Department of History


The sixth Head of the Department of History was Dr. Anjanaben Shah. Her Interest areas of research has been Gandhian Constructive activities of Gujarat and freedom struggle.

In addition, Dr. Mangubhai Patel and Dr. Sharddha Jaha, too were the renowned Professors of the Department of History.

In Present, Dr. Arun Vaghela is the Head of the Department. The Department has one professor and four associate professors.

In Present, Dr. Arun Vaghela is the Head of the Department. The Department has one professor and four associate professors.

Since, the establishment of the Department of History, Department has taken initiatives in research activities of History of Gujarat by organizing various seminars and conferences. In last five years, the Department of History has organized one state Level Seminar, National Seminar on world Heritage City Ahmedabad and National Workshop on Re-writing History Documentation and Methodology even one international Buddhist Conferences has been organized under the caption “Peace and Solidarity” with the collaboration of different Department of Gujarat University.

• To develop the Department of History a centre for problem-solving research. • Empower students by modernizing syllabi. 
• Introduce Innovative teaching through instrumentation. 
• To encourage quality teaching and research to make the department globally competitive. 
• To develop the department as the global leader in historical research and teaching.
• We are intentionally employing concrete efforts to develop Department of History as major centre of academic research excellence. 
•The most dynamic aim is to create an optimistic environment and climate to undertake applied and social problem-solving research projects. 
• Promotion of value-based quality research, therefore, can be propagated and popularized amongst full time and short-term scholars
• It would be imperative as conscious and responsible citizen of the Indian society to make such contributions in future.

New practices in the domain of Innovative and creative research Business history, entrepreneurial History, urban History, peasant studies maritime medical & medical History, tribal medicine, disease, epidemic and microbial History, medical geology, History of proto-globalization, maritime environmental and environmental History, tribal History, social & universal value based research

(1) Revision of Syllabus:-

In course of time, the Department of History has revised syllabus as per the need of the time. We have introduced new papers in our syllabus like Subaltern History, Environmental History, Science and Technology, etc.


· To acquaint the students with the new research areas in History.

· To acquaint the students with the regional and local History.

· To strengthen the students for the UPSC and other Competitive examinations.

· To be informed about the rich and Glorious legacy of Indian History.


· Many students have done/doing research in different areas like Environmental History, Maritime History, Subaltern History, Medicinal History etc.

· Many Students absorbed in Administrative Departments as well in Teaching Field.

(2) New Domain of Research areas:-

Since five years, the Department of History have been introducing new research areas in syllabus as well as in Ph.D. research work. These are below:

· Tribal History

· Dalit History

· Environmental History

· History of Science and Technology

· Women’s History

· Tourism


· To be well-Informed to the students with the community History.

· To be informed with the History of marginalised and depressed Classes.

· To be acquainted with the History of Subalterns.

· To be informed with the Environmental History and how the environment plays the role in making History.

· To be informed with Ecology, fauna and flora, Natural Habitat and how natural disturbances affect to the mankind and how humans plays the role to disturb the nature.

· To know the History of Women and their role in making History

· To know the Tourism in respect to historical and growing-Employability.

(3) Regional and Local History:-

The Department of History offered to the students to study the regional and local History of Gujarat. We are teaching History of Ahmedabad and the Freedom Movement in Gujarat and Social change in Gujarat during 19th and 20th Century. In this respect, the Department of History has organised National Level Seminar on “Ahmedabad: History, Community and Society”. The Proceedings of said Seminar under the process of publication


· To know the Regional and Local History in context to Indian History.

· To know the importance of Regional and Local History.

· To know about the polity, society, Economy, and Religion.

· To know about the Cultural History.


· Students become aware of the State and Local History in context to Indian History.

· Students become aware of the Socio-Cultural History of the State.

· Local History arouses sense of dignity and identity of the State.

· Arouse the sense of respects of the legacy of the State.

(4) Field Trip and Visit:-

The Department of History have been organising field trip and visit of Historical places like Ahmedabad City and their Libraries and Museums, the Step well of Adalaj, Lothal, Champaner, Maharashtra State Archive (Mumbai), Nehru Memorial Library and Museums


· To know about the importance of historical places in History.

· To know about the socio-cultural patterns of the particular places.

· To know about the Locational values of the particular places.

· To know about the Geography of the particular place and its importance in formulation of the society and cultural patterns.

· To know about the importance of archive and museums in studying History.


· Student gets benefited by Historical field trip and visit.

· Arouse the sense of respect and dignity of the Historical place.

· Historical field trip and visit helps them in their respective research areas.

· Student would absorb in state archive and museums as a curators.

· Student could become guide as well as escort.

(5) Expert Lectures and Day celebration:-

The Department of History organising Expert Lectures related to History every Year like Archival Science, Buddhism, Human Rights in Indian Constitution and Savitribai Phule etc. Everyday has its Historical Importance like Birthday of Distinguished personalities, obituary and Historical day. In this regards every day in our class, we have been talking on said topics and involving students in deliberations


· Students get benefited by the research-oriented expert lectures.

· Students get benefited in their research work by the expert lectures.

· Students would know Historical importance of the days.

· Students get informed about the distinguished personalities of the History.

· Students get informed about the Historical events and their importance.


· Arouse the sense of national integrity and unity.

· Communal harmony and tolerance.

· Character building.

· To be a good citizen.

· Constitutional awareness.

· Human Rights and Human values.