Department of Sanskrit


The Department of Sanskrit " was established as one of the Post - Graduate Departments in the "University School of Languages", in June - 1964. Dr. E .A. Solomon ( Reader and Head ) and Dr. T.S. Nandi were the faculty members at the beginning of the department. In subsequent years UGC had sanctioned some posts of Readers and Lecturers in Sanskrit . Here is a table showing the past & present faculty members.

Unpublished MSS are not our “liabilities”, it’s rather our duty to get them published after “critical examination”. So our mission is to encourage students to decipher ancient manuscripts written in old scripts, & to edit them critically. Our department will work for the same in future.

संस्कृतविभागस्य लक्ष्यम्

पूर्वैरर्जिताः विद्याः सन्ति पाण्डुलिपिस्थिता ।

भाररूपा न ताः मान्याः सम्पत्तिरस्ति दुर्लभा ।।

सम्पत् पाण्डुलिपिस्था सा जगति स्यात्प्रकाशिता ।

तदर्थं यतते नित्यं विभागः संस्कृतस्य हि ।।

Sanskrit is not only a Language, it is a galaxy of enormous knowledge, & It’s our National Heritage.

संस्कृतविभागस्य दर्शनम्

संस्कृतं नाम दिव्या वाक् प्रसिद्धा जगति तले ।

न हि केवलं भाषा मान्या मान्यजनैः सदा ।।

संस्कृतं नाम सद्विद्या पूर्वैरर्जिता पुरा ।

वर्तते निहिता ह्यत्र असीमानुपमा तथा ।।