2022

Title: Mathematical Model of Digital Signature based on ECDSA and ElGamal encryption techniques

Journal: IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE)

ISSN: 2278-0661

Volume (issue): 24 (3)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Bhavdip Moghariya & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jun 2022

Title: Transaction Exposure Model under Exponential Distribution Exchange Rate Error with Newsvendor setting

Journal: PIMT Journal of Research

ISSN: 2278-7925

Volume (issue): 14 (3)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Zarna Mehta & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jun 2022

Title: Stock Price Prediction using Grid Hyper parameter Tuning in Gated Recurrent Unit

Journal: International Journal of Engineering Science Technologies (IJOEST)

ISSN: 2456-8651

Volume (issue): 6 (3)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Shachi Bhavsar & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jun 2022

Title: Modeling of Default Risk by Jump Diffusion Process

Journal: IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM)

ISSN: 2278-5728

Volume (issue): 24 (3)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals George Jumbe & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jun 2022

Title: Comparison of Back Propagation algorithms: Bidirectional GRU and Genetic Deemmp Neural Network for Churn Customer

Journal: IOSR Journal of Mathematics

ISSN: 2278-5728

Volume (issue): 24 (3)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Shachi Bhavsar & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jun 2022

Title: Study of Average Transaction Confirmation time in a Blockchain using Queueing Model

Journal: ”, IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE)

ISSN: 2278-0661

Volume (issue): 24 (3)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Stuti Vora & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jun 2022

Title: Health insurance premium prediction using Blockchain Technology and Random Forest regression algorithms

Journal: International Journal of Engineering Science Technologies (IJOEST)

ISSN: 2456-8651

Volume (issue): 6 (3)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Madhumita Ghosh & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jun 2022

Title: Short Message Service Classifier Application using Naïve Bayes algorithm

Journal: IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE)

ISSN: 2278-0661

Volume (issue): 24 (3)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Madhumita Ghosh & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jun 2022

Title: Examining Single step and Multistep Quantum Binomial Option Pricing Model

Journal: IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance

ISSN: 2321-5933

Volume (issue): 13 (3)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Atman Bhatt & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jun 2022

Title: A Review paper on Quantum harmonic oscillator and its applications in finance

Journal: IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance

ISSN: 2321-5933

Volume (issue): 13 (3)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Atman Bhatt & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jun 2022

Title: Cryptographic method to enhance the Data Security using ElGamal algorithm and Kamal Transform

Journal: IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering

ISSN: 2278-0661

Volume (issue): 24 (3)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Akash Thakkar & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jun 2022

Title: Cryptographic method to enhance the Data Security using RSA algorithm and Kamal Transform

Journal: IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering

ISSN: 2278-0661

Volume (issue): 24 (3)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Akash Thakkar & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jun 2021

Title: A study of option pricing models with distinct interest rate

Journal: International journal of engineering science technologies(IJOEST)

ISSN: 2456-8651

Volume (issue): 6 (2)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Neha Sisodia & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jun 2021

Title: An Analytical Closed form solution based on black-scholes model which follows truncated normal distribution for pricing the American put options

Journal: PIMT-Journal of research (PIMTJR)

ISSN: 2278-7925

Volume (issue): 13 (3)

Language: English


Publisher UGC

Journals Akash Singh & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jun 2021

Title: Transaction exposure model using Gumbel distribution exchange rate error in a newsvendor framework

Journal: IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM)

ISSN: 2278-5728

Volume (issue): 11 (5)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Zarna Mehta & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jun 2020

Title: Market Direction by combining Elliott Wave Theory with Sentiment Indicators

Journal: Alochana Chakra Journal

ISSN: 2231-3990

Volume (issue): 9 (6)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Vaidehi Vaghela & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jun 2020

Title: Numeric form of Technical Analysis based on Mean Reversion

Journal: Alochana Chakra Journal

ISSN: 2231-3990

Volume (issue): 9 (6)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Maitri Panchal & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jun 2020

Title: Valuation of India VIX Options by Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model

Journal: Alochana Chakra Journal

ISSN: 2231-3990

Volume (issue): 9 (6)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Arun Chauhan & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jun 2020

Title: Relevancy of Pricing European Put option based on Gumble Distribution in Actual Market

Journal: Alochana Chakra Journal

ISSN: 2231-3990

Volume (issue): 9 (6)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Akash Singh & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jun 2020

Title: Computation of Value at Risk (VaR) using cubic polynomial fitting Approach

Journal: Alochana Chakra Journal

ISSN: 2231-3990

Volume (issue): 9 (6)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Kirit Vaniya & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jun 2020

Title: Transaction Exposure Model under Gamma Distribution Exchange Rate Error in Newsvendor Framework

Journal: Alochana Chakra Journal

ISSN: 2231-3990

Volume (issue): 9 (6)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Zarna Mehta & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jun 2020

Title: Estimating the Relevancy of two Option Pricing Models

Journal: Alochana Chakra Journal

ISSN: 2231-3990

Volume (issue): 9 (6)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Neha Sisodia & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jun 2020

Title: A Comparative Study of two Option Pricing Models

Journal: Tathapi

ISSN: 2320-0693

Volume (issue): 19 (39)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Neha Sisodia & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jun 2015

Title: Effect of isoelastic form of price dependent demand in cooperative advertising

Journal: IOSR Journal of Mathematics

ISSN: 2278-5728

Volume (issue): 11 (1)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Solanki Krishna & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jun 2015

Title: A Single period co-operative advertising model where demand is dependent on price and an additive sales response function

Journal: IOSR Journal of Mathematics

ISSN: 2278-5728

Volume (issue): 11 (1)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Solanki Krishna & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jun 2015

Title: A Nash Equilibrium Game and Pareto Efficient Solution to A Cooperative Advertising Model Where Demand Is Dependent On Price and Advertising Expenditure

Journal: IOSR Journal of Mathematics

ISSN: 2278-5728

Volume (issue): 11 (1)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Solanki Krishna & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jun 2009

Title: Present value formulation of lot-size inventory model for deteriorating items with shortages when demand depends on advertisement and stock display

Journal: International journal of operations and Quantitative Management

ISSN: 1082-1910

Volume (issue): 15 (2)

Language: English


Publisher UGC

Journals Poonam pandey, Dr. Nita Shah & Dr.Ravi Gor
Jun 2005

Title: A lot size model with variable deterioration rate under supplier credits

Journal: Journal of Applied Mathematical Analysis and Applications

ISSN: 0973-3868

Volume (issue): 1 (1)

Language: English


Publisher UGC

Journals Dr. Ravi Gor & Dr. Nita Shah
Jul 2024


Journal: international journal of creative research thoughts

ISSN: 2320-2882

Volume (issue): 12 (7)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Anjali Patel & Dr.Ravi Gor
Jul 2024

Title: Comparing Quantum Harmonic oscillator model with other financial models to price European call Options

Journal: SCOPE

ISSN: 1177-5661

Volume (issue): 14 (2)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Atman Bhatt & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jul 2023

Title: A Study of Performance Measures and Throughput of Raft Consensus Algorithm

Journal: International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology

ISSN: 2321-9653

Volume (issue): 11 (7)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Stuti Vora, Nidhi Thakkar & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jul 2023

Title: Analysing the Performance of Raft Consensus Algorithm using M/M/C Queueing Model

Journal: Quest Journals, Journal of Research in Applied Mathematics

ISSN: 2394-0743

Volume (issue): 9 (7)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Stuti Vora & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jul 2023

Title: Cryptographic Method to Enhance Data Security using ElGamal Algorithm and Sumudu Transform

Journal: International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology

ISSN: 2321-9653

Volume (issue): 11 (7)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Akash Thakkar & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jul 2023

Title: Exploring Quantum Harmonic Oscillator as an Indicator to Analyse Stock Price Volatility

Journal: International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology-IJMTT

ISSN: 2231-5373

Volume (issue): 69 (7)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Atman Bhatt and Dr. Ravi Gor
Jul 2022

Title: Digital Image Encryption Using RSA and LFSR.

Journal: International Journal of Engineering Science Technologies (IJOSET)

ISSN: 2456-8651

Volume (issue): 6 (4)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Srushti Gandhi & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jul 2022

Title: Estimating Value at Risk using Monte Carlo Simulation

Journal: IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM)

ISSN: 2278-5728

Volume (issue): 18 (4)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Kirit Vaniya, Ravi Talaviya & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jul 2021

Title: Computation of VaR using continuous curve fitting approach

Journal: PIMT-Journal of research

ISSN: 2278-7925

Volume (issue): 13 (4)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Kirit Vaniya & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jul 2021

Title: Elliott wave formation using hybrid strategy of stochastic and ADX indicators

Journal: IOSR Journal of economics and finance (IOSR-JEF)

ISSN: 2321-5933

Volume (issue): 12 (4)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Vaidehi Vaghela, Nikhil Malvi & Dr.Ravi Gor
Jul 2021

Title: Comparison of three option pricing models for indian option market

Journal: International journal of engineering science technologies(IJOEST)

ISSN: 2456-8651

Volume (issue): 5 (4)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Arun Chauhan & Dr.Ravi Gor
Jul 2020

Title: Assessing the journey towards effective Corporate Governance – a Legislative framework

Journal: Towards Excellence, An Indexed Refereed Journal of Higher Education UGC-Academic Staff College, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, India

ISSN: 0974-035X

Volume (issue): 10 (Sp)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Kinkhabwala Bhavesh & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jul 2020

Title: A single period model where the lost sales recapture is a function of (r/p)

Journal: Applied Mathematical Sciences

ISSN: 1314-7552

Volume (issue): 7 (13)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Patel Ashok & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jul 2018

Title: 3P’s and Strategic CSR – Roadmap for the inclusive growth and development in India

Journal: International Conference on Sustainability and Business, IIM Kolkata


Language: English


Publisher IIM Kolkata

Proceedings Kinkhabwala Bhavesh & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jul 2018

Title: What HR Managers can learn from jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya

Journal: synergy-Journal of Management

ISSN: 0973-922X

Volume (issue): 20 (2)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Kinkhabwala Bhavesh & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jul 2018

Title: Transcending from a Healthy Life to a Holistic Living – Role of Spirituality

Journal: Synergy, Journal of Management

ISSN: 0973-922X

Volume (issue): 20 (2)

Language: English


Publisher UGC approved Journal No. 45203

Journals Kinkhabwala Bhavesh & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jul 2016

Title: A pilot survey of training and development activities in non-life insurance companies of Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar cities in Gujarat State

Journal: Journal of Insurance Institute of India

ISSN: 2278-6759

Volume (issue): 4 (1)

Language: English


Publisher UGC List

Journals Patel Chirag & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jul 2016

Title: A newsvendor framework of transaction exposure model with uniformly distributed exchange rate error and isoelasticdemand

Journal: International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research

ISSN: 2278-7798

Volume (issue): 5 (6)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Patel Sanjay & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jul 2016

Title: A newsvendor framework of exchange rate risk with uniformly distributed exchange rate error

Journal: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology

ISSN: 2321-7308

Volume (issue): 5 (5)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Patel Sanjay & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jul 2015

Title: Newsboy Problem with Lost Sales Recapture As Function of logm(1+r/p) and Beta Distributed Demand Error

Journal: IOSR Journal of Mathematics

ISSN: 2278-5728

Volume (issue): 11 (2)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Patel Ashok & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jul 2015

Title: Newsboy problem with lost sales recapture as function of (r/p)m and beta distributed demand error

Journal: IOSR Journal of Mathematics

ISSN: 2278-5728

Volume (issue): 11 (2)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Patel Ashok & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jul 2015

Title: Transaction exposure risk modelled in a newsvendor framework under the multiplicative demand error

Journal: IOSR Journal of Mathematics

ISSN: 2278-5728

Volume (issue): 11 (2)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Patel Sanjay & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jul 2015

Title: Exchange rate risk sharing contract model

Journal: IOSR Journal of Mathematics

ISSN: 2278-5728

Volume (issue): 11 (2)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Patel Sanjay & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jul 2013

Title: A Game Theoretic Model on Cooperative Advertising Where Demand Is Dependent on Price and Advertising Expenditures

Journal: Journal of Data and Information Processing

ISSN: 2327-7211

Volume (issue): 1 (2)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Solanki Krishna & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jul 2010

Title: A multi item, multi policy inventory problem for a submersible pump manufacturer: Spreadsheet based solution approach

Journal: Inventory Optimization: Introduction

ISBN: 978-81-314-2082-9

Language: English


Publisher ICFAI University Press

Proceedings Satyendra Kumar & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jan 2024

Title: Mathematical Model of Digital Signature based on ECDSA and Schmidt-Samoa Cryptosystem

Journal: International Journal of engineering Science Technologies

ISSN: 2456-8651

Volume (issue): 8 (1)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Bhavdip Moghariya & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jan 2023

Title: Examining the Impact of Debt Maturity Time, Volatility and Expected Return on Credit Spreads Produced by Merton and MKMV Models

Journal: Quest Journals (Journal of Research in Applied Mathematics)

ISSN: 2394-0743

Volume (issue): 8 (12)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals George Jumbe & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jan 2023

Title: Assessment of Credit Spread in Default Risk using Merton Model

Journal: International journal Of Innovative Research in Technology (IJIRT)

ISSN: 2349-6002

Volume (issue): 9 (9)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals George Jumbe & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jan 2023

Title: Examining the Impact of Debt Maturity Time, Expected Return And Volatility On Probability Of Default In Credit Risk Modelling: The Case Of Merton And MKMV Models

Journal: International Journal of Engineering Science Technologies (IJOEST)

ISSN: 2456-8651

Volume (issue): 7 (1)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals George Jumbe & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jan 2022

Title: Financial Market Risk Assessment Models: A Review paper

Journal: GAP interdisciplinarians, A global journal of inter disciplinary studies

ISSN: 5281-5628

Volume (issue): 5 (1)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals George Jumbe & Dr.Ravi Gor
Jan 2021

Title: Black - Scholes Option pricing model and its relevancy in indian option market: A review

Journal: IOSR Journal of economics and finance (IOSR-JEF)

ISSN: 2321-5933

Volume (issue): 12 (1)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Arun Chauhan & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jan 2021

Title: A study of the effect of Historical volatility on option pricing using two option pricing models

Journal: IOSR Journal of economics and finance (IOSR-JEF)

ISSN: 2321-5933

Volume (issue): 12 (1)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Neha Sisodia & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jan 2021

Title: Elliot wave formation using combination of CCI and DEMA

Journal: IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM)

ISSN: 2278-5728

Volume (issue): 17 (1)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Vaidehi Vaghela , Neelam Chavada , Dr. Ravi Gor
Jan 2021

Title: A hybrid strategy using Mean Reverting Indicator Donchian channel and RSI

Journal: IOSR Journal of economics and finance (IOSR-JEF)

ISSN: 2321-5933

Volume (issue): 12 (1)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Maitri Panchal , Akash Thakkar & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jan 2020

Title: Impact of Startups on Indian Economy

Journal: Our Heritage Journal: International Youth Symposium - 2020

ISSN: 0474-9030

Volume (issue): 68 (23)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Monaben Girnara & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jan 2018

Title: Antecedent of Thought Leadership – Integrating Western Views, Spirituality and Adi Shankaracharya to Transcend from KMP to a Thought Leader

Journal: Chartered Secretary Journal

ISSN: 0972-1983

Volume (issue): 48 (1)

Language: English


Publisher UGC List No. 45769

Journals Kinkhabwala Bhavesh & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jan 2018

Title: Improving global competitiveness in non-life insurance industry through training and development

Journal: International Research Journal of Human Resources and Social Sciences

ISSN: 2394-4218

Volume (issue): 5 (1)

Language: English


Publisher UGC List No.- 49194

Journals Patel Chirag & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jan 2014

Title: Extension of a newsboy problem with lost sales recapture as a function of (r/p) and normally distributed demand error

Journal: International Journal of Physics and Mathematical Sciences

ISSN: 2277-2111

Volume (issue): 4 (1)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Patel Ashok & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jan 2014

Title: A single period model where the lost sales recapture is a function of logm(1+r/p)

Journal: International Journal of Physics and Mathematical Sciences

ISSN: 2277-2111

Volume (issue): 4 (1)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Patel Ashok & Dr. Ravi Gor
Jan 2012

Title: Price, rebate and order quantity decisions in a newsvendor framework with rebate dependent recapture of lost sales`

Journal: International Journal of Production Economics

ISSN: 0925-5273

Volume (issue): 140 (1)

Language: English


Publisher UGC List

Journals Arcelus, F.J, Dr. Ravi Gor, Srinivasan, G.
Jan 2007

Title: An EOQ model deteriorating items with price dependent demand under supplier credits

Journal: International journal of Computational Intelligence research and applications

ISSN: 0973-6794

Volume (issue): 1 (1)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Dr. Ravi Gor & Dr. Nita Shah
Jan 2005

Title: An EOQ Model for time dependent deteriorating items under supplier credits

Journal: Journal of Mathematics and System Sciences

ISSN: 2159-5291

Volume (issue): 1 (1)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Dr. Ravi Gor & Dr. Nita Shah
Jan 2004

Title: A Lot-size model for items with time dependent deterioration

Journal: Industrial engineering journal

ISSN: 0970-2555

Volume (issue): 33 (1)

Language: English


Publisher UGC

Journals Dr.Ravi Gor &Dr. Nita Shah
Jan 2004

Title: An order level lot-size model with time dependent deterioration

Journal: Journal of current sciences

ISSN: 0972610

Volume (issue): 5 (1)

Language: English


Publisher UGC

Journals Dr. Ravi Gor & Dr. Nita Shah
Feb 2022

Title: Comparative study of hybrid strategies with moving Average crossover

Journal: International journal of engineering science technologies(IJOEST)

ISSN: 2456-8651

Volume (issue): 6 (1)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Maitri Panchal & Dr. Ravi Gor
Feb 2019

Title: Exploring the effect of varying volatility in the Black-Scholes Option pricing model

Journal: International Journal of Scientific Research in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences

ISSN: 2348-4519

Volume (issue): 6 (1)

Language: English


Publisher UGC List No. 63061

Journals Vaidehi Vaghela & Dr. Ravi Gor
Feb 2019

Title: Solution of European Call Option by the First Integral Method

Journal: International Journal of Scientific Research in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences

ISSN: 2348-4519

Volume (issue): 6 (1)

Language: English


Publisher UGC List No. 63061

Journals Madhumita Ghosh & Dr. Ravi Gor
Feb 2018

Title: Education and Youth for the global change – Role of Spirituality

Journal: Sustainable Development: Future Trajectory

ISBN: 978-93-5273-890-8

Language: English


Publisher Himalaya Publishing House

Proceedings Kinkhabwala Bhavesh & Dr. Ravi Gor
Feb 2017

Title: Spirituality the way of life for a Holistic Living through the route of Human Care

Journal: Navigating towards Sustainable Development: A compilation of concrete initiatives

ISBN: 978-93-5262-686-1

Language: English


Publisher Himalaya Publishing House

Proceedings Kinkhabwala Bhavesh & Dr. Ravi Gor
Feb 2008

Title: Order level lot size inventory model for weibull distributed deteriorating units having salvage value with price breaks

Journal: ICFAI- journal of operations Management

ISSN: 0972-6888

Volume (issue): 7 (1)

Language: English


Publisher UGC

Journals Dr.Ravi Gor, Poonam pandey & Dr. Nita Shah
Dec 2022

Title: SEE Transformation Based Cryptographic Technique to Encrypt and Decrypt Plaintext

Journal: IOSR Journal of Mathematics

ISSN: 2278-5728

Volume (issue): 18 (6)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Srushti Gandhi & Dr. Ravi Gor
Dec 2022

Title: Calibration of Quantum harmonic oscillator as a Stock Return Distribution Model on the Index of NSEI.

Journal: International Journal of Engineering Science Technologies (IJOEST)

ISSN: 2456-8651

Volume (issue): 6 (6)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Atman Bhatt & Dr. Ravi Gor
Dec 2022

Title: Queueing Model for PoA based Blockchain system

Journal: IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM)

ISSN: 2278-5728

Volume (issue): 18 (6)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Stuti Vora & Dr. Ravi Gor
Dec 2022

Title: Sensitivity Comparison of Two Option Pricing Models

Journal: IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM)

ISSN: 2278-5728

Volume (issue): 18 (6)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Neha Sisodia & Dr. Ravi Gor
Dec 2018

Title: An exploratory study on the effectiveness of citizen centric e-governance project –Hospital Management Information System-in Gujarat

Journal: Research Guru: Online Journal of Multidisciplinary Subjects

ISSN: 2349-266X

Volume (issue): 12 (3)

Language: English


Publisher UGC approved Journal No. 63726

Journals Tiwari Parikshit & Dr. Ravi Gor
Dec 2017

Title: Is Corruption Inevitable?– Assessing the Measures Taken and Role of Spirituality for Better Future

Journal: Chartered Secretary Journal

ISSN: 0972-1983

Volume (issue): 47 (12)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Kinkhabwala Bhavesh & Dr. Ravi Gor
Dec 2016

Title: Exchange rate risk in a newsvendor framework with normally distributed exchange rate error

Journal: International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology

ISSN: 2231-5373

Volume (issue): 34 (2)

Language: English


Publisher UGC List

Journals Patel Sanjay & Dr. Ravi Gor
Dec 2006

Title: An EOQ Model for deteriorating items with price dependent demand and permissible delay in payments under inflation


ISSN: 0030-3887

Volume (issue): 43 (4)

Language: English


Publisher UGC

Journals Dr. Ravi Gor & Dr. Nita Shah
Aug 2024

Title: Credit Risk Modeling Using Default Models: A Review

Journal: IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance (IOSR-JEF)

ISSN: 2321-5933

Volume (issue): 13 (3)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals George Jumbe & Dr. Ravi Gor
Aug 2023

Title: Mathematical Model of Digital Signature based on ECDA and Rabin encryption techniques

Journal: IOSR Journal of Mathematics

ISSN: 2278-5728

Volume (issue): 19 (4)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Bhavdip Moghariya & Dr. Ravi Gor
Aug 2022

Title: Image Encryption System Using Gauss Map and LFSR

Journal: IOSR Journal of Mathematics

ISSN: 2278-5728

Volume (issue): 18 (4)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Srushti Gandhi, Dhruvi Patel & Dr. Ravi Gor
Aug 2022

Title: Bitcoin price prediction with covid-19 sentiments using LSTM neural network

Journal: International Journal of Engineering Science Technologies (IJOEST)

ISSN: 2456-8651

Volume (issue): 6 (4)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Shachi Bhavsar & Dr. Ravi Gor
Aug 2022

Title: Digital Image Encryption using Rubik's Cube Algorithm

Journal: IOSR Journal of Mathematics

ISSN: 2278-5728

Volume (issue): 18 (4)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Srushti Gandhi & Dr. Ravi Gor
Aug 2022

Title: Stock price prediction using Support Vector Regression and K-Nearest Neighbors: A Comparison

Journal: International Journal of Engineering Science Technologies (IJOEST)

ISSN: 2456-8651

Volume (issue): 6 (4)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Madhumita Ghosh & Dr. Ravi Gor
Aug 2022

Title: Image Encryption System using Rubik's Cube Algorithm

Journal: IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering

ISSN: 2278-0661

Volume (issue): 24 (4)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Srushti Gandhi, Butani Taral & Dr. Ravi Gor
Aug 2020

Title: comparison of Black-scholes model based process and variance gamma process based model on indian stock market

Journal: IOSR Journal of economics and finance (IOSR-JEF)

ISSN: 2321-5933

Volume (issue): 11 (5)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Akash Singh & Dr. Ravi Gor
Aug 2015

Title: Foreign Exchange Transaction exposure within a newsvendor framework under hybrid demand distribution

Journal: IOSR Journal of Mathematics

ISSN: 2278-5728

Volume (issue): 11 (5)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Patel Sanjay & Dr. Ravi Gor
Aug 2014

Title: Newsboy problem with lost sales recapture as a function of log(1+r/p) and normally distributed demand error

Journal: IOSR Journal of Mathematics

ISSN: 2278-5728

Volume (issue): 10 (3)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Patel Ashok & Dr. Ravi Gor
Apr 2023

Title: Cryptographic Method to Enhance Data Security using RSA algorithm and Sumudu Transform

Journal: Quest Journal of Research in Applied Mathematics

ISSN: 2394 - 0743

Volume (issue): 9 (4)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Akash Thakkar & Dr. Ravi Gor
Apr 2023

Title: Foreign exchange market portfolio construction using Quantum harmonic oscillator

Journal: International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT)

ISSN: 2320-2882

Volume (issue): 11 (4)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Atman Bhatt & Dr. Ravi Gor
Apr 2023

Title: Cryptographic Method to Enhance Data Security using RSA Algorithm and Mellin Transform

Journal: International Journal of Engineering Science Technologies (IJOEST)

ISSN: 2456-8651

Volume (issue): 7 (2)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Akash Thakkar & Dr. Ravi Gor
Apr 2023

Title: Estimation of Default Risk using Stochastic Volatility Models: The case of Heston-CIR Model

Journal: International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology (IJIRT)

ISSN: 2349-6002

Volume (issue): 9 (12)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals George Jumbe & Dr. Ravi Gor
Apr 2022

Title: VaR and CVaR of indian stocks using simulation model and back testing

Journal: IOSR Journal of economics and finance (IOSR-JEF)

ISSN: 2321-5933

Volume (issue): 13 (2)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Kirit Vaniya & Dr. Ravi Gor
Apr 2022

Title: Ad-Campaign Analysis and Sales prediction using K-means Clustering and Random Forest Regressor

Journal: IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM)

ISSN: 2278-5728

Volume (issue): 18 (2)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Madhumita Ghosh & Dr. Ravi Gor
Apr 2022

Title: Predicting Restaurant Ratings using Back Propagation Algorithm

Journal: IOSR Journal of Mathematics

ISSN: 2278-5728

Volume (issue): 18 (2)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Shachi Bhavsar & Dr. Ravi Gor
Apr 2021

Title: Analytical Study of Modified Black-Scholes Models for Different Indian Stock Market Sectors

Journal: International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences

ISBN: 978-81-928100-1-0

Language: English


Publisher Excellent Publishers

Proceedings Arun Chauhan & Dr. Ravi Gor
Apr 2021

Title: A Review Paper on Cryptographic Algorithms and Mathematical Transformations

Journal: International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences

ISBN: 978-81-928100-1-0

Language: English


Publisher Excellent Publishers

Proceedings Akash Thakkar & Dr. Ravi Gor
Apr 2021

Title: An Analysis of Real Market Using Black Scholes’ Merton Model

Journal: International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences

ISBN: 978-81-928100-1-0

Language: English


Publisher Excellent Publishers

Proceedings Vijay Kalal, Neha Sisodia & Dr. Ravi Gor
Apr 2021

Title: A modified Black-Scholes model with linear and non-linear volatilities: A Review

Journal: International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences

ISBN: 978-81-928100-1-0

Language: English


Publisher Excellent Publishers

Proceedings Amrut Prajapati, Akash Singh & Dr. Ravi Gor
Apr 2021

Title: Bitcoin price prediction using BiLSTM Neural network” Proceeding of International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences

Journal: International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences

ISBN: 978-81-928100-1-0

Language: English


Publisher Excellent Publishers

Proceedings Anjali Patel, Shachi Bhavsar & Dr. Ravi Gor
Apr 2021

Title: Exploring Quantum Binomial Option Pricing Model and Constructing the Circuit for Implementation

Journal: International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences

ISBN: 978-81-928100-1-0

Language: English


Publisher Excellent Publishers

Proceedings Atman Bhatt, Akash Singh & Dr. Ravi Gor
Apr 2021

Title: Using Stochastic Oscillator and Keltner Channel as a trading strategy combined with P/E Ratio and Market Capitalization

Journal: International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences

ISBN: 978-81-928100-1-0

Language: English


Publisher Excellent Publishers

Proceedings Dipak Bandhaniya, Vaidehi Vaghela & Dr. Ravi Gor
Apr 2021

Title: Portfolio optimization for cryptocurrency using efficient frontier

Journal: International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences

ISBN: 978-81-928100-1-0

Language: English


Publisher Excellent Publishers

Proceedings Disha Chavda, Madhumita Ghosh & Dr. Ravi Gor
Apr 2021

Title: Portfolio optimization using Back propagation Neural Network

Journal: International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences

ISBN: 978-81-928100-1-0

Language: English


Publisher Excellent Publishers

Proceedings Jagruti Yadav, Sachi Bhavsar & Dr. Ravi Gor
Apr 2021

Title: A study on MFI and Super trend combined with the EPS and P/E ratio

Journal: International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences

ISBN: 978-81-928100-1-0

Language: English


Publisher Excellent Publishers

Proceedings jashvant Patel, Vaidehi Vaghela & Dr. Ravi Gor
Apr 2021

Title: A study on Doji and Doji Complex Candlestick patterns with Conformation by EMA

Journal: International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences

ISBN: 978-81-928100-1-0

Language: English


Publisher Excellent Publishers

Proceedings jainil Patel, Vaidehi Vaghela & Dr. Ravi Gor
Apr 2021

Title: A Study on CCI and STARC Bands indicators

Journal: International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences

ISBN: 978-81-928100-1-0

Language: English


Publisher Excellent Publishers

Proceedings Jyoti Sevara, Vaidehi Vaghela & Dr. Ravi Gor
Apr 2021

Title: A stock trading using On Balance Volume and Vortex Indicators combined with CASA and NPA ratio with a Banking sector

Journal: International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences

ISBN: 978-81-928100-1-0

Language: English


Publisher Excellent Publishers

Proceedings Krishna Soni, Vaidehi Vaghela & Dr. Ravi Gor
Apr 2021

Title: Bitcoin price prediction using Random Forest regressor

Journal: International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences

ISBN: 978-81-928100-1-0

Language: English


Publisher Excellent Publishers

Proceedings Mannan Shaikh, Madhumita Ghosh & Dr. Ravi Gor
Apr 2021

Title: Portfolio optimization using efficient frontier for Indian stock market

Journal: International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences

ISBN: 978-81-928100-1-0

Language: English


Publisher Excellent Publishers

Proceedings Mansi Patel, Maitri Panchal & Dr. Ravi Gor
Apr 2021

Title: Review on Var using Monte-Carlo simulation, EWMA & GARCH models

Journal: International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences

ISBN: 978-81-928100-1-0

Language: English


Publisher Excellent Publishers

Proceedings Mitesh Gupta, Kirit Vaniya & Dr. Ravi Gor
Apr 2021

Title: VaR and CVaR of Indian Stocks using Simulation Model and Back Testing

Journal: International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences

ISBN: 978-81-928100-1-0

Language: English


Publisher Excellent Publishers

Proceedings Kirit Vaniya & Dr. Ravi Gor
Apr 2021

Title: Stock trading using Williams Percent Range and Weighted Moving Average combine with Free Float Market Capitalization and ROCE

Journal: International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences

ISBN: 978-81-928100-1-0

Language: English


Publisher Excellent Publishers

Proceedings Nandani Patel, Maitri Panchal & Dr. Ravi Gor
Apr 2021

Title: Foreign Exchange Price Prediction Using Random Forest

Journal: International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences

ISBN: 978-81-928100-1-0

Language: English


Publisher Excellent Publishers

Proceedings Nirav Chauhan, Akash Singh & Dr. Ravi Gor
Apr 2021

Title: Prediction of share price using Markov chain model

Journal: International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences

ISBN: 978-81-928100-1-0

Language: English


Publisher Excellent Publishers

Proceedings Riya Sharma, Akash Singh & Dr. Ravi Gor
Apr 2021

Title: Forecasting Exchange Rates Using Time Series Analysis: the sample of the currency Pair EUR/ USD

Journal: International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences

ISBN: 978-81-928100-1-0

Language: English


Publisher Excellent Publishers

Proceedings Nirmal Patil & Dr. Ravi Gor
Apr 2021

Title: Security Selection and Portfolio Construction

Journal: International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences

ISBN: 978-81-928100-1-0

Language: English


Publisher Excellent Publishers

Proceedings Nishant Soliya, Vaidehi Vaghela & Dr. Ravi Gor
Apr 2021

Title: Foreign Exchange Price Prediction using LSTM Model

Journal: International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences

ISBN: 978-81-928100-1-0

Language: English


Publisher Excellent Publishers

Proceedings Pradip Chauhan & Dr. Ravi Gor
Apr 2021

Title: A study on Donchain Channel and Awesome Oscillator indicators and fundamental factors Enterprise Value and P/B ratio

Journal: International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences

ISBN: 978-81-928100-1-0

Language: English


Publisher Excellent Publishers

Proceedings Raj Joshi, Vaidehi Vaghela & Dr. Ravi Gor
Apr 2021

Title: Stock price prediction using Neural Network – LSTM

Journal: International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences

ISBN: 978-81-928100-1-0

Language: English


Publisher Excellent Publishers

Proceedings Ridhhi Patel, Shachi Bhavsar & Dr. Ravi Gor
Apr 2021

Title: A Study on Efi And Adx Strategy

Journal: International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences

ISBN: 978-81-928100-1-0

Language: English


Publisher Excellent Publishers

Proceedings Shraddha Mori, Maitri Panchal & Dr. Ravi Gor
Apr 2021

Title: A study on MACD and EMA strategy in conjunction with the D/E and Current ratio

Journal: International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences

ISBN: 978-81-928100-1-0

Language: English


Publisher Excellent Publishers

Proceedings Utkarsh Patel, Maitri Panchal & Dr. Ravi Gor
Apr 2021

Title: Stock Price Prediction using Linear Multiple Regression for Option Trading

Journal: International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences

ISBN: 978-81 928100-1-0

Language: English


Publisher Excellent Publishers

Proceedings Vaibhav Sharma, Madhumita Ghosh & Dr. Ravi Gor
Apr 2021

Title: A comparison of GRU-based ETH price prediction

Journal: International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences

ISBN: 978-81 928100-1-0

Language: English


Publisher Excellent Publishers

Proceedings Vaidehi Rajpurohit , Shachi Bhavsar & Dr. Ravi Gor
Apr 2021

Title: A Study on PSAR-ATR Bands strategy combined with P/E ratio and ROE

Journal: International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences

ISBN: 978-81 928100-1-0

Language: English


Publisher Excellent Publishers

Proceedings Yash Zala, Maitri Panchal & Dr. Ravi Gor
Apr 2021

Title: A Revier paper on Mathematical Model of Digital Signature

Journal: International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences

ISBN: 978-81 928100-1-0

Language: English


Publisher Excellent Publishers

Proceedings Bhavadip Moghariya & Dr. Ravi Gor
Apr 2016

Title: Improving the effectiveness of e-Governance project in public distribution system (PDS) of Gujarat

Journal: International Journal of Research in Computer Application & Management

ISSN: 2231-1009

Volume (issue): 6 (4)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Tiwari Parikshit & Dr. Ravi Gor
Apr 2015

Title: A theoretical examination of training and development activities: Perspective of Non-Life insurance sector

Journal: Journal of Insurance Institute of India

ISSN: 2278-6759

Volume (issue): 2 (4)

Language: English


Publisher UGC List

Journals Patel Chirag & Dr. Ravi Gor
Apr 2003

Title: An order level lot-size model with time dependent deterioration and permissible delay in payments

Journal: Advances and applications in statistics

ISSN: 0972-3617

Volume (issue): 3 (2)

Language: English


Publisher abc

Journals Dr. Ravi Gor & Dr. Nita Shah


Programme Attended


Title: Teacher Training Workshop for Teachers of Operations Research

Start Date: 25 Nov, 2002

End Date: 30 Nov, 2002

Organization: B. K. School of Business Management, Operational Research Society of India Ahmedabad Chapter and sponsored by AICTE

Role of faculty: Participant

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended

Refresher Course

Title: Mathematics

Start Date: 16 Mar, 2021

End Date: 30 Mar, 2021

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Ramanujan Collage, New Delhi

Role of faculty: Participant

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Management Research

Start Date: 30 Apr, 2014

End Date: 30 Apr, 2014

Organization: B. K. School of Business Management, Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Invited Speaker

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Data Science

Start Date: 29 Jun, 2014

End Date: 29 Jun, 2014

Organization: Ministry of Statistics & Program Implementation, National Sample Survey Office

Role of faculty: Invited Speaker

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Best Practices for excellence in Curriculum Design

Start Date: 29 Jul, 2016

End Date: 29 Jul, 2016

Organization: Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) Institute of Quality

Role of faculty: Invited Speaker

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Startup and Innovation

Start Date: 29 Apr, 2020

End Date: 29 Apr, 2020

Organization: Bhakta Kavi Narsinh Mehta University, Junagadh

Role of faculty: Invited Speaker

Level of Programme: International

Programme Attended

Faculty devlopment programme

Title: Innovative Classroom Practices for teaching Mathematics - Statistics

Start Date: 28 Jun, 2015

End Date: 28 Jun, 2015

Organization: GLS University

Role of faculty: Invited Speaker

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended

Professional devlopment programme

Title: Digital India – Topic: Bridging the Digital Divide

Start Date: 28 Jan, 2016

End Date: 28 Jan, 2016

Organization: Doordarshan

Role of faculty: Invited Speaker

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Leadership Development in Higher Education

Start Date: 26 Feb, 2013

End Date: 28 Feb, 2013

Organization: Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University and Commonwealth of Learning

Role of faculty: Participant

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended

Faculty devlopment programme

Title: Curriculum Design for Student Engagement

Start Date: 27 May, 2016

End Date: 27 May, 2016

Organization: Academic Development and Research Cell, Nirma University

Role of faculty: Participant

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: IBSICON-08 International Conference on Innovation

Start Date: 27 Aug, 2008

End Date: 27 Aug, 2008

Organization: IBS Ahmedabad

Role of faculty: Resources person

Level of Programme: International

Programme Attended


Title: Quantitative Ability in undergraduate management programme

Start Date: 27 Aug, 2005

End Date: 27 Aug, 2005

Organization: H.L Institute of Business Administration

Role of faculty: Invited Speaker

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Assessment and Evaluation - Improving State Public Universities

Start Date: 26 Sep, 2015

End Date: 26 Sep, 2015

Organization: Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar

Role of faculty: Resources person

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Workshop on Research Methodology

Start Date: 24 Jul, 2008

End Date: 26 Jul, 2008

Organization: ICFAI BUSINESS SCHOOL Ahmedabad

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: "Measurement in Management” conducted by SAS (Statistical Analysis Software) India

Start Date: 24 Jan, 2008

End Date: 26 Jan, 2008

Organization: ICFAI Business School, Hyderabad

Role of faculty: Participant

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Introduction to Monte Carlo Simulation

Start Date: 26 Feb, 2010

End Date: 26 Feb, 2010

Organization: M G Science Institute, Ahmedabad

Role of faculty: Resources person

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Impact of Statistics on Science and Society

Start Date: 25 Feb, 2010

End Date: 26 Feb, 2010

Organization: M G Science Institute, Ahmedabad

Role of faculty: Resources person

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Optimization Models in Financial Mathematics

Start Date: 25 Apr, 2023

End Date: 26 Apr, 2023

Organization: Department of Applied Mathematical Science Actuarial Science and Analytics

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Impact of Educational Technology in the classroom – Flipped Classroom

Start Date: 24 Jan, 2016

End Date: 25 Jan, 2016

Organization: J G College of Education, Ahmedabad

Role of faculty: Plenary Speaker

Level of Programme: International

Programme Attended


Title: Education – From Neolithic India to Contemporary World

Start Date: 24 Jan, 2016

End Date: 25 Jan, 2016

Organization: J G College of Education, Ahmedabad

Role of faculty: Resources person

Level of Programme: International

Programme Attended

Refresher Course

Title: Refresher Course in Mathematics

Start Date: 05 Feb, 2004

End Date: 25 Feb, 2004

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Participant

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Perspectives 2014- National Conference on contemporary issues in Management 2014

Start Date: 25 Apr, 2014

End Date: 25 Apr, 2014

Organization: Shri Chimanbhai Patel Institute of Management and Research

Role of faculty: Resources person

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended

Faculty devlopment programme

Title: Aligning learning styles and course planning

Start Date: 24 Sep, 2011

End Date: 24 Sep, 2011

Organization: B K Majumdar Institute of Business Administration

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Winter School for Operations Research Teachers

Start Date: 15 Feb, 2008

End Date: 24 Feb, 2008

Organization: Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad

Role of faculty: Participant

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Perspectives 2015- National Conference on contemporary issues in Management 2015

Start Date: 23 Jan, 2015

End Date: 23 Jan, 2015

Organization: Shri Chimanbhai Patel Institute of Management and Research

Role of faculty: Resources person

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Inventory Optimization: Embracing Data Analytics and Deep Learning

Start Date: 22 Aug, 2020

End Date: 23 Aug, 2020

Organization: Department of Mathematics Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Invited Speaker

Level of Programme: International

Programme Attended


Title: From Math-Stat to Data Science

Start Date: 23 Aug, 2014

End Date: 23 Aug, 2014

Organization: The Father Valles Lecture Series at St. Xavier’s College

Role of faculty: Invited Speaker

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended

Orientation Programme

Title:  Orientation Course

Start Date: 31 Mar, 2001

End Date: 23 Apr, 2001

Organization: Academic Staff College, Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Participant

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended

Faculty devlopment programme

Title: introduction to SPSS for Data Analysis

Start Date: 12 Mar, 2008

End Date: 22 Mar, 2008

Organization: ICFAI BUSINESS SCHOOL Ahmedabad

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Research Meet 2019

Start Date: 22 Jun, 2019

End Date: 22 Jun, 2019

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: State Level

Programme Attended


Title: Artificial Intelligence

Start Date: 22 Jul, 2020

End Date: 22 Jul, 2020

Organization: Sir P. T Science College (Modasa), Community Science center, Arvalli, GUJCOST, Esseence Tech, Incubation Center, SSIP

Role of faculty: Invited Speaker

Level of Programme: International

Programme Attended


Title: Financial Mathematics

Start Date: 22 Jan, 2019

End Date: 22 Jan, 2019

Organization: Government Madhav Science P.G. College, Ujjain

Role of faculty: Invited Speaker

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Changing Trends in Management Education -2014

Start Date: 21 Feb, 2014

End Date: 21 Feb, 2014

Organization: National Institute of Cooperative Management, Gandhinagar

Role of faculty: Keynote Address

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Functions of IQAC for Re-Accreditation along with highlighting the requirements of NCTE New Proforma of Two Years B.Ed.

Start Date: 19 Sep, 2015

End Date: 19 Sep, 2015

Organization: Smt. B.C.J College of Education, Khambhat

Role of faculty: Keynote Address

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended

Refresher Course

Title: Refresher Course in Mathematics

Start Date: 02 Nov, 2000

End Date: 19 Nov, 2000

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Participant

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Careers in Mathematical Sciences

Start Date: 19 Mar, 2019

End Date: 19 Mar, 2019

Organization: K. K. Shah Jarodwala Maninagar Science College, Ahmedabad

Role of faculty: Invited Speaker

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Applications in Mathematical Sciences

Start Date: 19 Feb, 2019

End Date: 19 Feb, 2019

Organization: M. G. Science Institute, Ahmedabad

Role of faculty: Invited Speaker

Level of Programme: International

Programme Attended

Faculty devlopment programme

Title: Policies, Innovations and Governance in Open Distance Learning

Start Date: 18 Feb, 2016

End Date: 19 Feb, 2016

Organization: Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)

Role of faculty: Participant

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Recent Trends in Mathematics and its Applications

Start Date: 19 Dec, 2014

End Date: 19 Dec, 2014

Organization: C. U. Shah University, Wadhwan

Role of faculty: Resources person

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Business Research Methods and Data Analysis using SPSS

Start Date: 19 Dec, 2008

End Date: 19 Dec, 2008

Organization: H.L Institute of Business Administration

Role of faculty: Invited Speaker

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Re-defining student engagement in distance learning

Start Date: 17 Dec, 2015

End Date: 17 Dec, 2015

Organization: Tata Consultancy Services - iON, Mumbai

Role of faculty: Plenary Speaker

Level of Programme: International

Programme Attended


Title: Impact of Blended and Collaborative Learning

Start Date: 16 Sep, 2014

End Date: 16 Sep, 2014

Organization: Institute of Pharmacy, Nirma University

Role of faculty: Invited Speaker

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Supply chain in the era of Data Science and Deep Learning

Start Date: 16 Aug, 2020

End Date: 16 Aug, 2020

Organization: at Indian Institute of Materials Management

Role of faculty: Invited Speaker

Level of Programme: International

Programme Attended


Title: Mathematics Excellence 2020

Start Date: 15 Feb, 2020

End Date: 15 Feb, 2020

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: State Level

Programme Attended


Title: ICT in Education

Start Date: 15 Feb, 2014

End Date: 15 Feb, 2014

Organization: North Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Keynote Address

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: National Conference on applied mathematical sciences NCAMS 2018

Start Date: 14 Apr, 2018

End Date: 15 Apr, 2018

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Research Avenues in Mathematical Finance

Start Date: 14 Apr, 2018

End Date: 15 Apr, 2018

Organization: Gujarat University and Parul University at Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Invited Speaker

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Management of Risk and Resilience in the Post Pandemic Supply Chain

Start Date: 14 May, 2022

End Date: 14 May, 2022

Organization: at Indian Institute of Materials Management by AMA

Role of faculty: Invited Speaker

Level of Programme: International

Programme Attended


Title: Flipped Classroom

Start Date: 14 Feb, 2016

End Date: 14 Feb, 2016

Organization: Gujarat Technological University

Role of faculty: Invited Speaker

Level of Programme: State Level

Programme Attended


Title: Current Trends in Academics: The Way Forward to Create Agile and Resilient Libraries

Start Date: 14 Aug, 2021

End Date: 14 Aug, 2021

Organization: ADINET (Advanced Information Networks of Gujarat) and National Institute of Design

Role of faculty: Invited Speaker

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: 7th International conference on IEOM

Start Date: 11 Apr, 2017

End Date: 13 Apr, 2017

Organization: Rabat, Morocco

Role of faculty: Resources person

Level of Programme: International

Programme Attended


Title: 7th International conference on IEOM

Start Date: 11 Apr, 2017

End Date: 13 Apr, 2017

Organization: Rabat, Morocco

Role of faculty: Resources person

Level of Programme: International

Programme Attended


Title: Curriculum Design for Skill Development

Start Date: 12 Apr, 2016

End Date: 13 Apr, 2016

Organization: Institute of Business Administration, GLS University, Ahmedabad

Role of faculty: Invited Speaker

Level of Programme: State Level

Programme Attended


Title: Actuarial Sciences

Start Date: 12 Mar, 2019

End Date: 12 Mar, 2019

Organization: Government Gujarat Science College, Ahmedabad

Role of faculty: Invited Speaker

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended

Faculty devlopment programme

Title: Research Methods in Management

Start Date: 11 Dec, 2009

End Date: 12 Dec, 2009

Organization: Icfai Business School Ahmedabad

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: National seminar on Recent Trends in Mathematics

Start Date: 11 Mar, 2024

End Date: 11 Mar, 2024

Organization: Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar

Role of faculty: Invited Speaker

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Optimization Models in Financial Mathematics

Start Date: 10 Feb, 2023

End Date: 11 Feb, 2023

Organization: Swami Vivekanand Gov. Post Graduate College, Neemuch, M. P.

Role of faculty: Invited Speaker

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended

Faculty devlopment programme

Title: Teaching effectiveness in the classroom

Start Date: 11 Feb, 2010

End Date: 11 Feb, 2010

Organization: St. Kabir Institute of Professional Studies

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Modern Mathematical Concepts

Start Date: 10 Jul, 2003

End Date: 10 Jul, 2003

Organization: A. G. Teachers College of Education

Role of faculty: Invited Speaker

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Science Excellence 2009

Start Date: 10 Jan, 2009

End Date: 10 Jan, 2009

Organization: Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Resources person

Level of Programme: State Level

Programme Attended

Professional devlopment programme

Title: Hello Karkirdi

Start Date: 10 Feb, 2016

End Date: 10 Feb, 2016

Organization: Television Broadcast program by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University

Role of faculty: Invited Speaker

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Business Research Methods and Data Analysis using SPSS

Start Date: 10 Dec, 2008

End Date: 10 Dec, 2008

Organization: H.L Institute of Business Administration

Role of faculty: Invited Speaker

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: International Conference - Liberating Learning

Start Date: 07 Jun, 2013

End Date: 09 Jun, 2013

Organization: Children’s University, Gujarat

Role of faculty: Resources person

Level of Programme: International

Programme Attended


Title: 4th International conference on IEOM

Start Date: 07 Jan, 2014

End Date: 09 Jan, 2014

Organization: IEOM organized at Bali, Indonesia

Role of faculty: Resources person

Level of Programme: International

Programme Attended


Title: International Conference of the Society of Operations Management

Start Date: 08 Dec, 2006

End Date: 09 Dec, 2006

Organization: IIM Ahmedabad

Role of faculty: Resources person

Level of Programme: International

Programme Attended


Title: Responsiveness towards the students of Open and Distance Learning

Start Date: 08 Aug, 2015

End Date: 09 Aug, 2015

Organization: National Institute of Open Schooling, Gandhinagar

Role of faculty: Keynote Address

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Workshop on CASE METHODS for Management Education

Start Date: 07 Mar, 2008

End Date: 08 Mar, 2008

Organization: ICFAI Business School, Ahmedabad

Role of faculty: Participant

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Research Methodology in Management

Start Date: 06 Oct, 2012

End Date: 07 Oct, 2012

Organization: R. B. Shastri Institute of Management

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: 2nd International Conference “Globalization: Opportunities and Challenges

Start Date: 07 Dec, 2007

End Date: 07 Dec, 2007

Organization: IBS Ahmedabad

Role of faculty: Resources person

Level of Programme: International

Programme Attended


Title: 3rd International conference on IEOM

Start Date: 03 Jul, 2012

End Date: 06 Jul, 2012

Organization: IEOM organized at Istanbul, Turkey

Role of faculty: Resources person

Level of Programme: International

Programme Attended


Title: Can a Materials Manager become asuccessful CEO?

Start Date: 06 Apr, 2013

End Date: 06 Apr, 2013

Organization: Indian Institute of Materials Management

Role of faculty: Invited Speaker

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Explorations in Research in Financial Mathematics: Our Experience

Start Date: 04 Mar, 2023

End Date: 05 Mar, 2023

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Veer Narmad South Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Invited Speaker

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: 6th International conference on IEOM

Start Date: 03 Mar, 2016

End Date: 05 Mar, 2016

Organization: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Role of faculty: Resources person

Level of Programme: International

Programme Attended


Title: Industrial Engineering and Operations Management in ASIA

Start Date: 03 Mar, 2016

End Date: 05 Mar, 2016

Organization: at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Role of faculty: Resources person

Level of Programme: International

Programme Attended


Title: Industrial Engineering and Operations Management in ASIA

Start Date: 03 Mar, 2015

End Date: 05 Mar, 2015

Organization: IEOM organized at Dubai

Role of faculty: Resources person

Level of Programme: International

Programme Attended


Title: Mathematics Excellence 2019

Start Date: 05 Jan, 2019

End Date: 05 Jan, 2019

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: State Level

Programme Attended


Title: Introduction to Mathematical Models in Financial Analytics

Start Date: 05 Jan, 2019

End Date: 05 Jan, 2019

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Invited Speaker

Level of Programme: State Level

Programme Attended

Faculty devlopment programme

Title: Faculty Development Programme for teachers of Management

Start Date: 02 Apr, 2007

End Date: 05 Apr, 2007

Organization: ICFAI Business School, Ahmedabad

Role of faculty: Participant

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended

Orientation Programme

Title: Open and Blended Learning

Start Date: 22 Jun, 2015

End Date: 04 Jul, 2015

Organization: NIRMA University

Role of faculty: Invited Speaker

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: 8th AIMS International Conference

Start Date: 01 Jan, 2011

End Date: 04 Jan, 2011

Organization: IIM Ahmedabad

Role of faculty: Resources person

Level of Programme: International

Programme Attended


Title: Skilling workforce – Developing Industry

Start Date: 04 Dec, 2015

End Date: 04 Dec, 2015

Organization: Confederation of Indian Industries (CII)

Role of faculty: Resources person

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Effective Researching and Publishing

Start Date: 04 Aug, 2014

End Date: 04 Aug, 2014

Organization: at B. K. School of Business Management, Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Invited Speaker

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended

Short term course

Title: E-Content Development

Start Date: 28 May, 2020

End Date: 03 Jun, 2020

Organization: UGC-Human Resource Development Centre Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Participant

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Workshop on Learning Business Research Methods using Microsoft Excel

Start Date: 02 Jan, 2019

End Date: 03 Jan, 2019

Organization: GLS University

Role of faculty: Organizer

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: New Developments in Marine Management

Start Date: 03 Apr, 2014

End Date: 03 Apr, 2014

Organization: B. K. School of Business Management, Gujarat University

Role of faculty: Keynote Address

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: National Workshop on Foundations of Data Science

Start Date: 28 Nov, 2023

End Date: 02 Dec, 2023

Organization: CHARUSAT Campus- Changa

Role of faculty: Invited Speaker

Level of Programme: National

Programme Attended


Title: Contemporary Necessities in Teaching Applied Mathematical Sciences

Start Date: 30 Jan, 2022

End Date: 01 Feb, 2022

Organization: Vigyan Gurjari

Role of faculty: Invited Speaker

Level of Programme: National

Paper Presented


Title: Education and Youth for the global change – Role of Spirituality

Organization: B.K. School of Business Management, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad

Date: 31 Jan, 2018

Level of Programme: International

Details: Kinkhabwala Bhavesh, Gor Ravi (2018, January), “Education and Youth for the global change – Role of Spirituality” – paper presentation at the International Youth Summit to be organised by B.K. School of Business Management, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad on 30th & 31st January, 2018

Paper Presented


Title: Short Message Service Classifier Application using Naïve Bayes algorithm

Organization: B K Birla Institute of Engineering & Technology, Rajasthan

Date: 30 May, 2022

Level of Programme: International

Details: Ghosh Madhumita, Ravi Gor(2022), “Short Message Service Classifier Application using Naïve Bayes algorithm”, at the “International Conference on Recent Advances in Computational Mathematics and Engineering”, organized by B K Birla Institute of Engineering & Technology, Rajasthan, during 30th – 31st May 2022

Paper Presented


Title: Sales Prediction using Back propagation Algorithm in Deep Learning Model

Organization: B K Birla Institute of Engineering & Technology, Rajasthan

Date: 30 May, 2022

Level of Programme: International

Details: Bhavsar, S.M & Gor, Ravi, “Sales Prediction using Back propagation Algorithm in Deep Learning Model” at the “International Conference on Recent Advances in Computational Mathematics and Engineering”, organized by B K Birla Institute of Engineering & Technology, Rajasthan, during 30th – 31st May 2022

Paper Presented


Title: Intraday Trading using covered call strategy

Organization: Vigyan Gurjari & Gujarat University

Date: 30 Jan, 2022

Level of Programme: National

Details: Gautam Chauhan, Vaidehi Vaghela, Ravi Gor (2022), “Intraday Trading using covered call strategy”, at the Mathematics: An event of Gujarat Vigyan Sammelan – 2022, organized by Vigyan Gurjari & Gujarat University (Online Mode), during 30 Jan – 1 Feb 2022

Paper Presented


Title: Trading using Synthetic long call Strategy

Organization: Vigyan Gurjari & Gujarat University

Date: 30 Jan, 2022

Level of Programme: National

Details: Jainil Parikh, Vaidehi Vaghela, Ravi Gor (2022), “Trading using Synthetic long call Strategy”, at the Mathematics: An event of Gujarat Vigyan Sammelan – 2022, organized by Vigyan Gurjari & Gujarat University (Online Mode), during 30 Jan – 1 Feb 2022

Paper Presented


Title: Strategic Asset Allocation

Organization: Vigyan Gurjari & Gujarat University

Date: 30 Jan, 2022

Level of Programme: National

Details: Ketan Bhimani, Vaidehi Vaghela, Ravi Gor (2022), “Strategic Asset Allocation”, at the Mathematics: An event of Gujarat Vigyan Sammelan – 2022, organized by Vigyan Gurjari & Gujarat University (Online Mode), during 30 Jan – 1 Feb 2022

Paper Presented


Title: Portfolio Rebalancing strategy

Organization: Vigyan Gurjari & Gujarat University

Date: 30 Jan, 2022

Level of Programme: National

Details: Mukesh Beniwal, Vaidehi Vaghela, Ravi Gor (2022), “Portfolio Rebalancing strategy”, at the Mathematics: An event of Gujarat Vigyan Sammelan – 2022, organized by Vigyan Gurjari & Gujarat University (Online Mode), during 30 Jan – 1 Feb 2022

Paper Presented


Title: Spirituality the way of life for a Holistic Living through the route of Human Care

Organization: B.K. School of Business Management, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad

Date: 30 Jan, 2017

Level of Programme: National

Details: Kinkhabwala Bhavesh, Gor Ravi (2017, January), “Spirituality the way of life for a Holistic Living through the route of Human Care” – paper presented at the National Youth Summit organised by B.K. School of Business Management, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad on 30th January, 2017.

Paper Presented


Title: Mathematical Model of Digital Signature based on ECDSA and Rabin encryption techniques

Organization: Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering, Pune, India

Date: 29 Sep, 2022

Level of Programme: International

Details: Moghariya Bhavadip, Gor Ravi (2022), “Mathematical Model of Digital Signature based on ECDSA and Rabin encryption techniques” at Annual Conference and 25th Annual Conference of Gwalior Academy of Mathematical Sciences & Humanities, organized by Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering, Pune, India during 29 September - 1 October, 2022

Paper Presented


Title: Study of Average Transaction Confirmation time in a Blockchain using Queueing Model

Organization: Department of Applied Sciences & Humanities, Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering, Pune, India

Date: 29 Sep, 2022

Level of Programme: International

Details: Vora Stuti, Gor Ravi (2022), “Study of Average Transaction Confirmation time in a Blockchain using Queueing Model” at 9th International Conference and 25th Annual Conference of Gwalior Academy of Mathematical Sciences (ICGAMS-2022), organized by Department of Applied Sciences & Humanities, Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering, Pune, India during 29th Sep - 1st Oct2022

Paper Presented


Title: Digital Image Encryption using Rubik’s Cube Algorithm

Organization: Department of Applied Sciences & Humanities, Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering, Pune, India

Date: 29 Sep, 2022

Level of Programme: International

Details: Gandhi Srushti, Gor Ravi (2022), “Digital Image Encryption using Rubik’s Cube Algorithm” at 9th International Conference and 25th Annual Conference of Gwalior Academy of Mathematical Sciences (ICGAMS-2k22) organized by Department of Applied Sciences & Humanities, Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering, Pune, India during 29th September – 1st October, 2022

Paper Presented


Title: Cryptographic method using RSA algorithm and Mellin Transform

Organization: Department of Applied Sciences & Humanities, Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering, Pune, India

Date: 29 Sep, 2022

Level of Programme: International

Details: Thakkar Akash, Gor Ravi (2022), “Cryptographic method using RSA algorithm and Mellin Transform” at 9th International Conference and 25th Annual Conference of Gwalior Academy of Mathematical Sciences (ICGAMS-2k22) organized by Department of Applied Sciences & Humanities, Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering, Pune, India during 29th September – 1st October, 2022

Paper Presented


Title: Estimation of Default Risk by Structural Models: Theory and Literature

Organization: Department of Applied Sciences & Humanities, Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering, Pune, India

Date: 29 Sep, 2022

Level of Programme: International

Details: Jumbe George, Gor Ravi (2022). “Estimation of Default Risk by Structural Models: Theory and Literature” in the Three day 9th International Conference & 25th (Silver Jubilee) Annual Conference of Gwalior Academy of Mathematical Sciences (ICGAMS-2K22) in Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities held at PCCoE, Pune from 29th SEP to 1st OCT 2K22

Paper Presented


Title: Cryptographic method using ElGamal algorithm and Kamal Transform

Organization: Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat, India and Vyatka State University, Kirov, Russia

Date: 28 Oct, 2021

Level of Programme: International

Details: Thakkar Akash, Gor Ravi (2021), “Cryptographic method using ElGamal algorithm and Kamal Transform” at Virtual International Conference on Emerging Trends in Applied Sciences (ETAS-2021), jointly organized by Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat, India and Vyatka State University, Kirov, Russia during 28th - 29th October, 2021

Paper Presented


Title: Mathematical Model of Digital Signature based on ECDSA and Elgamal encryption techniques

Organization: Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat, India and Vyatka State University, Kirov, Russia

Date: 28 Oct, 2021

Level of Programme: International

Details: Moghariya Bhavadip, Gor Ravi (2021), “Mathematical Model of Digital Signature based on ECDSA and Elgamal encryption techniques” at Virtual International Conference on Emerging Trends in Applied Sciences (ETAS-2021), jointly organized by Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat, India and Vyatka State University, Kirov, Russia during 28th - 29th October, 2021

Paper Presented


Title: Study of Performance of Blockchain system using Queueing Model

Organization: Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat, India and Vyatka State University, Kirov, Russia

Date: 28 Oct, 2021

Level of Programme: International

Details: Vora Stuti, Gor Ravi (2021), “Study of Performance of Blockchain system using Queueing Model” at Virtual International Conference on Emerging Trends in Applied Sciences (ETAS-2021), jointly organized by Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat, India and Vyatka State University, Kirov, Russia during 28th - 29th October, 2021

Paper Presented


Title: Digital Image Encryption Using Random Matrix Affine Cipher And The Chaotic Maps

Organization: Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat, India and Vyatka State University, Kirov, Russia

Date: 28 Oct, 2021

Level of Programme: International

Details: Gandhi Srushti, Gor Ravi (2021), “Digital Image Encryption Using Random Matrix Affine Cipher And The Chaotic Maps” at Virtual International Conference on Emerging Trends in Applied Sciences (ETAS-2021), jointly organized by Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat, India and Vyatka State University, Kirov, Russia during 28th - 29th October, 2021

Paper Presented


Title: Present value formulation of lot size inventory model for deteriorating items with shortages when demand depends on advertisement and stock displayed

Organization: Dept.of Mathematics, Gujarat University

Date: 28 Mar, 2008

Level of Programme: State Level

Details: Presented the paper “Present value formulation of lot size inventory model for deteriorating items with shortages when demand depends on advertisement and stock displayed”, (28-29 March, 2008), Dept.of Mathematics, Gujarat University, UGC sponsored State Level Seminar Mathematics Meet 2008

Paper Presented


Title: Building Trust in Natural Farming: A Blockchain Approach to Traceability and Verification: A Review

Organization: Gujarat University, Ahmedabad

Date: 28 Feb, 2024

Level of Programme: International

Details: Prakashsinh Gohil and Dr.Ravi Gor presented a paper “Building Trust in Natural Farming: A Blockchain Approach to Traceability and Verification: A Review” at International Conference on Scientific Progress in Environmental and Economic Development, organized by Gujarat University, Gujarat, India during February 28-29, 2024

Paper Presented


Title: Mathematics behind Commodity Channel Index Oscillator

Organization: Department of Mathematics, M.K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar

Date: 28 Dec, 2019

Level of Programme: International

Details: 10. Nilam Chavda, Vaghela Vaidehi, Gor Ravi (2019), “Mathematics behind Commodity Channel Index Oscillator”, at the 2nd Prof. P.C.Vaidya National Conference on Mathematical Sciences organized by Department of Mathematics, M.K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar during 28-29 December, 2019.

Paper Presented


Title: Predictive Powers of Simple Candlestick Patterns

Organization: Department of Mathematics, M.K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar

Date: 28 Dec, 2019

Level of Programme: International

Details: 2. Shreya Patel, Vaghela Vaidehi, Gor Ravi (2019), “Predictive Powers of Simple Candlestick Patterns”, at the 2nd Prof. P.C.Vaidya National Conference on Mathematical Sciences organized by Department of Mathematics, M.K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar during 28-29 December, 2019.

Paper Presented


Title: Review of the quadrature method for pricing European Options

Organization: Department of Mathematics, M.K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar

Date: 28 Dec, 2019

Level of Programme: International

Details: 4. Rinku Patel, Akash Singh, Gor Ravi (2019), “Review of the quadrature method for pricing European Options”, at the 2nd Prof. P.C.Vaidya National Conference on Mathematical Sciences organized by Department of Mathematics, M.K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar during 28-29 December, 2019.

Paper Presented


Title: The Relevance of Levy Process in option pricing: a review

Organization: Department of Mathematics, M.K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar

Date: 28 Dec, 2019

Level of Programme: International

Details: 3. Mansi Patel, Akash Singh, Gor Ravi (2019), “The Relevance of Levy Proces in option pricing: a review”, at the 2nd Prof. P.C.Vaidya National Conference on Mathematical Sciences organized by Department of Mathematics, M.K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar during 28-29 December, 2019.

Paper Presented


Title: Relevancy test for European call-put in option pricing models

Organization: Department of Mathematics, M.K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar

Date: 28 Dec, 2019

Level of Programme: International

Details: 1. Sisodia Neha, Gor Ravi (2019), “Relevancy test for European call-put in option pricing models”, at the 2nd Prof. P.C.Vaidya National Conference on Mathematical Sciences organized by Department of Mathematics, M.K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar during 28-29 December, 2019.

Paper Presented


Title: Computation of conditional value at risk using continuous curve fitting approach

Organization: Department of Mathematics, M.K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar

Date: 28 Dec, 2019

Level of Programme: International

Details: 10. Vaniya Kirit, Gor Ravi (2019), “Computation of conditional value at risk using continuous curve fitting approach”, at the 2nd Prof. P.C.Vaidya National Conference on Mathematical Sciences organized by Department of Mathematics, M.K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar during 28-29 December, 2019.

Paper Presented


Title: Mathematical Formulation of Volatility in Bollinger Bands

Organization: Department of Mathematics, M.K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar

Date: 28 Dec, 2019

Level of Programme: International

Details: 2. Panchal Maitri, Gor Ravi (2019), “Mathematical Formulation of Volatility in Bollinger Bands”, at the 2nd Prof. P.C.Vaidya National Conference on Mathematical Sciences organized by Department of Mathematics, M.K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar during 28-29 December, 2019.

Paper Presented


Title: A review of Wave Theory in context of Financial Markets

Organization: Department of Mathematics, M.K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar

Date: 28 Dec, 2019

Level of Programme: International

Details: 3. Vaghela Vaidehi, Gor Ravi (2019), “A review of Wave Theory in context of Financial Markets”, at the 2nd Prof. P.C.Vaidya National Conference on Mathematical Sciences organized by Department of Mathematics, M.K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar during 28-29 December, 2019.

Paper Presented


Title: Stock price prediction using Support Vector Regression

Organization: Department of Mathematics, M.K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar

Date: 28 Dec, 2019

Level of Programme: International

Details: 4. Ghosh Madhumita, Gor Ravi (2019), “Stock price prediction using Support Vector Regression”, at the 2nd Prof. P.C.Vaidya National Conference on Mathematical Sciences organized by Department of Mathematics, M.K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar during 28-29 December, 2019.

Paper Presented


Title: Grain Seeds Classification using Back Propagation

Organization: Department of Mathematics, M.K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar

Date: 28 Dec, 2019

Level of Programme: International

Details: 5. Bhavsar Shachi, Gor Ravi (2019), “Grain Seeds Classification using Back Propagation”, at the 2nd Prof. P.C.Vaidya National Conference on Mathematical Sciences organized by Department of Mathematics, M.K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar during 28-29 December, 2019.

Paper Presented


Title: Comparison of two modified Black-Scholes option pricing models for Indian options market

Organization: Department of Mathematics, M.K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar

Date: 28 Dec, 2019

Level of Programme: International

Details: 9. Chauhan Arun, Gor Ravi (2019), “Comparison of two modified Black-Scholes option pricing models for Indian options market”, at the 2nd Prof. P.C.Vaidya National Conference on Mathematical Sciences organized by Department of Mathematics, M.K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar during 28-29 December, 2019.

Paper Presented


Title: Mathematics behind Donchain Channel

Organization: Department of Mathematics, M.K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar

Date: 28 Dec, 2019

Level of Programme: International

Details: 6. Akash Thakkar, Panchal Maitri, Gor Ravi (2019), “Mathematics behind Donchain Channel”, at the 2nd Prof. P.C.Vaidya National Conference on Mathematical Sciences organized by Department of Mathematics, M.K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar during 28-29 December, 2019.

Paper Presented


Title: Technical Analysis using Keltner Channel

Organization: Department of Mathematics, M.K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar

Date: 28 Dec, 2019

Level of Programme: International

Details: 7. Dixit Patel, Panchal Maitri, Gor Ravi (2019), “Technical Analysis using Keltner Channel”, at the 2nd Prof. P.C.Vaidya National Conference on Mathematical Sciences organized by Department of Mathematics, M.K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar during 28-29 December, 2019.

Paper Presented


Title: Mathematical calculations of trailing stop loss given by PSAR indicator

Organization: Department of Mathematics, M.K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar

Date: 28 Dec, 2019

Level of Programme: International

Details: 8. Jignesh Hemrajani, Panchal Maitri, Gor Ravi (2019), “Mathematical calculations of trailing stop loss given by PSAR indicator”, at the 2nd Prof. P.C.Vaidya National Conference on Mathematical Sciences organized by Department of Mathematics, M.K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar during 28-29 December, 2019.

Paper Presented


Title: Mathematics behind price predictions using stochastic oscillator

Organization: Department of Mathematics, M.K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar

Date: 28 Dec, 2019

Level of Programme: International

Details: 9. Nikhil Malvi, Vaghela Vaidehi, Gor Ravi (2019), “Mathematics behind price predictions using stochastic oscillator”, at the 2nd Prof. P.C.Vaidya National Conference on Mathematical Sciences organized by Department of Mathematics, M.K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar during 28-29 December, 2019.

Paper Presented


Title: Predicting Trend Reversal by Candlestick Patterns

Organization: Department of Mathematics, M.K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar

Date: 28 Dec, 2019

Level of Programme: International

Details: 1. Prashant Suthar, Vaghela Vaidehi, Gor Ravi (2019), “Predicting Trend Reversal by Candlestick Patterns”, at the 2nd Prof. P.C.Vaidya National Conference on Mathematical Sciences organized by Department of Mathematics, M.K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar during 28-29 December, 2019.

Paper Presented


Title: Solution of Black-Scholes Partial Differential Equation by the Sine Cosine Function Method

Organization: Indian Institute of Infrastructure Technology, Research and Management (IITRAM)

Date: 28 Dec, 2018

Level of Programme: International

Details: Ghosh Madhumita, Dr. Ravi Gor (2018), “Solution of Black-Scholes Partial Differential Equation by the Sine Cosine Function Method” at the Indo-Canadian Multidisciplinary Research: Trends and Prospects organized by Indian Institute of Infrastructure Technology, Research and Management (IITRAM), during 28th – 29th December,2018 (International level).

Paper Presented


Title: A Study of the effects of Implied Volatility on two Option Pricing Model

Organization: Indian Institute of Infrastructure Technology, Research and Management (IITRAM)

Date: 28 Dec, 2018

Level of Programme: International

Details: Sisodia Neha, Gor Ravi(2018), “A Study of the effects of Implied Volatility on two Option Pricing Model”, at the International conference on Indo-Canadian multidiciplinary research: trends and prospects organised Indian Institute of Infrastructure Technology, Research And Management (IITRAM) during 28-29 December, 2018.

Paper Presented


Title: A Comparative Study of Modified Black-Scholes Option Pricing formula for Top 5 Indian Stock market sectors

Organization: Indian Institute of Infrastructure Technology, Research and Management (IITRAM)

Date: 28 Dec, 2018

Level of Programme: International

Details: ChauhanArun, Gor Ravi (2018), “A Comparative Study of Modified Black-Scholes Option Pricing formula for Top 5 Indian Stock market sectors”, at the“Indo-Canadian Multidisciplinary Research: Trends and Prospects” organized by Institute of Infrastructure, Technology, Research and Management, during 28-29 December 2018.

Paper Presented


Title: Literature Review of VaR (Value at Risk) Methods

Organization: Indian Institute of Infrastructure Technology, Research and Management (IITRAM)

Date: 28 Dec, 2018

Level of Programme: International

Details: VaniyaKirit, Gor Ravi (2018), “Literature Review of VaR (Value at Risk) Methods” at the Indo-Canadian Multidisciplinary Research: Trends and Prospects organized by Indian Institute of Infrastructure Technology, Research and Management (IITRAM), during 28-29 December, 2018 (International level)

Paper Presented


Title: A review of stochastic processes for asset prices market

Organization: Indian Institute of Infrastructure Technology, Research and Management (IITRAM)

Date: 28 Dec, 2018

Level of Programme: National

Details: Panchal Maitri, Gor Ravi (2018), “A review of stochastic processes for asset prices market”, at theIndo-Canadian Multidisciplinary Research: Trends and Prospects 2018 organized by IITRAM, Ahmedabad during 28 – 29 December, 2018.

Paper Presented


Title: Comparative study of Implied and Historical Volatility in American option derivative markets

Organization: Indian Institute of Infrastructure Technology, Research and Management (IITRAM)

Date: 28 Dec, 2018

Level of Programme: International

Details: Akash Singh, Gor Ravi (2018), “Comparative study of Implied and Historical Volatility in American option derivative markets”, at the INDO-CANADIAN MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH: TRENDS AND PROSPECTS 2018 organized by Indian Institute of Infrastructure Technology, Research and Management (IITRAM) during 28-29 December, 2018.

Paper Presented


Title: Intraday Trading by Option Chain

Organization: Indian Institute of Infrastructure Technology, Research and Management (IITRAM)

Date: 28 Dec, 2018

Level of Programme: International

Details: Vaghela Vaidehi, Gor Ravi (2018), “Intraday Trading by Option Chain”, at the Indo-Canadian Multidisciplinary Research: Trends and Prospects 2018 organized by IITRAM, Ahmedabad during 28 – 29 December, 2018.

Paper Presented


Title: Order level lot size inventory model for Weibull distributed deteriorating units having salvage value with price breaks

Organization: Icfai Business School Ahmedabad

Date: 27 Dec, 2007

Level of Programme: International

Details: Presented the paper “Order level lot size inventory model for Weibull distributed deteriorating units having salvage value with price breaks”, (27-29 Dec, 2007), 2nd International Conference “Globabilzation: Opportunities and Challenges” organized by Icfai Business School Ahmedabad

Paper Presented


Title: Management of damageable Merchandise

Organization: Sherwoodcollege of Management, Lucknow

Date: 27 Dec, 2004

Level of Programme: International

Details: Presented the paper” Management of damageable Merchandise”, (27-29 Dec, 2004), Sherwoodcollege of Management, Lucknow, 11thAnnual conference of the Forum of interdisciplinary Mathematics, International Conference Sponsored by U.P technical university and University of Alabama, USA

Paper Presented


Title: Transaction Exposure and Supply Chain Risk Management

Organization: Gujarat Technological University

Date: 27 Aug, 2011

Level of Programme: National

Details: Arcelus F. J., Gor Ravi*, Srinivasan G. (2011) “Transaction Exposure and Supply Chain Risk Management”, (26-27 August, 2011) presented at the Gujarat Technological University’s first conference in Finance, Ahmedabad

Paper Presented


Title: Data Envelopment Analysis: Some Issues

Organization: S M Patel Institute ofCommerce, Ahmedabad

Date: 26 Jul, 2008

Level of Programme: State Level

Details: Presented the paper “Data Envelopment Analysis: Some Issues”, (26th July, 2008), S M Patel Institute ofCommerce, Ahmedabad, UGC sponsored State Level Seminar on Statistics

Paper Presented


Title: An order level lot-size model with time dependent deterioration

Organization: Dept. of Material Science, S. P. University

Date: 26 Feb, 2003

Level of Programme: State Level

Details: Presented the paper” An order level lot-size model with time dependent deterioration” (26 Feb, 2003), Dept. of Material Science, S. P. University, 2nd Gujarat State Research Student’s Meet, State level conference

Paper Presented


Title: Pricing, Advertising and Ordering Policies in the One Time Only Discount Model

Organization: Symbiosis Institute of Operations Management, Nashik, India

Date: 26 Aug, 2011

Level of Programme: International

Details: Arcelus F. J., Gor Ravi*, Srinivasan G. (2011) “Pricing, Advertising and Ordering Policies in the One Time Only Discount Model”,presented at the 10th International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management ICOQM 10 at Symbiosis Institute of Operations Management, Nashik, India

Paper Presented


Title: Study of Encryption Algorithms: A Literature Review

Organization: Department of Applied Mathematical Science, Actuarial Science and Analytics, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, India

Date: 25 Mar, 2023

Level of Programme: National

Details: Gandhi Srushti, Gor Ravi (2023), “Study of Encryption Algorithms: A Literature Review” at National Conference on Applied Mathematical Sciences- ARYA-2023 organized by Department of Applied Mathematical Science, Actuarial Science and Analytics, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, India during 25-26 April, 2023

Paper Presented


Title: A Study of PoS Consensus Algorithm based Blockchain system using Simulation

Organization: Department of Applied Mathematical Science, Actuarial Science and Analytics, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, India

Date: 25 Mar, 2023

Level of Programme: National

Details: Vora Stuti, Gor Ravi (2023),"A Study of PoS Consensus Algorithm based Blockchain system using Simulation" at National Conference on Applied Mathematical Sciences - ARYA organized by Department of Applied Mathematical Science, Actuarial Science and Analytics, School of Emerging Science and Technology, Gujarat University, Gujarat, India during 25th-26th March, 2023

Paper Presented


Title: Mathematical Model of Digital Signature based on ECDSA and Schimdt-Samoa encryption techniques

Organization: Department of Applied Mathematical Science, Actuarial Science and Analytics, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, India

Date: 25 Mar, 2023

Level of Programme: National

Details: 1. Moghariya Bhavadip, Gor Ravi (2023), “Mathematical Model of Digital Signature based on ECDSA and Schimdt-Samoa encryption techniques” at National Conference on Applied Mathematical Sciences- ARYA-2023 organized by Department of Applied Mathematical Science, Actuarial Science and Analytics, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, India during 25-26 April, 2023

Paper Presented


Title: Study of the Atal Footbridge of Ahmedabad using Queueing Model

Organization: Department of Applied Mathematical Science, Actuarial Science and Analytics, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, India

Date: 25 Mar, 2023

Level of Programme: National

Details: Anjali Patel, Gor Ravi (2023), “Study of the Atal Footbridge of Ahmedabad using Queueing Model” at National Conference on Applied Mathematical Sciences - ARYA organized by Department of Applied Mathematical Science, Actuarial Science and Analytics, School of Emerging Science and Technology, Gujarat University, Gujarat, India during 25th-26th March, 2023

Paper Presented


Title: Cryptographic method using RSA algorithm and Sumudu Transform

Organization: Department of Applied Mathematical Science, Actuarial Science and Analytics, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, India

Date: 25 Mar, 2023

Level of Programme: National

Details: Thakkar Akash, Gor Ravi (2023), “Cryptographic method using RSA algorithm and Sumudu Transform” at National Conference on Applied Mathematical Sciences - ARYA organized by Department of Applied Mathematical Science, Actuarial Science and Analytics, School of Emerging Science and Technology, Gujarat University, Gujarat, India during 25th-26th March, 2023

Paper Presented


Title: Modeling of Default Risk by Jump Diffusion

Organization: Department of Applied Mathematical Science, Actuarial Science and Analytics, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, India

Date: 25 Mar, 2023

Level of Programme: National

Details: 6. Jumbe George, Gor Ravi (2023). “Modeling of Default Risk by Jump Diffusion” at National Conference on Applied Mathematical Sciences-ARYA organized by Department of Applied Mathematical Science, Actuarial Science and Analytics, School of Emerging Science and Technology, Gujarat University, Gujarat, India from 25th to 26th March 2023

Paper Presented


Title: Comparing Quantum harmonic oscillator model with other financial models to price European call options

Organization: Department of Applied Mathematical Science, Actuarial Science and Analytics, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, India

Date: 25 Mar, 2023

Level of Programme: National

Details: Bhatt, Atman & Gor, Ravi, “Comparing Quantum harmonic oscillator model with other financial models to price European call options” at the “Arya -2023, National Conference on Applied Mathematical Science” organized by Department of Applied Mathematical Science, Actuarial Science and Analytics, Gujarat University during 25th -26th March 2023

Paper Presented


Title: A note of rupee forecasting as affected by FII inflows and oil price movements

Organization: MG Science Institute, Ahmedabad

Date: 25 Feb, 2010

Level of Programme: National

Details: Gor Ravi*, (2010) “A note of rupee forecasting as affected by FII inflows and oil price movements”, (25-26 February, 2010), National Conference on Impact of Statistics on Science and Society organized by MG Science Institute, Ahmedabad, UGC sponsored conference

Paper Presented


Title: Analysis of uniformly and normally distributed exchange rate risk in news vendor frame work under additive demand error

Organization: Banashthali University, Rajasthan.

Date: 24 Jan, 2017

Level of Programme: International

Details: Patel, Sanjay* and Gor, Ravi (2017) “Analysis of uniformly and normally distributed exchange rate risk in news vendor frame work under additive demand error”, presented at International conference on computational mathematics & statistics(ICCMS), Jan 24-26, 2017, Banashthali University, Rajasthan

Paper Presented


Title: What HR Managers can learn from Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya

Organization: G.H. Patel PG Institute of Business Management, Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar

Date: 24 Feb, 2018

Level of Programme: National

Details: Kinkhabwala Bhavesh, Gor Ravi, (2018, February), “What HR Managers can learn from Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya” - paper presentation at the National Seminar – “Managing Business in Dynamic World” organised by G.H. Patel PG Institute of Business Management, Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar on 24th February, 2018.

Paper Presented


Title: Transcending from a Healthy Life to a Holistic Living – Role of Spirituality

Organization: G.H. Patel PG Institute of Business Management, Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar

Date: 24 Feb, 2018

Level of Programme: National

Details: Kinkhabwala Bhavesh, Gor Ravi, (2018, February), “Transcending from a Healthy Life to a Holistic Living – Role of Spirituality” - paper presentation at the National Seminar – “Managing Business in Dynamic World” organised by G.H. Patel PG Institute of Business Management, Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar on 24th February, 2018.

Paper Presented


Title: Relevancy of closed form formula for pricing the American option in actual market

Organization: St. Xavier’s College, Ahmedabad

Date: 24 Dec, 2018

Level of Programme: National

Details: Akash Singh, Gor Ravi (2018), “ Relevancy of closed form formula for pricing the American option in actual market”, at the Prof. P.C. Vaidya National Conference on Mathematical Sciences 2018 organized by St. Xavier’s college during 24-25 December, 2018

Paper Presented


Title: Solving the Black-Scholes Partial Differential Equation by the First Integral Method

Organization: St. Xavier’s College, Ahmedabad

Date: 24 Dec, 2018

Level of Programme: National

Details: Ghosh Madhumita, Dr. Ravi Gor (2018), “Solving the Black-Scholes Partial Differential Equation by the First Integral Method” at the Prof. P. C. Vaidya National Conference on Mathematical Sciences organized by St. Xavier’s College, Ahmedabad during 24th – 25th December,2018 (National level).

Paper Presented


Title: A Study of parameters of Black-Scholes’ option pricing model

Organization: St. Xavier’s College, Ahmedabad

Date: 24 Dec, 2018

Level of Programme: National

Details: Sisodia Neha, Gor Ravi(2018), “A Study of parameters of Black-Scholes’ option pricing model”, at the Prof. P. C. Vaidya National Conference on Mathematical Sciences organised by St. Xaviers college, Ahmedabad during 24-25 December,2018

Paper Presented


Title: TrandIdentification Using Bollinger Bands

Organization: St. Xavier’s College, Ahmedabad

Date: 24 Dec, 2018

Level of Programme: National

Details: Panchal Maitri, Gor Ravi (2018), “TrandIdentification Using Bollinger Bands”, at Prof. P. C. Vaidya National Conference by St Xaviers College on 24th December, 2018.

Paper Presented


Title: Study of Volatility of Option prices computed by Generalized Black-Scholes model by changing the bounds of truncated normal distribution

Organization: St. Xavier’s College, Ahmedabad

Date: 24 Dec, 2018

Level of Programme: National

Details: ChauhanArun, Gor Ravi (2018), “Study of Volatility of Option prices computed by Generalized Black-Scholes model by changing the bounds of truncated normal distribution”, at the“Prof. P.C. Vaidya National Conference on Mathematical Sciences”, organized by Department of Mathematics St. Xavier’s College, Ahmedabad and Gujarat Ganit Mandal during 24-25 December 2018

Paper Presented


Title: Forecasting market directions with Put-Call Ratio

Organization: St. Xavier’s College, Ahmedabad

Date: 24 Dec, 2018

Level of Programme: National

Details: Vaghela Vaidehi, Gor Ravi (2018), “Forecasting market directions with Put-Call Ratio”, at the Prof. P. C. Vaidya National Conference on Mathematical Sciences 2018 organized by St. Xavier’s College, Ahmedabad during 24 – 25 December, 2018

Paper Presented


Title: Computation of VaR (Value at Risk) using polynomial fitting Approach

Organization: St. Xavier’s College, Ahmedabad

Date: 24 Dec, 2018

Level of Programme: National

Details: VaniyaKirit, Gor Ravi (2018), “Computation of VaR (Value at Risk) using polynomial fitting Approach” at the Prof. P. C. Vaidya National Conference on Mathematical Sciences organized by St. Xavier’s College, Ahmedabad, during 24-25 December, 2018 ( National level)

Paper Presented


Title: Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya – A Source of learning Workplace Spirituality & Sustainable Management Practices

Organization: GLS University, Ahmedabad

Date: 23 Sep, 2017

Level of Programme: National

Details: Kinkhabwala Bhavesh, Gor Ravi (2017, September), “Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya – A Source of learning Workplace Spirituality & Sustainable Management Practices” – paper presented at the National Conference on Advances in Theory, Research & Practices in Management (GLSU-ATRPM 2017) organized by and held at GLS University, Ahmedabad on 23rd September, 2017.

Paper Presented


Title: Usage of Web-Based Project Management Information System in Construction Industry: A Review of Benefits and Challenges

Organization: GLS University, Gujarat, India

Date: 23 Mar, 2024

Level of Programme: International

Details: Mayurika Chakrabarti and Dr.Ravi Gor presented a paper “Usage of Web-Based Project Management Information System in Construction Industry: A Review of Benefits and Challenges” at International Conference on Advance in Theory, Research & Practices in Management, organized by GLS University, Gujarat, India during March 23,2024

Paper Presented


Title: Adi Shankaracharya, Spirituality and Management – Literature Review

Organization: GLS University, Ahmedabad

Date: 23 Feb, 2019

Level of Programme: National

Details: Kinkhabwala Bhavesh, Gor Ravi, (2019, February),” Adi Shankaracharya, Spirituality and Management – Literature Review” – paper presentation at the National Conference on Advances in Theory, Research & Practices in Management (GLSU-ATRPM 2019) organized by and held at GLS University, Ahmedabad on 23rd February, 2019.

Paper Presented


Title: Effect of uniformly and normally distributed exchange rate error in foreign exchange transaction exposure under isoelastic demand

Organization: Manipal University, Jaipur, Rajasthan

Date: 23 Dec, 2016

Level of Programme: International

Details: Patel, Sanjay* and Gor, Ravi (2016) “Effect of uniformly and normally distributed exchange rate error in foreign exchange transaction exposure under isoelastic demand” presented at Silver jubilee international conference on interdisciplinary Mathematics, Statistics and Computational techniques(IMSCT), Manipal University, Jaipur, Rajasthan. Dec 22-24, 2016,

Paper Presented


Title: Startups and Entrepreneurship Culture in India

Organization: SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram, Chennai, India

Date: 22 Mar, 2024

Level of Programme: International

Details: Monaben Girnara and Dr.Ravi Gor presented a paper “Startups and Entrepreneurship Culture in India” at 4th International Conference on Glimpses of India’s Trade & Commerce-2030, organized by SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram, Chennai, India on March 22,2024.

Paper Presented


Title: Foreign Exchange risk in Newsvendor Framework under Log-normal distribution

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University

Date: 22 Jun, 2019

Level of Programme: National

Details: Zarana Mehta, Gor Ravi (2019), “Foreign Exchange risk in Newsvendor Framework under Log-normal distribution”, at the Research Meet-2019 organized by Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University during 22nd June, 2019.

Paper Presented


Title: A study of Historical Volatility on option pricing models

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University

Date: 22 Jun, 2019

Level of Programme: National

Details: Sisodia Neha, Gor Ravi (2019), “A study of Historical Volatility on option pricing models”, at the Research Meet-2019 organized by Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University during 22nd June, 2019.

Paper Presented


Title: Technical Analysis with Crossover Strategy

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University

Date: 22 Jun, 2019

Level of Programme: National

Details: Panchal Maitri, Gor Ravi (2019), “Technical Analysis with Crossover Strategy”, at the Research Meet-2019 organized by Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University during 22nd June, 2019.

Paper Presented


Title: Pricing the American options using the Put-Call theory based on Black-Scholes pricing formula

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University

Date: 22 Jun, 2019

Level of Programme: National

Details: Akash Singh, Gor Ravi (2019), “Pricing the American options using the Put-Call theory based on Black-Scholes pricing formula”, at the Research Meet-2019 organized by Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University during 22nd June, 2019

Paper Presented


Title: Implied volatility formula for NIFTY index

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University

Date: 22 Jun, 2019

Level of Programme: National

Details: Chauhan Arun, Gor Ravi (2019), “Implied volatility formula for NIFTY index”, at the Research Meet-2019 organized by Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University during 22nd June, 2019.

Paper Presented


Title: Forecasting Value at Risk Using Semi-Parametric Approaches

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University

Date: 22 Jun, 2019

Level of Programme: National

Details: Vaniya Kirit, Gor Ravi (2019), “Forecasting Value at Risk Using Semi-Parametric Approaches”, at the Research Meet-2019 organized by Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University during 22nd June, 2019.

Paper Presented


Title: Relevance of Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model in Indian Derivatives Markets – A Study of Selected IT stock Options

Organization: Gujarat Science Academy, V.P. & R.P.T.P. Science college, VVN

Date: 21 Jan, 2018

Level of Programme: National

Details: ChauhanArun, Gor Ravi (2018), “Relevance of Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model in Indian Derivatives Markets – A Study of Selected IT stock Options”, at the GSA-VVN Science Meet 2018 organized by Gujarat Science Academy, V.P. & R.P.T.P. Science college, VVN on 21st January 2018.

Paper Presented


Title: Computation of VaR using cubic polynomial fitting approach

Organization: Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad

Date: 21 Dec, 2019

Level of Programme: International

Details: 7. Vaniya Kirit, Gor Ravi (2019), “Computation of VaR using cubic polynomial fitting approach”, at the India Finance Conference 2019 organized by Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad during 19-21 December, 2019.

Paper Presented


Title: Study of Value-at-Risk under Temporal and PortfolioAggregation

Organization: Gujarat University, Ahmedabad

Date: 20 Sep, 2018

Level of Programme: State Level

Details: Vaniya Kirit, Gor Ravi (2018), “Study of Value-at-Risk under Temporal and PortfolioAggregation” at the Science Excellence-2018 organized by Gujarat University, Ahmedabad on 20th September, 2018 (State level).

Paper Presented


Title: A Comparative Study Of Modified Black-Scholes Option Pricing Formula For Selected Indian Call Options

Organization: Gujarat University

Date: 20 Sep, 2018

Level of Programme: State Level

Details: Chauhan Arun, Gor Ravi (2018), “A Comparative Study Of Modified Black-Scholes Option Pricing Formula For Selected Indian Call Options”, at the Science Excellence-2018 organised byGujarat University, on 20th September 2018.

Paper Presented


Title: A Stochastic Differential Equation of Foreign Exchange Rate

Organization: Gujarat University

Date: 20 Sep, 2018

Level of Programme: State Level

Details: Zarana Mehta, Gor Ravi (2018), “A Stochastic Differential Equation of Foreign Exchange Rate”, at the state level conference Science Excellence-2018 organized by Gujarat University on 20th September,2018.

Paper Presented


Title: An Analytical approach for pricing the American options using Black-Scholes pricing formula

Organization: Gujarat University

Date: 20 Sep, 2018

Level of Programme: State Level

Details: Akash Singh, Gor Ravi (2018), “An Analytical approach for pricing the American options using Black-Scholes pricing formula”, at the Science Excellence 2018 organized by Gujarat University during 20th September,2018.

Paper Presented


Title: The effects of volatility on two option pricing models

Organization: Gujarat University

Date: 20 Sep, 2018

Level of Programme:

Details: Sisodia Neha, Gor Ravi (2018), “The effects of volatility on two option pricing models”, at the Science Excellence 2018 organised by Gujarat University on 20 September,2018

Paper Presented


Title: Exploring the effect of varying volatility in the Black-Scholes option pricing model

Organization: Gujarat University

Date: 20 Sep, 2018

Level of Programme: State Level

Details: Vaghela Vaidehi, Gor Ravi (2018), “Exploring the effect of varying volatility in the Black-Scholes option pricing model”, at the Science Excellence 2018 organized by Gujarat University on 20 September, 2018.

Paper Presented


Title: Solution of European Call Option by the First Integral Method

Organization: Gujarat University

Date: 20 Sep, 2018

Level of Programme: State Level

Details: Ghosh Madhumita, Dr. Ravi Gor (2018), “Solution of European Call Option by the First Integral Method” at the Science Excellence-2018 organized by Gujarat University, Ahmedabad on 20th September, 2018 (State level).

Paper Presented


Title: An order level lot-size model with time dependent deterioration and permissible delay in payments

Organization: I. I. M., Kozhikode, Kerala

Date: 20 Dec, 2002

Level of Programme: International

Details: Presented the paper” An order level lot-size model with time dependent deterioration and permissible delay in payments”, (20-22, Dec, 2002), I. I. M., Kozhikode, Kerala, 6th Annual Conference of the Society of Operations Management (SOM-6), International Conferenc

Paper Presented


Title: An application of News vendor problem in operations Management

Organization: PDPU, Gandhinagar

Date: 19 Nov, 2016

Level of Programme: National

Details: Patel, Sanjay* and Gor, Ravi (2016) “ An application of News vendor problem in operations Management” presented atNational seminar on Mathematics and its Applications, at PDPU, Gandhinagar. November 19, 2016

Paper Presented


Title: An EOQ Model for deteriorating items with price dependent demand under supplier credits

Organization: Cochin University of Science and Technology

Date: 19 Feb, 2004

Level of Programme: International

Details: Presented the paper” An EOQ Model for deteriorating items with price dependent demand under supplier credits” (19-22 Feb,2004), Cochin University of Science and Technology, Instructional workshop on Matrix Analytic Methods and conference on inventory modeling

Paper Presented


Title: Study of India VIX options pricing using Black-Scholes model

Organization: Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad

Date: 19 Dec, 2019

Level of Programme: International

Details: 6. Chauhan Arun, Gor Ravi (2019), “Study of India VIX options pricing using Black-Scholes model”, at the India Finance Conference 2019 organized by Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad during 19-21 December, 2019

Paper Presented


Title: An analytical closed form solution based on Black-Scholes model which follows Truncated Normal distribution for pricing the American put options

Organization: Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad

Date: 19 Dec, 2019

Level of Programme: International

Details: 5. Akash Singh, Gor Ravi (2019), “An analytical closed form solution based on Black-Scholes model which follows Truncated Normal distribution for pricing the American put options”, at the India Finance Conference 2019 organized by Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad during 19-21 December, 2019.

Paper Presented


Title: A Single period co-operative advertising model where demand is dependent on price and an additive sales response function

Organization: C U SHAH University, Wadhwan

Date: 19 Dec, 2014

Level of Programme: National

Details: Solanki, Krishna* and Gor, Ravi (2014) “A Single period co-operative advertising model where demand is dependent on price and an additive sales response function” (19 December 2014) presented at one day conference on Recent Trends in Mathematics and its Applications, C U SHAH University, Wadhwan

Paper Presented


Title: Reviewing the optimal joint pricing and stocking quantity decisions in the newsvendor framework and motivation for its latest applications in solving management issues

Organization: C U SHAH University, Wadhwan

Date: 19 Dec, 2014

Level of Programme: National

Details: Patel, Sanjay* and Gor, Ravi (2014) “Reviewing the optimal joint pricing and stocking quantity decisions in the newsvendor framework and motivation for its latest applications in solving management issues” (19 December 2014) presented at one day conference on Recent Trends in Mathematics and its Applications, C U SHAH University, Wadhwan

Paper Presented


Title: Newsboy problem with lost sales recapture as function of logarithm and beta distributed demand error

Organization: C U SHAH University, Wadhwan

Date: 19 Dec, 2014

Level of Programme: National

Details: Patel, Ashok* and Gor, Ravi (2014) “Newsboy problem with lost sales recapture as function of logarithm and beta distributed demand error” (19 December 2014) presented at one day conference on Recent Trends in Mathematics and its Applications, C U SHAH University, Wadhwan

Paper Presented


Title: A time dependent deteriorating EOQ model with selling price and stock dependent demand during inflation under supplier credits

Organization: I. I. M. , Indore

Date: 19 Dec, 2003

Level of Programme: International

Details: Presented the paper” A time dependent deteriorating EOQ model with selling price and stock dependent demand during inflation under supplier credits” (19-21 Dec, 2003), I. I. M. , Indore, 7th Annual Conference of the Society of Operations Management (SOM-7), International Conference

Paper Presented


Title: Enhancing Quantum Harmonic Oscillator through PCA to predict Credit Risk Defaulters

Organization: Indian Institute of Technology Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India

Date: 18 Oct, 2023

Level of Programme: International

Details: Atman Bhatt and Dr.Ravi Gor presented a paper “Enhancing Quantum Harmonic Oscillator through PCA to predict Credit Risk Defaulters” at International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, organized by Indian Institute of Technology Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India during October 18-20, 2023.

Paper Presented


Title: Empirical study of two modified Black-Scholes option pricing models on Indian IT stock options

Organization: Centre of Excellence in Capital Markets jointly with Finance and Law Department of SIMSR, Mumbai

Date: 18 Jan, 2020

Level of Programme: International

Details: 3. Chauhan Arun, Gor Ravi (2020), “Empirical study of two modified Black-Scholes option pricing models on Indian IT stock options”, at the SIMSR International Finance Conference organized by Centre of Excellence in Capital Markets jointly with Finance and Law Department of SIMSR, Mumbai during 17-18 January, 2020.

Paper Presented


Title: Hedging against uncertain supply and demand using options in a single period framework: retailer’s perspective

Organization: NITIE (Mumbai) along with INSEAD, University of Texas at Dallas, , IIT Bombay and SP Jain Institute of Management and Research

Date: 18 Dec, 2010

Level of Programme: International

Details: Arcelus F. J., Gor Ravi*, Srinivasan G. (2010) “Hedging against uncertain supply and demand using options in a single period framework: retailer’s perspective” (18-19 December 2010), 14th Annual conference of the Society of Operations Management, India at NITIE (Mumbai) along with INSEAD, University of Texas at Dallas, , IIT Bombay and SP Jain Institute of Management and Research

Paper Presented


Title: A Hybrid Mathematical Strategy of Trend Indicators for Effective Returns on Stock Prices

Organization: Centre of Excellence in Capital Markets jointly with Finance and Law Department of SIMSR, Mumbai

Date: 17 Jan, 2020

Level of Programme: International

Details: 5. Sisodia Neha, Gor Ravi (2020), “A Hybrid Mathematical Strategy of Trend Indicators for Effective Returns on Stock Prices”, at the SIMSR International Finance Conference organized by Centre of Excellence in Capital Markets jointly with Finance and Law Department of SIMSR, Mumbai during 17-18 January, 2020.

Paper Presented


Title: Pricing the American options where returns follows Gumbel distribution

Organization: Centre of Excellence in Capital Markets jointly with Finance and Law Department of SIMSR, Mumbai

Date: 17 Jan, 2020

Level of Programme: International

Details: 6. Panchal Maitri, Gor Ravi (2020), “Pricing the American options where returns follows Gumbel distribution”, at the SIMSR International Finance Conference organized by Centre of Excellence in Capital Markets jointly with Finance and Law Department of SIMSR, Mumbai during 17-18 January, 2020.

Paper Presented


Title: Computation of Expected shortfall using continuous curve fitting approach

Organization: Centre of Excellence in Capital Markets jointly with Finance and Law Department of SIMSR, Mumbai

Date: 17 Jan, 2020

Level of Programme: International

Details: 4. Vaniya Kirit, Gor Ravi (2020), “Computation of Expected shortfall using continuous curve fitting approach”, at the SIMSR International Finance Conference organized by Centre of Excellence in Capital Markets jointly with Finance and Law Department of SIMSR, Mumbai during 17-18 January, 2020.

Paper Presented


Title: Effective Buy and Sell Stop Signalling using a Hybrid Method of Fractal Indicator and Alligator Oscillator

Organization: Centre of Excellence in Capital Markets jointly with Finance and Law Department of SIMSR, Mumbai

Date: 17 Jan, 2020

Level of Programme: International

Details: 7. Vaghela Vaidehi, Gor Ravi (2020), “Effective Buy and Sell Stop Signalling using a Hybrid Method of Fractal Indicator and Alligator Oscillator”, at the SIMSR International Finance Conference organized by Centre of Excellence in Capital Markets jointly with Finance and Law Department of SIMSR, Mumbai during 17-18 January, 2020.

Paper Presented


Title: distribution policy of blood components for prathama blood bank

Organization: National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE) & I.I.T Bombay

Date: 17 Dec, 2004

Level of Programme: International

Details: Presented the paper” study of collection – distribution policy of blood components for prathama blood bank”( 17-21 Dec, 2004), National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE) & I.I.T Bombay, 8th Annual Conference of the Society of Operations Management ( SOM–8 ), International Conference sponsored by NITIE and Univ. of South Alabama, USA

Paper Presented


Title: Bitcoin price prediction using BiLSTM Neural network

Organization: Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat

Date: 17 Apr, 2021

Level of Programme: International

Details: Anjali Patel, Bhavsar Shachi, Ravi Gor (2021), “Bitcoin price prediction using BiLSTM Neural network” at Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences, 2021 organized by Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat during 17-18 April, 2021

Paper Presented


Title: A Revier paper on Consesus Algorithms in Blockchain

Organization: Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat

Date: 17 Apr, 2021

Level of Programme: International

Details: Vora Stuti, Gor Ravi (2021), “A Revier paper on Consesus Algorithms in Blockchain” at International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Simulation in Physical Sciences (MMSPS-2021), jointly organized by Applied Mathematics and Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat, India during 17 - 18 April, 2021

Paper Presented


Title: Exploring Quantum Binomial Option Pricing Model and Constructing the Circuit for Implementation

Organization: Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat

Date: 17 Apr, 2021

Level of Programme: International

Details: Atman Bhatt, Akash Singh & Ravi Gor (2021), “Exploring Quantum Binomial Option Pricing Model and Constructing the Circuit for Implementation” at Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences, 2021 organized by Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat during 17-18 April, 2021

Paper Presented


Title: A modified Black-Scholes model with linear and non-linear volatilities: A Review

Organization: Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat

Date: 17 Apr, 2021

Level of Programme: International

Details: Amrut prajapati, Akash singh, Ravi Gor (2021), “A modified Black-Scholes model with linear and non-linear volatilities: A Review” at at International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Simulation in Physical Sciences (MMSPS-2021), organized by Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat during 17-18 April, 2021

Paper Presented


Title: A Revier paper on Mathematical Model of Digital Signature

Organization: Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat

Date: 17 Apr, 2021

Level of Programme: International

Details: Moghariya Bhavadip, Gor Ravi (2021), “A Revier paper on Mathematical Model of Digital Signature” at International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Simulation in Physical Sciences (MMSPS-2021), jointly organized by Applied Mathematics and Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat, India during 17 - 18 April, 2021

Paper Presented


Title: Analytical study of Modified Black-Scholes Models for different Indian stock Market Sectors

Organization: Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat

Date: 17 Apr, 2021

Level of Programme: International

Details: Arun chauhan, Ravi Gor (2021), “Analytical study of Modified Black-Scholes Models for different Indian stock Market Sectors” at the International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Simulation in Physical Sciences (MMSPS-2021), organized by Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat during 17-18 April, 2021

Paper Presented


Title: VaR and CVaR using Monte Carlo Simulation and Cubic Polynomial Fitting approach

Organization: Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat

Date: 17 Apr, 2021

Level of Programme: International

Details: Kirit Vaniya, Ravi Gor (2021), “VaR and CVaR using Monte Carlo Simulation and Cubic Polynomial Fitting approach” at the International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Simulation in Physical Sciences (MMSPS-2021), organized by Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat during 17-18 April, 2021

Paper Presented


Title: Bitcoin price prediction using Random Forest regressor

Organization: Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat

Date: 17 Apr, 2021

Level of Programme: International

Details: Mannan M Shaikh, Madhumita Ghosh, Ravi Gor (2021), “Bitcoin price prediction using Random Forest regressor” at Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences, 2021 organized by Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat during 17-18 April, 2021

Paper Presented


Title: Portfolio optimization using efficient frontier for Indian stock market

Organization: Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat

Date: 17 Apr, 2021

Level of Programme: International

Details: Mansi Patel, Maitri Panchal, Ravi Gor (2021), “Portfolio optimization using efficient frontier for Indian stock market” at Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences, 2021 organized by Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat during 17-18 April, 2021

Paper Presented


Title: A study on Doji and Doji Complex Candlestick patterns with Conformation by EMA

Organization: Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat

Date: 17 Apr, 2021

Level of Programme: International

Details: Jaynil Patel, Vaidehi Vaghela, Ravi Gor (2021), “A study on Doji and Doji Complex Candlestick patterns with Conformation by EMA” at Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences, 2021 organized by Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat during 17-18 April, 2021

Paper Presented


Title: A Study on CCI and STARC Bands indicators

Organization: Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat

Date: 17 Apr, 2021

Level of Programme: International

Details: Sevara Jyoti , Vaidehi Vaghela, Ravi Gor (2021), “A Study on CCI and STARC Bands indicators” at Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences, 2021 organized by Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat during 17-18 April, 2021

Paper Presented


Title: A stock trading using On Balance Volume and Vortex Indicators combined with CASA and NPA ratio with a Banking sector

Organization: Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat

Date: 17 Apr, 2021

Level of Programme: International

Details: Krishna Soni, vaidehi vaghela, Ravi Gor (2021), “A stock trading using On Balance Volume and Vortex Indicators combined with CASA and NPA ratio with a Banking sector” at Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences, 2021 organized by Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat during 17-18 April, 2021

Paper Presented


Title: Using Stochastic Oscillator and Keltner Channel as a trading strategy combined with P/E Ratio and Market Capitalization

Organization: Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat

Date: 17 Apr, 2021

Level of Programme: International

Details: Dipakkumar Bandhaniya, Vaidehi Vaghela, Ravi Gor (2021), “Using Stochastic Oscillator and Keltner Channel as a trading strategy combined with P/E Ratio and Market Capitalization” at Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences, 2021 organized by Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat during 17-18 April, 2021

Paper Presented


Title: Portfolio optimization for cryptocurrency using efficient frontier

Organization: Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat

Date: 17 Apr, 2021

Level of Programme: International

Details: Disha Chavda, Madhumita Ghosh, Ravi Gor (2021), “Portfolio optimization for cryptocurrency using efficient frontier” at Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences, 2021 organized by Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat during 17-18 April, 2021

Paper Presented


Title: Portfolio optimization using Back propagation Neural Network

Organization: Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat

Date: 17 Apr, 2021

Level of Programme: International

Details: Jagruti Yadav, Bhavsar Shachi, Ravi Gor (2021), “Portfolio optimization using Back propagation Neural Network” at Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences, 2021 organized by Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat during 17-18 April, 2021

Paper Presented


Title: A study on MFI and Super trend combined with the EPS and P/E ratio

Organization: Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat

Date: 17 Apr, 2021

Level of Programme: International

Details: Patel Jashvant, Vaidehi Vaghela, Ravi Gor (2021), “A study on MFI and Super trend combined with the EPS and P/E ratio” at Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences, 2021 organized by Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat during 17-18 April, 2021

Paper Presented


Title: Forecasting Exchange Rates Using Time Series Analysis: the sample of the currency Pair EUR/ USD

Organization: Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat

Date: 17 Apr, 2021

Level of Programme: International

Details: Patil Nirmal Kumar Dilipbhai, Ravi Gor (2021), “Forecasting Exchange Rates Using Time Series Analysis: the sample of the currency Pair EUR/ USD” at Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences, 2021 organized by Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat during 17-18 April, 2021

Paper Presented


Title: Review on Var using Monte-Carlo simulation, EWMA & GARCH models

Organization: Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat

Date: 17 Apr, 2021

Level of Programme: International

Details: Mitesh Gupta, Kirit Vaniya, Ravi Gor (2021), “Review on Var using Monte-Carlo simulation, EWMA & GARCH models” at Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences, 2021 organized by Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat during 17-18 April, 2021

Paper Presented


Title: Stock trading using Williams Percent Range and Weighted Moving Average combine with Free Float Market Capitalization and ROCE

Organization: Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat

Date: 17 Apr, 2021

Level of Programme: International

Details: Nandinee Patel, Maitri Panchal, Ravi Gor (2021), “Stock trading using Williams Percent Range and Weighted Moving Average combine with Free Float Market Capitalization and ROCE” at Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences, 2021 organized by Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat during 17-18 April, 2021

Paper Presented


Title: Foreign Exchange Price Prediction Using Random Forest

Organization: Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat

Date: 17 Apr, 2021

Level of Programme: International

Details: Nirav Chauahan, Akash Singh, Ravi Gor (2021), “Foreign Exchange Price Prediction Using Random Forest” at Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences, 2021 organized by Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat during 17-18 April, 2021

Paper Presented


Title: Foreign Exchange Price Prediction using LSTM Model

Organization: Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat

Date: 17 Apr, 2021

Level of Programme: International

Details: Pradipsinh Chauhan, Ravi Gor (2021), “Foreign Exchange Price Prediction using LSTM Model” at Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences, 2021 organized by Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat during 17-18 April, 2021.

Paper Presented


Title: Security Selection and Portfolio Construction

Organization: Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat

Date: 17 Apr, 2021

Level of Programme: International

Details: Nishant Soliya, Vaidehi Vaghela, Ravi Gor (2021), “Security Selection and Portfolio Construction” at Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences, 2021 organized by Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat during 17-18 April, 2021

Paper Presented


Title: A study on Donchain Channel and Awesome Oscillator indicators and fundamental factors Enterprise Value and P/B ratio

Organization: Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat

Date: 17 Apr, 2021

Level of Programme: International

Details: Raj Joshi, Vaidehi Vaghela, Ravi Gor (2021), “A study on Donchain Channel and Awesome Oscillator indicators and fundamental factors Enterprise Value and P/B ratio” at Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences, 2021 organized by Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat during 17-18 April, 2021

Paper Presented


Title: Stock price prediction using Neural Network – LSTM

Organization: Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat

Date: 17 Apr, 2021

Level of Programme: International

Details: Riddhi Patel, Shachi Bhavsar, Ravi Gor (2021), “Stock price prediction using Neural Network – LSTM” at Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences, 2021 organized by Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat during 17-18 April, 2021

Paper Presented


Title: Prediction of share price using Markov chain model

Organization: Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat

Date: 17 Apr, 2021

Level of Programme: International

Details: Riya Sharma, Akash Singh, Ravi Gor (2021), “Prediction of share price using Markov chain model” at Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences, 2021 organized by Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat during 17-18 April, 2021

Paper Presented


Title: A comparison of GRU-based ETH price prediction

Organization: Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat

Date: 17 Apr, 2021

Level of Programme: International

Details: Vaidehi Rajpurohit, Shachi Bhavsar, Ravi Gor (2021), “A comparison of GRU-based ETH price prediction” at Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences, 2021 organized by Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat during 17-18 April, 2021

Paper Presented


Title: Mathematical calculation of ADX-Stochastic Oscillator strategy

Organization: Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat

Date: 17 Apr, 2021

Level of Programme: International

Details: 2. Nikhil Malvi, Vaghela Vaidehi, Gor Ravi (2020), “Mathematical calculation of ADX-Stochastic Oscilator strategy”, at the 34th Gujarat Science Congress-2020 organized by Ganpat University, Faculty of Science, Mehsana during 08-09 February, 2020.

Paper Presented


Title: Mathematical calculation for Position & Reversal Using PSAR-EMA strategy

Organization: Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat

Date: 17 Apr, 2021

Level of Programme: International

Details: 1. Jignesh Hemrajani, Panchal Maitri, Gor Ravi (2020), “Mathematical calculation for Position & Reversal Using PSAR-EMA strategy”, at the 34th Gujarat Science Congress-2020 organized by Ganpat University, Faculty of Science, Mehsana during 08-09 February, 2020.

Paper Presented


Title: Price signaling using ATR band-Keltner Channel strategy

Organization: Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat

Date: 17 Apr, 2021

Level of Programme: International

Details: 10. Dixit Patel, Panchal Maitri, Gor Ravi (2020), “Price signalling using ATR band-Keltner Channel strategy”, at the 34th Gujarat Science Congress-2020 organized by Ganpat University, Faculty of Science, Mehsana during 08-09 February, 2020.

Paper Presented


Title: A study on Technical analysis by Donchain Channel-Relative Strength Index indicators

Organization: Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat

Date: 17 Apr, 2021

Level of Programme: International

Details: 9. Akash Thakkar, Panchal Maitri, Gor Ravi (2020), “A study on Technical analysis by Donchain Channel-Relative Strength Index indicators”, at the 34th Gujarat Science Congress-2020 organized by Ganpat University, Faculty of Science, Mehsana during 08-09 February, 2020.

Paper Presented


Title: Trend identification using CCI-DEMA indicator strategy

Organization: Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat

Date: 17 Apr, 2021

Level of Programme: International

Details: 3. Nilam Chavda, Vaghela Vaidehi, Gor Ravi (2020), “Trend identification using CCI-DEMA indicator strategy”, at the 34th Gujarat Science Congress-2020 organized by Ganpat University, Faculty of Science, Mehsana during 08-09 February, 2020.

Paper Presented


Title: Trend identification using complex candlesticks

Organization: Ganpat University, Faculty of Science, Mehsana

Date: 17 Apr, 2021

Level of Programme: International

Details: Prashant Suthar, Vaghela Vaidehi, Gor Ravi (2020), “Trend identification using complex candlesticks”, at the 34th Gujarat Science Congress-2020 organized by Ganpat University, Faculty of Science, Mehsana during 08-09 February, 2020.

Paper Presented


Title: An Analysis of Real market using Black-Scholes’ Merton Model

Organization: Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat

Date: 17 Apr, 2021

Level of Programme: International

Details: 5. Vijay Kalal, Neha Sisodia, Ravi Gor (2021), “An Analysis of Real market using Black-Scholes’ Merton Model” at Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences, 2021 organized by Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat during 17-18 April, 2021

Paper Presented


Title: A Study on PSAR-ATR Bands strategy combined with P/E ratio and ROE

Organization: Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat

Date: 17 Apr, 2021

Level of Programme: International

Details: Yash Zala, Maitri Panchal, Ravi Gor (2021), “A Study on PSAR-ATR Bands strategy combined with P/E ratio and ROE” at Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences, 2021 organized by Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat during 17-18 April, 2021

Paper Presented


Title: Cryptocurrency pair trading using python

Organization: Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat

Date: 17 Apr, 2021

Level of Programme: International

Details: 7. Panchal Binal, Madhumita Ghosh, Ravi Gor (2021), “Cryptocurrency pair trading using python” at Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences, 2021 organized by Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat during 17-18 April, 2021.

Paper Presented


Title: Empirical study of two modified Black-Scholes option pricing models on Indian IT stock options

Organization: Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat

Date: 17 Apr, 2021

Level of Programme: International

Details: 8. Chauhan Arun, Gor Ravi (2020), “Empirical study of two modified Black-Scholes option pricing models on Indian IT stock options”, at the 34th Gujarat Science Congress-2020 organized by Ganpat University, Faculty of Science, Mehsana during 08-09 February, 2020.

Paper Presented


Title: A Study On EFI and ADX Strategy

Organization: Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat

Date: 17 Apr, 2021

Level of Programme: International

Details: Shraddha Mori, Maitri Panchal, Ravi Gor (2021), “A Study On EFI and ADX Strategy” at Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences, 2021 organized by Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat during 17-18 April, 2021

Paper Presented


Title: A study on MACD and EMA strategy in conjunction with the D/E and Current ratio

Organization: Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat

Date: 17 Apr, 2021

Level of Programme: International

Details: 2. Utkarsh Patel, Maitri Panchal, Ravi Gor (2021), “A study on MACD and EMA strategy in conjunction with the D/E and Current ratio” at Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences, 2021 organized by Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat during 17-18 April, 2021

Paper Presented


Title: Stock Price Prediction using Linear Multiple Regression for Option Trading

Organization: Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat

Date: 17 Apr, 2021

Level of Programme: International

Details: Vaibhav Sharma, Madhumita Ghosh, Ravi Gor (2021), “Stock Price Prediction using Linear Multiple Regression for Option Trading” at Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences, 2021 organized by Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department & Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat during 17-18 April, 2021

Paper Presented


Title: Assessing the journey towards effective Corporate Governance – a legislative framework

Organization: Gujarat Technological University and B.K. School of Business Management, Gujarat University

Date: 16 Feb, 2018

Level of Programme: International

Details: Kinkhabwala Bhavesh, Gor Ravi (2018), “Assessing the journey towards effective Corporate Governance – a legislative framework”- paper presentation at the 5th International Conference on Governance systems (ICGS-2018) organised by Gujarat Technological University and B.K. School of Business Management, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad on 16th & 17th February, 2018.

Paper Presented


Title: Single Period Inventory Problem with pricing: A review

Organization: Gujarat University, Ahmedabad

Date: 16 Dec, 2011

Level of Programme: International

Details: Solanki, K. *, Patel, A., Gor Ravi (2011) “Single Period Inventory Problem with pricing: A review” (16-18 Dec 2011), presented at International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Statistics at Gujarat University, Ahmedabad

Paper Presented


Title: GSIFR distributions and their importance to the newsboy problem

Organization: Gujarat University, Ahmedabad

Date: 16 Dec, 2011

Level of Programme: International

Details: Patel, A. *, Solanki, K., Gor Ravi (2011) “GSIFR distributions and their importance to the newsboy problem” (16-18 Dec 2011), presented at International Conference on Applied Mathematics andStatisticsat Gujarat University, Ahmedabad

Paper Presented


Title: Valuation of stock using Fundamental and Technical Analysis

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad

Date: 15 Feb, 2024

Level of Programme: International

Details: 3. Akash Thakkar, Panchal Maitri, Gor Ravi (2020), “Valuation of stock using Fundamental and Technical Analysis”, at the Mathematics Excellence-2020 organized by Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad during 15th February, 2020.

Paper Presented


Title: Trading strategy Using Fundamental and Technical analysis

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad

Date: 15 Feb, 2020

Level of Programme: International

Details: 4. Dixit Patel, Panchal Maitri, Gor Ravi (2020), “Trading strategy Using Fundamental and Technical analysis”, at the Mathematics Excellence-2020 organized by Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad during 15th February, 2020.

Paper Presented


Title: Stock valuation and position identification using PSAR-EMA strategy

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad

Date: 15 Feb, 2020

Level of Programme: International

Details: 5. Jignesh Hemrajani, Panchal Maitri, Gor Ravi (2020), “Stock valuation and position identification using PSAR-EMA strategy”, at the Mathematics Excellence-2020 organized by Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad during 15th February, 2020.

Paper Presented


Title: Stochastic oscillator and ADX strategy with fundamental factor

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad

Date: 15 Feb, 2020

Level of Programme: International

Details: 6. Nikhil Malvi, Vaghela Vaidehi, Gor Ravi (2020), “Stochastic oscillator and ADX strategy with fundamental factor”, at the Mathematics Excellence-2020 organized by Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad during 15th February, 2020.

Paper Presented


Title: Stock Selection using Fundamental Factors with CCI DEMA Strategy

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad

Date: 15 Feb, 2020

Level of Programme: International

Details: 7. Nilam Chavda, Vaghela Vaidehi, Gor Ravi (2020), “Stock Selection using Fundamental Factors with CCI DEMA Strategy”, at the Mathematics Excellence-2020 organized by Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad during 15th February, 2020.

Paper Presented


Title: Prediction of Trend by Complex Candlestick Patterns

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad

Date: 15 Feb, 2020

Level of Programme: International

Details: 8. Prashant Suthar, Vaghela Vaidehi, Gor Ravi (2020), “Prediction of Trend by Complex Candlestick Patterns”, at the Mathematics Excellence-2020 organized by Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad during 15th February, 2020.

Paper Presented


Title: Comparison of Double and Triple Complex Candlestick Patterns

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad

Date: 15 Feb, 2020

Level of Programme: International

Details: 9. Shreya Patel, Vaghela Vaidehi, Gor Ravi (2020), “Comparison of Double and Triple Complex Candlestick Patterns”, at the Mathematics Excellence-2020 organized by Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad during 15th February, 2020.

Paper Presented


Title: The Relevance of Variance gamma Process in option pricing

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad

Date: 15 Feb, 2020

Level of Programme: International

Details: 10. Mansi Patel, Akash Singh, Gor Ravi (2020), “THE RELEVANCE OF Variance gamma PROCESS IN OPTION PRICING”, at the Mathematics Excellence-2020 organized by Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad during 15th February, 2020.

Paper Presented


Title: A comparison of Black Scholes model and quadrature method based model for European option pricing

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad

Date: 15 Feb, 2020

Level of Programme: International

Details: 11. Rinku Patel, Akash Singh, Gor Ravi (2020), “A comparison of Black Scholes model and quadrature method based model for European option pricing”, at the Mathematics Excellence-2020 organized by Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad during 15th February, 2020.

Paper Presented


Title: Pricing the American options where returns follows Gumbel distribution

Organization: Centre of Excellence in Capital Markets jointly with Finance and Law Department of SIMSR, Mumbai

Date: 15 Feb, 2020

Level of Programme: International

Details: 2. Akash Singh, Gor Ravi (2020), “Pricing the American options where returns follows Gumbel distribution”, at the SIMSR International Finance Conference organized by Centre of Excellence in Capital Markets jointly with Finance and Law Department of SIMSR, Mumbai during 17-18 January, 2020.

Paper Presented


Title: Introduction to Neural networks in Finance

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad

Date: 15 Feb, 2020

Level of Programme: International

Details: 2. Bhavsar Shachi, Gor Ravi (2020), “Introduction to Neural networks in Finance”, at the Mathematics Excellence-2020 organized by Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad during 15th February, 2020.

Paper Presented


Title: Comparison of Support Vector Regression and Linear Regression on Stock price predication

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad

Date: 15 Feb, 2020

Level of Programme: International

Details: Ghosh Madhumita, Gor Ravi (2020), “Comparison of Support Vector Regression and Linear Regression on Stock price predication”, at the Mathematics Excellence-2020 organized by Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad during 15th February, 2020.

Paper Presented


Title: Numeric form of Moving Average Crossover Strategy

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad

Date: 15 Feb, 2020

Level of Programme: International

Details: 9. Panchal Maitri, Gor Ravi (2020), “Numeric form of Moving Average Crossover Strategy”, at the Mathematics Excellence-2020 organized by Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad during 15th February, 2020.

Paper Presented


Title: Trend Direction using Alligator Oscillator

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad

Date: 15 Feb, 2020

Level of Programme: International

Details: 10. Vaghela Vaidehi, Gor Ravi (2020), “Trend Direction using Alligator Oscillator”, at the Mathematics Excellence-2020 organized by Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad during 15th February, 2020.

Paper Presented


Title: Relevancy of pricing European put option based on truncated Gumbel distribution in actual market

Organization: Centre of Excellence in Capital Markets jointly with Finance and Law Department of SIMSR, Mumbai

Date: 15 Feb, 2020

Level of Programme: International

Details: 8. Akash Singh, Gor Ravi (2019), “Relevancy of pricing European put option based on truncated Gumbel distribution in actual market”, at the 2nd Prof. P.C.Vaidya National Conference on Mathematical Sciences organized by Department of Mathematics, M.K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar during 28-29 December, 2019.

Paper Presented


Title: Health insurance premium prediction using Blockchain Technology and Random Forest regression algorithms

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar

Date: 14 Mar, 2022

Level of Programme: National

Details: Ghosh Madhumita, Ravi Gor(2022), “Health insurance premium prediction using Blockchain Technology and Random Forest regression algorithms”, at the Prof. P.C Vaidya National Conference on Mathematical Science”, during 14th – 15th March 2022

Paper Presented


Title: Deep Learning and Genetic Algorithm Techniques for Classification of Churning Customers

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar

Date: 14 Mar, 2022

Level of Programme: National

Details: Bhavsar, S.M & Gor, Ravi, “Deep Learning and Genetic Algorithm Techniques for Classification of Churning Customers” at Prof. P C Vaidya National Conference on Mathematical Sciences, March 2022

Paper Presented


Title: 3P’s and Strategic CSR – Roadmap for the inclusive growth and development in India

Organization: IIM-Kolkata

Date: 14 Jan, 2018

Level of Programme: International

Details: Kinkhabwala Bhavesh, Gor Ravi (2018, January), “3P’s and Strategic CSR – Roadmap for the inclusive growth and development in India” - Poster presentation at the International Conference on Sustainability and Business [SUSBUS 2018] to be organized by and to be held at IIM-Kolkata, during 13th & 14th January, 2018.

Paper Presented


Title: Use of martingales and binomial options to trade better

Organization: Gujarat University

Date: 14 Apr, 2019

Level of Programme: National

Details: Panchal Maitri, Gor Ravi (2018), “Use of martingales and binomial options to trade better”, at the National Conference on applied mathematical sciences NCAMS 2018 organized by Gujarat University during 14-15 April, 2018

Paper Presented


Title: A model for option pricing for a stock with exponentially distributed returns

Organization: Gujarat University

Date: 14 Apr, 2018

Level of Programme: National

Details: Thakore Akashsingh, Gor Ravi (2018),”A model for option pricing for a stock with exponentially distributed returns”, at the National Conference on applied mathematical sciences NCAMS 2018 organized by Gujarat University during 14-15 April, 2018

Paper Presented


Title: Comparative study of Bermudian, American and European Options

Organization: Gujarat University

Date: 14 Apr, 2018

Level of Programme: National

Details: Pandya Parul, Gor Ravi (2018),”Comparative study of Bermudian, American and European Options”, at the National Conference on applied mathematical sciences NCAMS 2018 organized by Gujarat University during 14-15 April, 2018

Paper Presented


Title: Bermudan options with the binomial model

Organization: Gujarat University

Date: 14 Apr, 2018

Level of Programme: National

Details: Bhavsar Sachi, Gor Ravi (2018), “Bermudan options with the binomial model” at the National Conference on applied mathematical sciences NCAMS 2018 organized by Gujarat University during 14-15 April, 2018

Paper Presented


Title: A modified black scholes’ pricing formula for European options with bounded underlying prices

Organization: Gujarat University

Date: 14 Apr, 2018

Level of Programme: National

Details: Chauhan Arunkumar, Gor Ravi (2018),”A modified black scholes’ pricing formula for European options with bounded underlying prices”, at the National Conference on applied mathematical sciences NCAMS 2018 organized by Gujarat University during 14-15 April, 2018

Paper Presented


Title: A comparative study of two option pricing models

Organization: Gujarat University

Date: 14 Apr, 2018

Level of Programme: National

Details: Sisodia Neha, Gor Ravi (2018),”A comparative study of two option pricing models”, at the National Conference on applied mathematical sciences NCAMS 2018 organized by Gujarat University during 14-15 April, 2018

Paper Presented


Title: Research avenues in Mathematical Finance

Organization: Gujarat University

Date: 14 Apr, 2018

Level of Programme: National

Details: Gor, Ravi (2018), “Research avenues in Mathematical Finance”, talk as keynote address at the National Conference on applied mathematical sciences NCAMS 2018 organized by Gujarat University during 14-15 April, 2018

Paper Presented


Title: Transaction Exposure Model under Gamma distribution Exchange Rate Error in a Newsvendor Framework

Organization: School of advanced sciences and language VIT Bhopal University, Bhopal

Date: 13 Dec, 2019

Level of Programme: International

Details: Zarana Mehta, Gor Ravi (2019), “Transaction Exposure Model under Gamma distribution Exchange Rate Error in a Newsvendor Framework”, at the 08th International conference of Gwalior Academy of Mathematical Sciences organized by School of advanced sciences and language VIT Bhopal University, Bhopal during 13-15 December, 2019

Paper Presented


Title: Market direction by combining Elliott Wave Theory with Sentiment Indicators

Organization: School of advanced sciences and language VIT Bhopal University, Bhopal

Date: 13 Dec, 2019

Level of Programme: International

Details: Vaghela Vaidehi, Gor Ravi (2019), “Market direction by combining Elliott Wave Theory with Sentiment Indicators”, at the 08th International conference of Gwalior Academy of Mathematical Sciences organized by School of advanced sciences and language VIT Bhopal University, Bhopal during 13-15 December, 2019.

Paper Presented


Title: Numeric form of Technical Analysis based on Mean Reversion

Organization: School of advanced sciences and language VIT Bhopal University, Bhopal

Date: 13 Dec, 2019

Level of Programme: International

Details: Panchal Maitri, Gor Ravi (2019), “Numeric form of Technical Analysis based on Mean Reversion”, at the 08th International conference of Gwalior Academy of Mathematical Sciences organized by School of advanced sciences and language VIT Bhopal University, Bhopal during 13-15 December, 2019.

Paper Presented


Title: Estimating the relevancy of two option pricing models

Organization: School of advanced sciences and language VIT Bhopal University, Bhopal

Date: 13 Dec, 2019

Level of Programme: International

Details: Sisodia Neha, Gor Ravi (2019), “Estimating the relevancy of two option pricing models”, at the 08th International conference of Gwalior Academy of Mathematical Sciences organized by School of advanced sciences and language VIT Bhopal University, Bhopal during 13-15 December, 2019.

Paper Presented


Title: Relevancy of pricing European put option based on Gumbel distribution in actual market

Organization: School of advanced sciences and language VIT Bhopal University, Bhopal

Date: 13 Dec, 2019

Level of Programme: International

Details: 1. Akash Singh, Gor Ravi (2019), “Relevancy of pricing European put option based on Gumbel distribution in actual market”, at the 08th International conference of Gwalior Academy of Mathematical Sciences organized by School of advanced sciences and language VIT Bhopal University, Bhopal during 13-15 December, 2019.

Paper Presented


Title: Computation of VaR using continuous curve fitting approach

Organization: School of advanced sciences and language VIT Bhopal University, Bhopal

Date: 13 Dec, 2019

Level of Programme: International

Details: 3. Vaniya Kirit, Gor Ravi (2019), “Computation of VaR using continuous curve fitting approach”, at the 08th International conference of Gwalior Academy of Mathematical Sciences organized by School of advanced sciences and language VIT Bhopal University, Bhopal during 13-15 December, 2019.

Paper Presented


Title: Valuation of India VIX options by Black-Scholes option pricing model

Organization: School of advanced sciences and language VIT Bhopal University, Bhopal

Date: 13 Dec, 2019

Level of Programme: International

Details: model”, at the 08th International conference of Gwalior Academy of Mathematical Sciences organized by School of advanced sciences and language VIT Bhopal University, Bhopal during 13-15 December, 2019.

Paper Presented


Title: Exchange rate risk model in newsvendor format under linear demand with generalized optimal policies

Organization: University and Institute of Advanced Research UIAR, Gandhinagar

Date: 13 Apr, 2017

Level of Programme: National

Details: Patel, Sanjay* and Gor, Ravi (2017) “Exchange rate risk model in newsvendor format under linear demand with generalized optimal policies” presented at National seminar on World of Mathematical Modelling, April 12-13, 2017 at University and Institute of Advanced Research UIAR, Gandhinagar

Paper Presented


Title: An EOQ Model for deteriorating items with two parameter Weibull distribution deterioration under supplier credits

Organization: Dept. of Statistics, Bhavnagar University

Date: 11 Oct, 2003

Level of Programme: State Level

Details: Presented the paper” An EOQ Model for deteriorating items with two parameter Weibull distribution deterioration under supplier credits”, (11-12 Oct, 2003), Dept. of Statistics, Bhavnagar University, 24th Annual Convention of the Gujarat Statistical Society, State level conference

Paper Presented


Title: Traceability of Agricultural Produce Using Blockchain Technology

Organization: Anand Agricultural University, Gujarat, India

Date: 11 Dec, 2023

Level of Programme: International

Details: Prakashsinh Gohil and Dr.Ravi Gor presented a paper “Traceability of Agricultural Produce Using Blockchain Technology” at International Conference on Driving Agriculture Forward: Recent Trends and Innovations in Agricultural Market Intelligence, organized by Anand Agricultural University, Gujarat, India during December 11-13, 2023.

Paper Presented


Title: An EOQ Model for deteriorating items with price dependent demand and permissible delay in payments under inflation

Organization: I. S. I., Calcutta

Date: 10 Jan, 2004

Level of Programme: International

Details: Presented the paper” An EOQ Model for deteriorating items with price dependent demand and permissible delay in payments under inflation” (08-10 Jan, 2004), I. S. I., Calcutta, International Conference on Operations Research and Economic Applications (ICOR-2004)

Paper Presented


Title: Analyzing Flow of People at BRTS(Ahmedabad) Station using Waiting line model

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Pilvai, Gujarat, India

Date: 10 Feb, 2024

Level of Programme: National

Details: Anjali Patel and Dr.Ravi Gor presented a paper “Analyzing Flow of People at BRTS(Ahmedabad) Station using Waiting line model” at National Conference on Advancements in Mathematical Research and Development-2024, organized by Department of Mathematics, Pilvai, Gujarat, India on February 10, 2024.

Paper Presented


Title: Stability analysis on Dynamics of compartmental model for recovery of smoking

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Pilvai, Gujarat, India

Date: 10 Feb, 2024

Level of Programme: National

Details: Swapnil Talele and Dr.Ravi Gor presented a paper “Stability analysis on Dynamics of compartmental model for recovery of smoking” at National Conference on Advancements in Mathematical Research and Development-2024, organized by Department of Mathematics, Pilvai, Gujarat, India on February 10, 2024.

Paper Presented


Title: Cryptographic methods: Some Algorithms and Transformations

Organization: Post Graduate Department of Mathematics, Swami Vivekanand Govt. Post Graduate College, Neemuch, M.P., India

Date: 10 Feb, 2023

Level of Programme: International

Details: Thakkar Akash, Gor Ravi (2023), “Cryptographic methods: Some Algorithms and Transformations” at International Conference on Research Trends in Mathematical Sciences (ICRTMSC-2023) organized by Post Graduate Department of Mathematics, Swami Vivekanand Govt. Post Graduate College, Neemuch, M.P., India during 10th -11th February, 2023

Paper Presented


Title: Measuring value at risk of cryptocurrency using quantum harmonic oscillator

Organization: Post Graduate Department of Mathematics, Swami Vivekanand Govt. Post Graduate College, Neemuch, M.P., India

Date: 10 Feb, 2023

Level of Programme: International

Details: Bhatt, Atman & Gor, Ravi, “Measuring value at risk of cryptocurrency using quantum harmonic oscillator” at the ‘International Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematical Sciences’ organized by Swami Vivekanand Government College, Neemuch during 10th -11th February 2023

Paper Presented


Title: Examining the Impact of Debt Maturity Time, Expected Return and Volatility on Probability of Default in Credit Risk Modelling: The Case of Merton and MKMV Models

Organization: Post Graduate Department of Mathematics, Swami Vivekanand Govt. Post Graduate College, Neemuch, M.P., India

Date: 10 Feb, 2023

Level of Programme: International

Details: Jumbe George, Gor Ravi (2023). “Examining the Impact of Debt Maturity Time, Expected Return and Volatility on Probability of Default in Credit Risk Modelling: The Case of Merton and MKMV Models” at International Conference on “Recent Trends in Mathematical Sciences” (ICRTMSC-2023) organized by the Department of Mathematics, Swami Vivekanand Govt.P.G.College, Neemuch (M.P), India on February 10th & 11th , 2023

Paper Presented


Title: A new method for cryptography using RSA algorithm and Kamal Transform

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Maturi Venkata Subba Rao (MVSR) Engineering College (Autonomous), Nadergul, Hyderabad, India

Date: 08 Nov, 2021

Level of Programme: National

Details: Thakkar Akash, Gor Ravi (2021), “A new method for cryptography using RSA algorithm and Kamal Transform” at National Conference on Mathematical And Statistical Techniques in Engineering Research-2021 (MASTER-2021), organized by Department of Mathematics, Maturi Venkata Subba Rao (MVSR) Engineering College (Autonomous), Nadergul, Hyderabad, India during 8th - 9th November, 2021

Paper Presented


Title: A new approach to Digital Signature verification based on DNA encryption and Elgamal encryption techniques

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Maturi Venkata Subba Rao (MVSR) Engineering College (Autonomous), Nadergul, Hyderabad, India

Date: 08 Nov, 2021

Level of Programme: National

Details: Moghariya Bhavadip, Gor Ravi (2021), “A new approach to Digital Signature verification based on DNA encryption and Elgamal encryption techniques” at National Conference on Mathematical And Statistical Techniques in Engineering Research-2021 (MASTER-2021), organized by Department of Mathematics, Maturi Venkata Subba Rao (MVSR) Engineering College (Autonomous), Nadergul, Hyderabad, India during 8th - 9th November, 2021

Paper Presented


Title: Financial Market Risk Assessment Models: A Review Paper

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Maturi Venkata Subba Rao (MVSR) Engineering College (Autonomous), Nadergul, Hyderabad, India

Date: 08 Nov, 2021

Level of Programme: National

Details: Jumbe George, Gor Ravi (2021). “Financial Market Risk Assessment Models: A Review Paper” in the Two Day National Conference on Mathematical and Statistical Techniques in Engineering Research-2021 (MASTER-2021) from 8th to 9th November, 2021

Paper Presented


Title: Study of Blockchain system using Queueing theory

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Maturi Venkata Subba Rao (MVSR) Engineering College (Autonomous), Nadergul, Hyderabad, India

Date: 08 Nov, 2021

Level of Programme: National

Details: Vora Stuti, Gor Ravi (2021), “Study of Blockchain system using Queueing theory” at National Conference on Mathematical And Statistical Techniques in Engineering Research-2021 (MASTER-2021), organized by Department of Mathematics, Maturi Venkata Subba Rao (MVSR) Engineering College (Autonomous), Nadergul, Hyderabad, India during 8th - 9th November, 2021

Paper Presented


Title: Digital Image Encryption based on Chaos Theory

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Maturi Venkata Subba Rao (MVSR) Engineering College (Autonomous), Nadergul, Hyderabad, India

Date: 08 Nov, 2021

Level of Programme: National

Details: Gandhi Srushti, Gor Ravi (2021), “Digital Image Encryption based on Chaos Theory” at National Conference on Mathematical And Statistical Techniques in Engineering Research-2021 (MASTER-2021), organized by Department of Mathematics, Maturi Venkata Subba Rao (MVSR) Engineering College (Autonomous), Nadergul, Hyderabad, India during 8th - 9th November, 2021

Paper Presented


Title: Mathematical formulation of complex candlestick and predicting trend reversal

Organization: Ganpat University, Faculty of Science, Mehsana

Date: 08 Feb, 2024

Level of Programme: International

Details: 5. Shreya Patel, Vaghela Vaidehi, Gor Ravi (2020), “Mathematical formulation of complex candlestick and predicting trend reversal”, at the 34th Gujarat Science Congress-2020 organized by Ganpat University, Faculty of Science, Mehsana during 08-09 February, 2020.

Paper Presented


Title: A Study of option pricing in private sector

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad

Date: 08 Feb, 2020

Level of Programme: International

Details: 8. Sisodia Neha, Gor Ravi (2020), “A Study of option pricing in private sector”, at the Mathematics Excellence-2020 organized by Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad during 15th February, 2020.

Paper Presented


Title: Valuation of European call option using Variance gamma process

Organization: Ganpat University, Faculty of Science, Mehsana

Date: 08 Feb, 2020

Level of Programme: International

Details: Mansi Patel, Akash Singh, Gor Ravi (2020), “Valuation of European call option using Variance gamma process”, at the 34th Gujarat Science Congress-2020 organized by Ganpat University, Faculty of Science, Mehsana during 08-09 February, 2020.

Paper Presented


Title: Valuation of European put option using Variance gamma process

Organization: Ganpat University, Faculty of Science, Mehsana

Date: 08 Feb, 2020

Level of Programme: International

Details: 7. Rinku Patel, Akash Singh, Gor Ravi (2020), “Valuation of European put option using Variance gamma process”, at the 34th Gujarat Science Congress-2020 organized by Ganpat University, Faculty of Science, Mehsana during 08-09 February, 2020.

Paper Presented


Title: A lot size model with variable deterioration rate under supplier credits

Organization: I. I. T. Delhi, Asia Pacific Operational Research Society convention

Date: 08 Dec, 2003

Level of Programme: International

Details: Presented the paper” A lot size model with variable deterioration rate under supplier credits” (8-10 Dec, 2003), I. I. T. Delhi, Asia Pacific Operational Research Society convention (APORS-2003), International Conference

Paper Presented


Title: Interface of the newsvendor problem with international financial risk management

Organization: KadiSarvaVishwavidhyalaya, Gandhinagar

Date: 07 Dec, 2012

Level of Programme: National

Details: Arcelus F. J., Gor Ravi*, Srinivasan G. (2012)” Interface of the newsvendor problem with international financial risk management”, (7-8 December 2012), presented at National Conference on Advances in Mathematical Sciences NCAMS 2012” organized by KadiSarvaVishwavidhyalaya, Gandhinagar.

Paper Presented


Title: A single period model where the lost sales recapture is a function of (r/p)

Organization: KadiSarvaVishwavidhyalaya, Gandhinagar

Date: 07 Dec, 2012

Level of Programme: National

Details: Patel, A. *, Gor Ravi (2012)” A single period model where the lost sales recapture is a function of (r/p)” (7-8 December 2012), presented at National Conference on Advances in Mathematical Sciences NCAMS 2012” organized by KadiSarvaVishwavidhyalaya, Gandhinagar

Paper Presented


Title: Modeling a random yield in- house production set up in a Newsvendor problem

Organization: KadiSarvaVishwavidhyalaya, Gandhinagar

Date: 07 Dec, 2012

Level of Programme: National

Details: Solanki, K. *, Gor Ravi (2012)” Modeling a random yield in- house production set up in a Newsvendor problem” (7-8 December 2012), presented at National Conference on Advances in Mathematical Sciences NCAMS 2012” organized by KadiSarvaVishwavidhyalaya, Gandhinagar

Paper Presented


Title: Modeling a random yield in- house production set up in a Newsvendor problem

Organization: KadiSarvaVishwavidhyalaya, Gandhinagar

Date: 07 Dec, 2012

Level of Programme: National

Details: Solanki, K. *, Gor Ravi (2012)” Modeling a random yield in- house production set up in a Newsvendor problem” (7-8 December 2012), presented at National Conference on Advances in Mathematical Sciences NCAMS 2012” organized by KadiSarvaVishwavidhyalaya, Gandhinagar

Paper Presented


Title: On a Mean Reversion and Fibonacci Retracement Strategy

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University

Date: 05 Jan, 2019

Level of Programme: National

Details: Panchal Maitri, Gor Ravi (2019), “On a Mean Reversion and Fibonacci Retracement Strategy” , at Math Excellence 2019 organized by Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University on 5th January 2019.

Paper Presented


Title: Exchange Rate Risk in a Newsvendor Framework under Gamma Distribution Exchange Rate Error

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University

Date: 05 Jan, 2019

Level of Programme: National

Details: Zarana Mehta, Gor Ravi (2019), “Exchange Rate Risk in a Newsvendor Framework under Gamma Distribution Exchange Rate Error”, at the state level conference Mathematics Excellence-2019 organized by Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University on 5th January,2019.

Paper Presented


Title: Using open interest and volume as indicators of stock market trend

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University

Date: 05 Jan, 2019

Level of Programme: State Level

Details: Vaghela Vaidehi, Gor Ravi (2019), “Using open interest and volume as indicators of stock market trend”, at the Mathematics Excellence 2019 organized by Gujarat University on 5 January, 2019.

Paper Presented


Title: Portfolio Optimization using integer programming with monte Carlo simulation & multivariate bi-section method

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University

Date: 05 Jan, 2019

Level of Programme: State Level

Details: VaniyaKirit, Gor Ravi (2019), “Portfolio Optimization using integer programming with monte Carlo simulation & multivariate bi-section method” at the Mathematics Excellence 2019 (MathXL-2019) organized by Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, on 5th January, 2019 (Statelevel)

Paper Presented


Title: Option Pricing with Sine Cosine Function Method

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University

Date: 05 Jan, 2019

Level of Programme: State Level

Details: Ghosh Madhumita, Dr. Ravi Gor (2019), “Option Pricing with Sine Cosine Function Method” at the Mathematics Excellence 2019 (MathXL-2019) organized by Gujarat University, Ahmedabad on 5th January,2019 (State level).

Paper Presented


Title: Mathematics used in computation of India VIX volatility index

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University

Date: 05 Jan, 2019

Level of Programme: State Level

Details: ChauhanArun, Gor Ravi (2019), “Mathematics used in computation of India VIX volatility index”, at theMathematics Excellence-2019 organized by Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University on 5th January 2019

Paper Presented


Title: Pricing the American options using the truncated normal distribution formula

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University

Date: 05 Jan, 2019

Level of Programme: State Level

Details: Akash Singh, Gor Ravi (2019), “Pricing the American options using the truncated normal distribution formula”, at the Mathematics Excellence 2019 organized by Gujarat University during 5th January, 2019.

Paper Presented


Title: A Comparative study of Volatilities for option pricing models

Organization: Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University

Date: 05 Jan, 2019

Level of Programme: State Level

Details: Sisodia Neha, Gor Ravi(2019), “A Comparative study of Volatilities for option pricing models”, at the Mathematics Excellence 2019 organised by Gujarat Univesity on 5 January,2019

Paper Presented


Title: Trends in the supply chain marketing of floricultural items in India and its retailing in Ahmedabad region

Organization: I.I.M. Ahmedabad

Date: 05 Jan, 2005

Level of Programme: International

Details: Presented the paper “Trends in the supply chain marketing of floricultural items in India and its retailing in Ahmedabad region”, (5-9 Jan, 2005), I.I.M. Ahmedabad, 37th Annual Convention of the Operational Research Society of India ORSI, International Conference

Paper Presented


Title: A game theoretic model for channel coordination by cooperative advertising and equilibrium pricing

Organization: Parul Institute of Technology, Baroda

Date: 04 May, 2012

Level of Programme: National

Details: 197. Solanki, K. *, Patel, A., Gor Ravi (2012) “A game theoretic model for channel coordination by cooperative advertising and equilibrium pricing” (4-5 May 2012), presented at National Conference on Applied Mathematics at Parul Institute of Technology, Baroda

Paper Presented


Title: Lost sale recapture model in a newsvendor framework

Organization: Parul Institute of Technology, Baroda

Date: 04 May, 2012

Level of Programme: National

Details: Patel, A. *, Solanki, K., Gor Ravi (2012)” Lost sale recapture model in a newsvendor framework” (4-5 May 2012), presented at National Conference on Applied Mathematics at Parul Institute of Technology, Baroda

Paper Presented


Title: Examining the Impact of Debt Maturity Time, Volatility and Expected Return on Credit Spreads Produced by Merton and MKMV Models

Organization: Patrician College of Arts and Science, Chennai, and Sacred Heart College, Tirupattur

Date: 03 Feb, 2023

Level of Programme: International

Details: Jumbe George, Gor Ravi (2023). “Examining the Impact of Debt Maturity Time, Volatility and Expected Return on Credit Spreads Produced by Merton and MKMV Models” at INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RESEARCH TRENDS IN CONTEMPORARY MATHEMATICS (ICRTCM-2023) held at PG Department of Mathematics, Patrician College of Arts and Science, Chennai in collaboration with PG & Research Department of Mathematics, Sacred Heart College, Tirupattur on 3rd & 4th February, 2023

Paper Presented


Title: A Review on Queueing Theory and its Applications in Public Places

Organization: Patrician College of Arts and Science, Chennai, and Sacred Heart College, Tirupattur

Date: 03 Feb, 2023

Level of Programme: International

Details: Anjali Patel, Gor Ravi (2023). “A Review on Queueing Theory and its Applications in Public Places” at INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RESEARCH TRENDS IN CONTEMPORARY MATHEMATICS (ICRTCM-2023) held at PG Department of Mathematics, Patrician College of Arts and Science, Chennai in collaboration with PG & Research Department of Mathematics, Sacred Heart College, Tirupattur on 3rd & 4th February, 2023

Paper Presented


Title: Foreign exchange market portfolio construction using Quantum harmonic oscillator

Organization: Patrician College of Arts and Science, Chennai, and Sacred Heart College, Tirupattur

Date: 03 Feb, 2023

Level of Programme: International

Details: Bhatt, Atman & Gor, Ravi, “Foreign exchange market portfolio construction using Quantum harmonic oscillator” at the ‘International Conference on Research Trends in Contemporary Mathematics’ organized by Patrician College of Arts and Science, Chennai, and Sacred Heart College, Tirupattur during 3rd & 4th February, 2023

Paper Presented


Title: A Mathematical Model of Foreign Exchange Risk in a Supply chain with Newsvendor setting

Organization: L.J.Institute of Applied Sciences

Date: 03 Feb, 2019

Level of Programme: State Level

Details: Zarana Mehta, Gor Ravi (2019), “ A Mathematical Model of Foreign Exchange Risk in a Supply chain with Newsvendor setting”,at the state level conference XXXIII Gujarat Science Congress-2019 organized by L.J.Institute of Applied Sciences during 2-3 February,2019

Paper Presented


Title: Hedging against uncertain supply and demand using options in a single period framework

Organization: DUBAI, UAE

Date: 02 Mar, 2015

Level of Programme: International

Details: Arcelus F. J., Gor Ravi*, Srinivasan G. (2015)” Hedging against uncertain supply and demand using options in a single period framework (2-5March 2015), presented at 5thInternational Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management IEOM-15, at DUBAI, UAE

Paper Presented


Title: Foreign Exchange Transaction Exposure in a Newsvendor Setting

Organization: Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey

Date: 02 Jul, 2012

Level of Programme: International

Details: Arcelus F. J., Gor Ravi*, Srinivasan G. (2012)” Foreign Exchange Transaction Exposure in a Newsvendor Setting”(2-6 July 2012), presented at International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management IEOM-12, organized by Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey

Paper Presented


Title: Semi-parametric Approaches for Value at Risk

Organization: L J Institute of Applied Sciences, Ahmedabad

Date: 02 Feb, 2019

Level of Programme: National

Details: VaniyaKirit, Gor Ravi (2019),“Semi-parametric Approaches for Value at Risk” at the Gujarat Science Congress XXXIII 2019 organized by L J Institute of Applied Sciences, Ahmedabad during 2nd and 3rd February, 2019 (National level)

Paper Presented


Title: Analysis of Option Pricing Models

Organization: L J Institute of Applied Sciences, Ahmedabad

Date: 02 Feb, 2019

Level of Programme: National

Details: Sisodia Neha, Gor Ravi(2019), “Analysis of Option Pricing Models”, at the Gujarat Science Congress XXXIII-2019 organised by L J Institute of Applied Sciences during 2-3 February 2019

Paper Presented


Title: An analytical closed form solution based on truncated normal distribution for pricing the American put options

Organization: L J Institute of Applied Sciences, Ahmedabad

Date: 02 Feb, 2019

Level of Programme: National

Details: Akash Singh, Gor Ravi (2019), “ An analytical closed form solution based on truncated normal distribution for pricing the American put options”, at the XXXIII Gujarat Science Congress 2019 organized by LJ institute of Applied Sciences during 2-3 February, 2019.

Paper Presented


Title: Forecasting stock market directions by sentimental indicators

Organization: L J Institute of Applied Sciences, Ahmedabad

Date: 02 Feb, 2019

Level of Programme: National

Details: Vaghela Vaidehi, Gor Ravi (2019), “Forecasting stock market directions by sentimental indicators”, at the Gujarat Science Congress, 2019 organized by L J Institute of Applied Sciences, Ahmadabad during 2- 3 February, 2019.

Paper Presented


Title: Comparison of Solution Methods of Black-Scholes PDE

Organization: L J Institute of Applied Sciences, Ahmedabad

Date: 02 Feb, 2019

Level of Programme: National

Details: Ghosh Madhumita, Dr. Ravi Gor (2019), “Comparison of Solution Methods of Black-Scholes PDE” at the Gujarat Science Congress XXXIII 2019 organized by LJ Institute of Applied Sciences, Ahmedabad during 2nd & 3rd February, 2019 (National level).

Paper Presented


Title: Bollinger Band and Fibonacci Retracement

Organization: L J Institute of Applied Sciences, Ahmedabad

Date: 02 Feb, 2019

Level of Programme: National

Details: Panchal Maitri, Gor Ravi (2019), “Bollinger Band and Fibonacci Retracement”, at the Gujarat Science Congress, 2019 organized by L J Institute of Applied Sciences, Ahmadabad during 2- 3 February, 2019.

Paper Presented


Title: Price, rebate and order quantity decisions in a newsvendor framework with rebate-dependent recapture of lost sales

Organization: the Sobey School of Business, Halifax, Canada

Date: 01 Oct, 2010

Level of Programme: International

Details: Arcelus F. J., Gor Ravi*, Srinivasan G. (2010): Price, rebate and order quantity decisions in a newsvendor framework with rebate-dependent recapture of lost sales, Atlantic Business Schools Conference 2010, October 1-3, 2010, organized by the Sobey School of Business, Halifax, Canada

Paper Presented


Title: Effectiveness of Citizen Centric E-Governance Projects in Gujarat – initial study

Organization: Dept. of Business Mgmt. Saurashtra University, Rajkot

Date: 01 Mar, 2014

Level of Programme: National

Details: Tiwari, Parikshit* and Gor, Ravi (2014), Effectiveness of Citizen Centric E-Governance Projects in Gujarat – initial study, presented at UGC sponsored National Conference on Emerging Global Issues in Management innovations on 1st March 2014 at Dept. of Business Mgmt. Saurashtra University, Rajkot

Paper Presented


Title: Preliminary Study on Problems Pertaining to the Customers of Non-Life Insurance

Organization: Dept. of Business Mgmt. Saurashtra University, Rajkot

Date: 01 Mar, 2014

Level of Programme: National

Details: Patel, Chirag* and Gor, Ravi (2014), Preliminary Study on Problems Pertaining to the Customers of Non-Life Insurance, presented at UGC sponsored National Conference on Emerging Global Issues in Management innovations on 1st March 2014 at Dept. of Business Mgmt. Saurashtra University, Rajkot

Paper Presented


Title: Rebate to recapture lost sales and its sensitivity to demand errors

Organization: IIM Ahmedabad and AIMS

Date: 01 Jan, 2011

Level of Programme: International

Details: Arcelus F. J., Gor Ravi*, Srinivasan G. (2011) “Rebate to recapture lost sales and its sensitivity to demand errors”(01-04 January 2011), presented at the 8th AIMS International conference on Management at IIM Ahmedabad, jointly organized by IIM Ahmedabad and AIMS (Association of Indian Mgmt Scholars)International


  • May 2010
    June 2011

    Project Title: Post Doctoral Fellowship

    Funding Agency: Faculty of Business Administration, University of New Brunswick, Canada

    Grant No.:


    Completed Post Doctoral Fellow : Prof. (Dr.) Ravi Gor
  • June 2009
    July 2009

    Project Title: Visiting Scholar

    Funding Agency: Faculty of Business Administration, University of New Brunswick, Canada

    Grant No.:


    Completed Visiting Scholar : Prof. (Dr.) Ravi Gor

PhD thesis and dissertation Guided

Awarded Year

A Study on cryptographic Algorithms and Mathematical Transformations to improve Security of Communic

Akash Thakkar, Gujarat University

Guided for: Thesis

Awarded Year

A Study of mathematical model of Consensus Algorithm and Throughput in Blockchain

Stuti Vora, Gujarat University

Guided for: Thesis

Awarded Year

A Study on Mathematical Models of Asymmetric Cryptography used in Digital Signature and Cryptocurren

Bhavdip Moghariya, Gujarat University

Guided for: Thesis

Awarded Year

Study of Mathematical Transformations used in Data and Digital Image Security

Srushti Gandhi, Gujarat University

Guided for: Thesis

Awarded Year

Prediction of Financial Investment Risk in Financial Markets using Actuarial Models

George Jumbe, Gujarat University

Guided for: Thesis

Awarded Year

Study of Mathematics of Wave Theory in the Context of Financial Markets

Vaidehi Vaghela, Gujarat University

Guided for: Thesis

Awarded Year

A Study of Mathematical Models in Measure Value at Risk (VaR)

Kirit Vaniya, Gujarat University

Guided for: Thesis

Awarded Year

Study of Model Parameters of Black-Scholes’ and Heston’s Option Pricing Models

Neha Sisodia, Gujarat University

Guided for: Thesis

Awarded Year

A Study of Mathematical Models on Transaction Exposure Risk

Zarana Mehta, Gujarat University

Guided for: Thesis

Awarded Year

Study of Mathematical Models of Back Propagation in Machine Learning

Shachi Bhavsar, Gujarat University

Guided for: Thesis

Awarded Year

Study of Mathematical Models of Supervised Learning in Machine Learning

Madhumita Ghosh, Gujarat University

Guided for: Thesis

Awarded Year

An analytical Study of Black-Scholes Model for Indian Option Market

Arun Chauhan, Gujarat University

Guided for: Thesis

Awarded Year

A Study of Mean Reverting Stochastic Processes in the context of Financial Markets

Maitri Panchal, Gujarat University

Guided for: Thesis

Awarded Year

Study of Volatility and risks associated with option pricing model

Akash Singh Thakur, Gujarat University

Guided for: Thesis

Awarded Year

Assessment of Training and Development Practices in Non Life Insurance Companies with Special Refere

Chirag Patel, Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya

Guided for: Thesis

Awarded Year

An empirical study of the interoperability and effectiveness of citizen centric e governance project

Parikshit Tiwari, Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya

Guided for: Thesis

Awarded Year

Spirituality and management learning and application of teachings of jagadguru adi shankaracharya

Bhavesh Kinkhabwala, Gujarat University

Guided for: Thesis

Awarded Year

Modelling a news vendor problem and risk hedging in various business environments

Sanjay Patel, Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya

Guided for: Thesis

Awarded Year

Some models on inventory and pricing decisions in the newsboy problem

Krishna Solanki, Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya

Guided for: Thesis

Awarded Year

Analysis of lost sale recapture models in context of single period inventory problem with pricing

Ashok Patel, Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya

Guided for: Thesis


Module Name: Linear Programming Problem

Sponsered: NISCAIR

Industrial Statistics and Operations Management Dr. Ravi Gor

Module Name: Transportation Problem

Sponsered: NISCAIR

Industrial Statistics and Operations Management Dr. Ravi Gor

Module Name: Assignment Problem

Sponsered: NISCAIR

Industrial Statistics and Operations Management Dr. Ravi Gor

Module Name: Project Management

Sponsered: NISCAIR

Industrial Statistics and Operations Management Dr. Ravi Gor

Module Name: Forecasting Techniques

Sponsered: NISCAIR

Industrial Statistics and Operations Management Dr. Ravi Gor

Module Name: Inventory Management

Sponsered: NISCAIR

Industrial Statistics and Operations Management Dr. Ravi Gor

Module Name: Number System and Set Theory

Sponsered: EMRC Ahmedabad SWAYAM MOOC Course on Business Economics

Business Economics Dr Ravi Gor

Module Name: Elementary Theory of Fuctions

Sponsered: EMRC Ahmedabad SWAYAM MOOC Course on Business Economics

Business Economics Dr. Ravi Gor

Module Name: Sequence and Series of Real Numbers

Sponsered: EMRC Ahmedabad SWAYAM MOOC Course on Business Economics

Business Economics Dr. Ravi Gor

Module Name: Limit

Sponsered: EMRC Ahmedabad SWAYAM MOOC Course on Business Economics

Business Economics Dr. Ravi Gor

Module Name: Extreme Value and Power Series Representation of Function

Sponsered: EMRC Ahmedabad SWAYAM MOOC Course on Business Economics

Business Economics Dr. Ravi Gor

Module Name: Vector Spaces and Matrices

Sponsered: EMRC Ahmedabad SWAYAM MOOC Course on Business Economics

Business Economics Dr. Ravi Gor

Module Name: Manipulations of matrices and Determinants

Sponsered: EMRC Ahmedabad SWAYAM MOOC Course on Business Economics

Business Economics Dr. Ravi Gor

Module Name: Concept of Level set and and Partial differentiation

Sponsered: EMRC Ahmedabad SWAYAM MOOC Course on Business Economics

Business Economics Dr. Ravi Gor

Module Name: Some more aspects of partial differentiation

Sponsered: EMRC Ahmedabad SWAYAM MOOC Course on Business Economics

Business Economics Dr. Ravi Gor

Module Name: Eigen Values and Quadratic forms

Sponsered: EMRC Ahmedabad SWAYAM MOOC Course on Business Economics

Business Economics Dr. Ravi Gor

Module Name: Introduction to Partial Diffrentiation

Sponsered: EMRC Ahmedabad SWAYAM MOOC Course on Business Economics

Business Economics Dr. Ravi Gor

Module Name: Partial Differentiation of Functions and Implicit Function

Sponsered: EMRC Ahmedabad SWAYAM MOOC Course on Business Economics

Business Economics Dr. Ravi Gor

Module Name: Concept of Convexity- Concavity

Sponsered: EMRC Ahmedabad SWAYAM MOOC Course on Business Economics

Business Economics Dr. Ravi Gor

Module Name: Constrained Optimization

Sponsered: EMRC Ahmedabad SWAYAM MOOC Course on Business Economics

Business Economics Dr. Ravi Gor

Module Name: Duality in Linear Programming

Sponsered: EMRC Ahmedabad SWAYAM MOOC Course on Business Economics

Business Economics Dr. Ravi Gor

Module Name: Elementary Difference Equation and their applications to Economics

Sponsered: EMRC Ahmedabad SWAYAM MOOC Course on Business Economics

Business Economics Dr. Ravi Gor

Module Name: Solution for difference Equation

Sponsered: EMRC Ahmedabad SWAYAM MOOC Course on Business Economics

Business Economics Dr. Ravi Gor

Module Name: Differential Equations Part I

Sponsered: EMRC Ahmedabad SWAYAM MOOC Course on Business Economics

Business Economics Dr. Ravi Gor

Module Name: Differential Equations Part II

Sponsered: EMRC Ahmedabad SWAYAM MOOC Course on Business Economics

Business Economics Dr. Ravi Gor

Module Name: Introduction to Linear Programming Problem

Sponsered: EMRC Ahmedabad SWAYAM MOOC Course on Business Economics

Business Economics Dr. Ravi Gor
