
Master of Arts in Persian

Program Code



Post Graduate


2 Year

Department name

Department of Urdu & Persian
Semester Sr no CourseCode Course CourseCredit
Sem-1 1 PER-401 Masnavi (Masnavi Manvi By Rumi) 4
Sem-1 2 PER-402 Political Science in Persian Prose 4
Sem-1 3 PER-403 Translation-Topics to be decided by the Dept 4
Sem-1 4 PER-404 Mordern Persian Prose 4
Sem-1 5 PER-405 Short Story (Chamdan) 4
Sem-1 6 PER-406 Seminar 4
Sem-1 7 PER-406 Short Essay (For External Students Only) 4
Sem-2 1 PER-407 Ethical Literature in Persian prose 4
Sem-2 2 PER-408 Indian Persian Literature 4
Sem-2 3 PER-409 Essay & Letter Writing 4
Sem-2 4 PER-410-EA Qasidah Poetry 4
Sem-2 5 PER-410-EB Naat Poetry 4
Sem-2 6 PER-411-EA Literary History of Persian (Saljuk Period) 4
Sem-2 7 PER-411-EB Literary History of Persian (Safvi Period) 4
Sem-2 8 PER-412 Seminar 4
Sem-2 9 PER-412 Short Essay (For External Students Only) 4
Sem-3 1 PER-501 Ghazal (Deevan-e-Hafiz) 4
Sem-3 2 PER-502 History of Persian Literature 4
Sem-3 3 PER-503 Persian Grammer 4
Sem-3 4 PER-504-EA Feminist Literature in Persian Poetry 4
Sem-3 5 PER-504-EB Persian Prose (Sarzamin-e-Hind-Ali Asgar) 4
Sem-3 6 PER-505-EA Novel (Huma-By Mo.Hijazi) 4
Sem-3 7 PER-505-EB Novel (Chshmahayash-By Buzurg Alvi) 4
Sem-3 8 PER-506 Seminar 4
Sem-3 9 PER-506 Short Essay (For External Students Only) 4
Sem-4 1 PER-507 Qata (Deevan-Parvin Eatesami) 4
Sem-4 2 PER-508 Rubai 4
Sem-4 3 PER-509-EA Persian Prose of Sufism (Fariduddin Attar) 4
Sem-4 4 PER-509-EB Drama (Parvin Dukhtar-E-Sasan by Sadiq) 4
Sem-4 5 PER-510-EA Lughat Nameh (Deh-Khuda) 4
Sem-4 6 PER-510-EB Persian Prose of Sufism (Amir Khusraw) 4
Sem-4 7 PER-511 Literary History of Persian 4
Sem-4 8 PER-512 Project 4
Sem-4 9 PER-512 Short Essay (For External Students Only) 4
Eligibility Criteria
  • PO1: Student would be informed about the famous poets of Gujarat and their contribution in Development of Urdu in Gujarat.
  • PO2: Students get inculcated a literary, aesthetic and critical awareness of diverse cultures and literary creations and thus to arrive at a broader vision of the world and cultures.
  • PO3: Students of Urdu and Persian literature program will develop skills that are highly valued by employers, including critical thinking skills and strong writing skills which make them employable in a widerange of professions such as teaching,publishing,scriptwriting,translations,journalisms,mediaproductions,documenting, reporting, producing documentaries etc.
  • PO4: Students will be able to analyse the evolution of Urdu and Persian Literature and the growth of its popular genres in terms of social, political, historical,national,cultural and literary backgrounds.
  • PO5: Students will be able to apply their understanding of the various types of literary criticism in the interpretation and appreciation of a literary work.
  • PO6: Students will become capable of interpreting and exploring relationships from the points of view of different people.
  • PO7: Students will become sensitized to issues like marginalization and subjugation of women through the study of the Dalit, Feminist and Marginalized literatures.
  • PO8: Students will get inspired through the study of fiction and poetry that make them openminded and inspire them to develop emotional quotient (EQ) allowing them to perceive the world through other’s eyes as well to foster intercultural dialogue
  • PO9: Students will learn to appreciate Indian literature in Urdu and Persian and explore its uniqueness and its place among the literatures in Urdu and Persian.
  • PO10: Students will learn what language is and what does itconsist of through the study of literary texts written across the different space and time.
  • PO11: Students will organize the views and format them into a seminar of about twenty to thirty pages use a working knowledge of research methodology.
  • PO12: Students will understand the formation of language and its development system from time to time.
  • PO13: Students would be able to increase the vocabulary of the new languages.
  • PO14: To improve the skill of correct speaking and writing of Urdu in Students.
  • PSO1: Students will be able to think and write creatively and critically and will be able to interpret any piece of writing
  • PSO2: Students will develop communication and employability skills that give them professional outlook for better performance.
  • PSO3: Students will perform in the fields such as teaching, publishing, scriptwriting, translations,journalisms,mediaproductions,documenting,reporting,producing documentaries etc.
  • PSO4: Students will pursue research degrees like M.Phil. and Ph.D.
  • PSO5: To create the ability of understanding about different forms of literature among the various types of prose and Poetry. Students would be able to develop thoughts provoking and analytical abilities
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