Healthcare (Hospital)

Healthcare (Hospital)

Gujarat University believes that the greatest wealth is health. Gujarat University has its own healthcare center. Gujarat University health center is Well equipped with modern facilities. Gujarat University healthcare center provides the facilities such as:

  • Computerized laboratory, X-Ray machine, E.C.G. Machine, Physiotherapy equipment & Autorefractometer for eye refraction.
  • Investigations which are carries out under the supervision of Hon. Pathologist : Hemoglobin %, Total count & diff. Count, E.S.R., Smear study for malaria & Anemia, B.T.C.T., Blood group & Rh factor, Blood sugar, S.G.P.T., Serum Creatinine, Serum Cholesterol, Blood urea, Serum Widal, Urine-sugar, Urine Routine Microscopy, Stool for Ova & cyst. Stool for occult blood. Students get free services including treatment and investigations. Case registration fees 0.50 Paise per day or Rs. 6-00 per term or Rs. 10-00 per year.
Health Care

Gujarat University

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