Teaching Experience

Academic Identity

Scopus Id
Google Scholar Id
IRINS (Vidwan) Id



April 2018

Book Title: Vedic and Post Vedic Thought in Leadership

ISBN: 978-93-86644-00-8

Pages: -

Language: English

Publisher Gujarat University

Book Parikh, M. & Gupta, R.
April 2017

Book Title: TEDxperience: a Journey Through TEDxGujaratUniversity

ISBN: 978-93-88644-20-6

Pages: -

Language: English

Publisher Gujarat University

Book Parikh, M.
November 2016

Book Title: Handbook of Management Cases

Chapter Title: Choosing the bus rapid transit system (BRTS) for Ahmedabad

ISBN: 978-81-931001-3-4

Pages: 183 - 202

Language: English

Publisher ET Cases & ToI Group

Book Chapters Parikh, M. & Raghuram, G.
November 2015

Book Title: Contemporary Issues in People Management


ISBN: ISBN-10: 9385000225 ISBN-13: 978-9385000225

Pages: 15 - 25

Language: English

Publisher Bharti Publishers

Book Chapters Parikh M., Awasthi Ankita
June 2017

Book Title: Entrepreneurship Development (2nd edition)

Chapter Title: Family Business

ISBN: 978-93-82027-25-6

Pages: 60 - 71

Language: English

Publisher C. Jamnadas

Book Chapters Parikh, M.
June 2017

Book Title: Entrepreneurship Development

Chapter Title: Family Business

ISBN: 978-93-82027-25-6

Pages: 60 - 71

Language: English

Publisher C. Jamnadas

Book Chapters Parikh, M.
February 2012

Book Title: Pfeiffer Annual 2011 (Training series)

Chapter Title: Crossword Conundrum: Reviewing concepts

ISBN: 978-0-470-59237-3

Pages: 87 - 92

Language: English

Publisher John Wiley & Sons

Book Chapters Parikh, M.
December 2015

Book Title: Vision for Varanasi: Approach to City Management

Chapter Title: Integrating insights from Humanistic Management: Early Thoughts for More Effective City Management In Varanasi

ISBN: 978-93-85000-04-1

Pages: 38 - 46

Language: English

Publisher Bharti Publications

Book Chapters Parikh, M.
December 2015

Book Title: Qualitative Research in Management

Chapter Title: Single Case Study: Exploring Organizational Ambidexterity -- My Journey as a Qualitative Researcher

ISBN: 978-93-515-0103-9

Pages: 142 - 155

Language: English

Publisher Sage

Book Chapters Parikh, M.
April 2014

Book Title: Selected Readings on Sustainable Development

Chapter Title: Reinterpreting Sustainability: Environment, Viability and Organization Design in Urban Transport

ISBN: 978-93-5062-501-9

Pages: 47 - 62

Language: English

Publisher Teerthankar Mahaveer University

Book Chapters Parikh, M.
Sep 2016

Title: Move Over Mintzberg, let adhocracy give way to Ambidexterity

Journal: Management Decision

ISSN: 0025-1747

Volume (issue): 54 (5)



Publisher Emerald

Journals Dr. Margie Parikh
Sep 2013

Title: Millennials and the Workplace: Challenges for Architecting the Organizations for Tomorrow by Singh, Preetam, Bhandarkar, Asha and Rai, Sumita: A book review

Journal: Management Decision

ISSN: 0025-1747 53 (3)

Volume (issue): 51 (3)



Publisher Emerald

Journals Dr. Margie Parikh
Oct 2017

Title: Road Trip

Journal: Railbandhu

ISSN: 23443-72

Volume (issue): 7 (6)



Publisher Indian Railways

Journals Dr. Margie Parikh
Oct 2016

Title: Effective Decisionmaking Through Nyaya-Sutra Inputs

Journal: International Journal of Indian Management And Strategy

ISSN: 0973-9335

Volume (issue): 21 (4)



Publisher Jagannath Institute of Management Science

Journals Dr. Margie Parikh
Nov 2014

Title: To Join Family Business Or Not: Introducing Script and Intrinsic Motivation through the Godfather Trilogy

Journal: The International Journal of Management Education

ISSN: 1472-8117

Volume (issue): 12 (3)



Publisher Elsevier

Journals Dr. Margie Parikh
Mar 2020

Title: 9B16M041 Jaipur Rugs: Balancing Goals and Organizational Growth

Journal: Ivey Cases


Volume (issue): 0 (0)



Publisher Ivey Publishing

Journals Dr. Margie Parikh
Mar 2016

Title: W16163 Jaipur Rugs: Balancing Goals and Organizational Growth

Journal: HBSP case database


Volume (issue): 0 (0)



Publisher Harvard Business School Publishing

Journals Dr. Margie Parikh
Jun 2017

Title: A System of Contradictory Goals and Realization of Ambidexterity: A Case Study of a Municipal Corporation

Journal: International Journal of Public Administration

ISSN: Taylor & Francis

Volume (issue): 41 (2)



Publisher Taylor & Francis

Journals Dr. Margie Parikh
Jun 2017

Title: Dualities and Parallels in the Artistic World and Otherwise

Journal: Viewpoint: An international Journal of Management and Technology

ISSN: 2229-3925

Volume (issue): 8 (1)



Publisher Teerthankar Mahaveer University

Journals Dr. Margie Parikh
Jun 2017

Title: Dualities and Parallels in the Artistic World and Otherwise

Journal: Viewpoint: An international Journal of Management and Technology

ISSN: 2229-3925

Volume (issue): 8 (1)

Language: English


Publisher Teerthankar Mahaveer University

Journals Dr. Margie Parikh
Jun 2016

Title: Interview with the Gundecha Brothers of Dagur Gharana, exponents of Dhrupad type of Indian classical singing

Journal: Viewpoint: An international Journal of Management and Technology

ISSN: 2229-3925

Volume (issue): 7 (1)



Publisher Teerthankar Mahaveer University

Journals Dr. Margie Parikh
Jun 2010

Title: Dilip Roy at Itsun Heavy Industries India Pvt. Ltd. (IHIIPL)

Journal: Asian Case Research Journal

ISSN: 0218-9275/Online-1793-6772/ Social Sci search ®Jou

Volume (issue): 12 (2)

Language: English


Publisher Asian Case Research Journal

Journals Dr. Margie Parikh
Jul 2013

Title: Organizational Ambidexterity on the horizon: Need for Exploring underlying tensions

Journal: Viewpoint: An International Journal of Management And Technology

ISSN: 2229-3925

Volume (issue): 4 (2)



Publisher Teerthankar Mahaveer University

Journals Dr. Margie Parikh
Jul 2010

Title: Arco Limited: Launch and Closure of a Ready Mix Cement Plant

Journal: Asian Case Research Journal

ISSN: 0218-9275/Online-1793-6772/ Social Sci search ®Jou

Volume (issue): 13 (2)

Language: English


Publisher Asian Case Research Journal

Journals Dr. Margie Parikh
Jan 2018

Title: Balancing the contradictions in the business of maintaining instruments

Journal: Viewpoint: An international Journal of Management and Technology

ISSN: 2229-3925

Volume (issue): 9 (1)



Publisher Teerthankar Mahaveer University

Journals Dr. Margie Parikh
Jan 2015

Title: Balancing Social Goals and Financial Viability: "Both Have to Coexist and Work Well – No Point Cribbing About It"

Journal: Giving Voice to Values Curriculum

ISSN: nil

Volume (issue): 0 (0)



Publisher Babson College

Journals Dr. Margie Parikh
Jan 2015

Title: अथ नीतिशतकम: Ten Management Lessons from Bhritrihari's Nitishatakam

Journal: Prachyamanjusha

ISSN: 2393-8552

Volume (issue): 16 (1)



Publisher PBS Prachya Vidya Shodh Sansthan

Journals Dr. Margie Parikh
Jan 2011

Title: Culture, Career and More: the case of Dilip Roy at IHI (India) Pvt. Ltd., a subsediary of Itsun China

Journal: Emerald EEMC Database

ISSN: 2045-0621

Volume (issue): 1 (1)



Publisher Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies Collection (EEMCS)

Journals Dr. Margie Parikh
Jan 2011

Title: Launch and Closure of an Indian Cement Plant: Decision making at Arco Ltd. And EGL, its Associate

Journal: Emerald EEMC Database

ISSN: 2045-0621

Volume (issue): 1 (1)



Publisher Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies Collection (EEMCS)

Journals Dr. Margie Parikh
Jan 2011

Title: Culture, Career and More: the case of Dilip Roy at IHI (India) Pvt. Ltd., a subsediary of Itsun China

Journal: Emerald EEMC Database

ISSN: 2045-0621

Volume (issue): 1 (1)

Language: English


Publisher Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies Collection (EEMCS)

Journals Dr. Margie Parikh
Jan 2011

Title: Launch and Closure of an Indian Cement Plant: Decision making at Arco Ltd. And EGL, its Associate

Journal: Emerald EEMC Database

ISSN: 2045-0621

Volume (issue): 1 (1)

Language: English


Publisher Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies Collection (EEMCS)

Journals Dr. Margie Parikh
Jan 2011

Title: Development at Somnath Temple: Administrative Leadership?

Journal: Decision

ISSN: 0304-0941 (print) 2197-1722 (electronic)

Volume (issue): 38 (1)

Language: English


Publisher IIM Calcutta

Journals Dr. Margie Parikh
Dec 2016

Title: A linkage between online comments and smartphone choice: a comprehensive review

Journal: Viewpoint: An international Journal of Management and Technology

ISSN: 2229-3925

Volume (issue): 7 (2)



Publisher Teerthankar Mahaveer University

Journals Gogna, N and Parikh, M.
Aug 2020

Title: Finding the fringe within the fringe: challenges to livelihood, leadership, and more

Journal: The Case Centre repository

ISSN: No issn

Volume (issue): 0 (0)



Publisher The case centre, USA

Journals Dr. Margie Parikh
Aug 2019

Title: Finding the fringe within the fringe: challenges to livelihood, leadership, and more - Teaching Note

Journal: The Case Centre repository

ISSN: nil

Volume (issue): 0 (0)



Publisher The case centre

Journals Dr. Margie Parikh



PhD thesis and dissertation Guided

Awarded Year

Measuring Job Satisfaction through Life Positions and Time Structuring of individuals: An Empirical

Ms. Aneri Buch, BK School of Professional and Management Studies, Gujarat University

Guided for: Thesis

Awarded Year

Challenges in Management of Start ups in Gujarat

Ms. Desai Rima Kanubhai, BK School of Professional and Management Studies, Gujarat University

Guided for: Thesis

Awarded Year

Emergent framework of leadership from the Rigveda

Trivedi Yogendrakumar Manaharlal , BK School of Professional and Management Studies, Gujarat University

Guided for: Thesis

Awarded Year

Study of emotional intelligence as an antecedence of well being in healthcare professional in india

Ms. Dhara Kairav Shah, BK School of Professional and Management Studies, Gujarat University

Guided for: Thesis

Awarded Year

The Impact of Bank Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction amongst PSBs in Gujarat

Mr. Dauda Kuyateh, BK School of Professional and Management Studies, Gujarat University

Guided for: Thesis

Awarded Year

Grievance Redressal Mechanism adopted by Gujarat Government in Rural Area

Ms. Mangla Chouhan, BK School of Professional and Management Studies, Gujarat University

Guided for: Thesis

Awarded Year

A study of Joint Ventures in Indian Oil Sector

Ms.Diveta Rathore, BK School of Professional And Management Studies, Gujarat University

Guided for: Thesis

Awarded Year

Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on the proces of globalisation - A Study of Pharma Sector in Indi

Ms. Sonali Chatterjee, BK School of professional and Management Studies, Gujarat University

Guided for: Thesis

Awarded Year

Impact of Online Comments on buying behaviour of consumers of Premium Android Smarphones in Gujarat

Ms. Neelkamal Gogna, BK School of Professional and Management Studies, Gujarat University

Guided for: Thesis


Module Name: Guest interview 3

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRD : Systems & Strategies Margie Parikh

Module Name: Guest interview 2

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRD : Systems & Strategies Margie Parikh

Module Name: Guest interview 1

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRD : Systems & Strategies Margie Parikh

Module Name: Future of HRD

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRD : Systems & Strategies Margie Parikh

Module Name: Effectiveness of HRD, assessment of impact- II

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRD : Systems & Strategies Margie Parikh

Module Name: Effectiveness of HRD, assessment of impact – I

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRD : Systems & Strategies Margie Parikh

Module Name: Training evaluation and Training effectiveness-II

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRD : Systems & Strategies Margie Parikh

Module Name: Training evaluation and Training effectiveness – I

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRD : Systems & Strategies Margie Parikh

Module Name: HRD Systems in depth: Organization Development

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRD : Systems & Strategies Margie Parikh

Module Name: HRD Systems in depth: Performance Management

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRD : Systems & Strategies Margie Parikh

Module Name: Training Delivery: Understanding the HRD Strategy and Systems-II

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRD : Systems & Strategies Margie Parikh

Module Name: Training Delivery: Understanding the HRD Strategy and Systems-I

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRD : Systems & Strategies Margie Parikh

Module Name: Scheduling HRD Programmes, Registration and enrolment issues

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRD : Systems & Strategies Margie Parikh

Module Name: Preparing training materials

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRD : Systems & Strategies Margie Parikh

Module Name: Selecting training methods-II

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRD : Systems & Strategies Margie Parikh

Module Name: Selecting training methods-I

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRD : Systems & Strategies Margie Parikh

Module Name: Preparing a lesson Plan – II

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRD : Systems & Strategies Margie Parikh

Module Name: Preparing a lesson Plan – I

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRD : Systems & Strategies Margie Parikh

Module Name: Change management, Leadership, and HRD

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRD : Systems & Strategies Margie Parikh

Module Name: Learning organizations, knowledge management, and HRD

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRD : Systems & Strategies Margie Parikh

Module Name: Workplace learning and how adults learn-II

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRD : Systems & Strategies Margie Parikh

Module Name: Workplace learning and how adults learn-I

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRD : Systems & Strategies Margie Parikh

Module Name: Make or Buy HRD Programmes, Selecting the Trainer-II

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRD : Systems & Strategies Margie Parikh

Module Name: Make or Buy HRD Programmes, Selecting the Trainer-I

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRD : Systems & Strategies Margie Parikh

Module Name: Competency mapping

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRD : Systems & Strategies Margie Parikh

Module Name: Analysing and prioritizing the training needs-3: case study of ConcreteCo

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRD : Systems & Strategies Margie Parikh

Module Name: Analysing and prioritizing the training needs-2

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRD : Systems & Strategies Margie Parikh

Module Name: Analysing and prioritizing the training needs-1

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRD : Systems & Strategies Margie Parikh

Module Name: Framework for HRD Process

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRD : Systems & Strategies Margie Parikh

Module Name: Challenges to organizations and HRD Professionals

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRD : Systems & Strategies Margie Parikh

Module Name: Functions and roles of an HRD manager

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRD : Systems & Strategies Margie Parikh

Module Name: Functions and roles of an HRD manager

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRD : Systems & Strategies Margie Parikh

Module Name: Functions and roles of an HRD manager

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRD : Systems & Strategies Margie Parikh

Module Name: HRD and its strategic role, importance and relevance of HRD

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRM for NON-HR Managers Margie Parikh

Module Name: Meaning, introduction, evolution of HRD as we know it today

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRD : Systems & Strategies Margie Parikh

Module Name: Directions for future development in HRM

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRM for NON-HR Managers Margie Parikh

Module Name: HR outsourcing

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRM for NON-HR Managers Margie Parikh

Module Name: Knowledge management, learning organization and HRM

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRM for NON-HR Managers Margie Parikh

Module Name: HR Scorecard and organizational Effectiveness

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRM for NON-HR Managers Margie Parikh

Module Name: ICT and HRM: HR Information Systems, HR Analytics

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRM for NON-HR Managers Margie Parikh

Module Name: HRM in Merger and Aquisitions

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRM for NON-HR Managers Margie Parikh

Module Name: Managing Employee retention-II

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRM for NON-HR Managers Margie Parikh

Module Name: Managing Employee retention-I

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRM for NON-HR Managers Margie Parikh

Module Name: Legal Compliance and HRM-II

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRM for NON-HR Managers Margie Parikh

Module Name: Legal Compliance and HRM - I

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRM for NON-HR Managers Margie Parikh

Module Name: Conducting employee survey

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRM for NON-HR Managers Margie Parikh

Module Name: Managing employee separation

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRM for NON-HR Managers Margie Parikh

Module Name: Career paths and succession planning

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRM for NON-HR Managers Margie Parikh

Module Name: Performance management

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRM for NON-HR Managers Margie Parikh

Module Name: Legal provisions for managing discipline and grievance

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRM for NON-HR Managers Margie Parikh

Module Name: Training and development

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRM for NON-HR Managers Margie Parikh

Module Name: Discipline and Grievance management

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRM for NON-HR Managers Margie Parikh

Module Name: HR Policies

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRM for NON-HR Managers Margie Parikh

Module Name: Compensation-2: Legal provisions related to compensation

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRM for NON-HR Managers Margie Parikh

Module Name: Compensation-1: Pay and perquisites, Rewards and incentives

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRM for NON-HR Managers Margie Parikh

Module Name: Employee orientation and onboarding

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRM for NON-HR Managers Margie Parikh

Module Name: Interviewing Candidates

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRM for NON-HR Managers Margie Parikh

Module Name: Testing and selection

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRM for NON-HR Managers Margie Parikh

Module Name: Recruitment - II

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRM for NON-HR Managers Margie Parikh

Module Name: Recruitment - I

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRM for NON-HR Managers Margie Parikh

Module Name: Developing Job-Descriptions, Job Specifications – II

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRM for NON-HR Managers Margie Parikh

Module Name: Developing Job-Descriptions, Job Specifications – I

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRM for NON-HR Managers Margie Parikh

Module Name: HR Planning (Manpower planning in previous times)

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRM for NON-HR Managers Margie Parikh

Module Name: The role of HRM in business and important functions

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRM for NON-HR Managers Margie Parikh

Module Name: Human Resource Management (HRM): Meaning, importance

Sponsered: Gujarat University

HRM for NON-HR Managers Margie Parikh



Title: Leadership Learning and Development: a Niti Perspective

Inventor(s): Margie Parikh


Application No.: 19682/2021-CO/L

Patent No.:

Filing Country: Afghanistan

Subject Category: Arts & Humanity

Filing Date: 17 Aug, 2021

Publication Date: