GU-SWAYAM Policy 2020


  • GU–SWAYAM Policy: The policy of the Gujarat University to consider online learning courses available on the SWAYAM Platform for credit transfer.
  • SWAYAM: Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds
  • MOOCs: Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are such online courses which are developed and made available on the SWAYAM platform of Government of India.
  • MOOCs Guidelines: Mean guidelines on online learning issued by the MHRD vide its orders dated 11th March 2016 and subsequent addendums issued by the MHRD.
  • MHRD: Ministry of Human Resource Development
  • NME-ICT: National Mission on Education through Information Communication Technology
  • NPTEL: National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning
  • Course: A paper which is taught for at least one semester as a part of a subject.

    There shall be of two types: credit courses and non-credit courses.

    1. A). Credit Course shall mean a course which is taught for at least one semester as a part of as subject/programme.
    2. B). Non-Credit Course shall include courses like awareness programme, continuing education programme or training of specific skill set as independent course, which are not part of any set curriculum. It can be of shorter duration.
  • CBCS: Choice Based Credit System
  • Credit: One credit will be equivalent to 13-15 hours learning designated for the course.
  • Sector: A particular level of learning such as high school, engineering / non-engineering diploma/ degree/ post-graduation.
  • Subject: A discipline (Example: Physics) taught in an educational institution consisting of specific programme/courses, resulting in the award of a certificate/diploma/degree.


Whereas, with a view to providing access to the best quality learning resources across the country, the project 'Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds' (SWAYAM) has been started by the Government of India. SWAYAM provides an integrated platform and portal for online courses, using information and communication technology (ICT) and covering High School till all higher education subjects and skill sector courses to ensure that every student benefits from learning material through ICT. SWAYAM is a:

  • one-stop web and mobile based interactive e-content for all courses from High School to University level.
  • High quality learning experience using multimedia on anytime, anywhere basis.
  • State of the art system that allows easy access, monitoring and certification.
  • Peer group interaction and discussion forum to clarify doubts
  • Hybrid model of delivery that adds to the quality of classroom teaching.

Whereas, SWAYAM involves development of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) compliant e-content (video and text) and building a robust IT platform.

Gujarat University SWAYAM Policy (GU-SWAYAM)

  • Vide item no. (4) of Academic Council and Executive Council held on 9-12-2016 have in principle agreed to accept and implement Guidelines for Development and Implementation of Massive Open Online, F.No.8-1/2015-TEL, Government of India Ministry of Human Resource Development Department of Higher, Education (TEL Division), New Delhi, dated 11.03.2016.
  • The online learning courses available on the SWAYAM Platform will be considered for credit transfer in the UG and PG Programmes of the Gujarat University.
  • The Single Point Of Contact (SPOC) of Gujarat University in June and November every year shall notify the list of the online learning courses eligible for credit transfer in the forthcoming Semester.
  • The student/university shall ensure no overlap of SWAYAM-NPTEL MOOC exams with that of the university mid-semester/internal exam and end-semester/external exam.
  • Any student will be permitted to opt for only up to 20% of the total courses being offered in a particular program in a semester through the online learning courses provided through SWAYAM platform.
  • Students opting for an online course shall be required to register for the MOOCs for that course/paper through SWAYAM-NPTEL Local Chapter and it is mandatory for her/him to take prior approval to undergo for an online course/paper.
  • It will be mandatory for students to inform the college/ university/institute and potential employer.
  • While allowing the online learning courses offered by SWAYAM, Gujarat University shall provide free and adequate physical facilities like laboratories, computer facilities, library, etc. essential for pursuing the courses, if available with the University and feasible.
  • Gujarat University designate a SPOC, Mentor/facilitator to guide the students throughout the course and to facilitate/conduct the lab/practical sessions/examinations.

Credit Transfer for MOOCs

  • Gujarat University shall give the equivalent credit weightage to the students for the credits earned through online learning courses through SWAYAM platform in the credit plan of the program.
  • Credit transfer policy will be applicable to-
    1. A). All UG and PG programmes offered by the Gujarat University that follow CBCS pattern.
    2. B). Capability Enhancement Courses, Skill Enhancement Courses, Elective Courses, Elective Courses (Intra/Inter).
  • For Ph.D. course work Programmes in all disciplines credit transfer facility through SWAYAM MOOCs should be encouraged by research supervisor for internal assessment. Such courses ought to be domain/subject specific. The PhD students are required to opt for MOOCs through the SWAYAM Local Chapter of the Research Centre only.

Procedure for Credit Transfer

The procedure for transferring credits from SWAYAM-NPTEL MOOCs in the Gujarat University is as follows.

  • During the current semester, the candidate while filling up her/his exam form will have to submit an undertaking for credit transfer forwarded through SPOC and Director/Principal of the School/ College/ Institute.
  • Once due permission is granted by the Controller of Examination/Registrar of the University, the student need not appear for University examination for the exempted course(s).
  • The Local chapter (School/College/institute) will intimate the exam section about the completion of a course by a letter from the SPOC and the Director/Principal of the School/ College/ Institute along with the certificates of completion and the list of students, who have passed MOOC in the current semester.
  • On successful completion of each course, the institution offering the MOOCs would issue the certificate, along with the number of credits and grades, through which the student can get credits transferred into his marks certificate issued by his parent institution.
  • The conversion of marks from grade points awarded in the certificate issued by the institution offering MOOCs shall be as per the Gujarat University CBCS Ordinances and Regulations for UG and PG, if not specified in the certificate.
  • If a 4 credit course is not available as per the choice of the student then he/she can opt for a 3 credit course that is available and 1 credit will have to be acquired through continues internal evaluation through a mentor.
  • If a 3 credit course is not available as per the choice of the student then he/she can opt for a 2 credit course that is available and 1 credit will have to be acquired through continuous internal evaluation through a mentor.
  • Students who have qualified in the proctored examinations conducted by the SWAYAM-NPTEL and apply for credit transfer as specified are exempted from appearing in the continuous and semester and evaluations (internal as well as external for the specified equivalent credit course only) conducted by the university.
  • If a student opts for additional MOOC course above 20%, it will be considered as add-on credit and will be reflected on the marks sheet or separate certificate but will not be taken into account for tabulating CGPA.
  • In case of delay in SWAYAM results, the university can withheld the results of such candidates and upon declaration of results of MOOCs, the university will issue the marks sheet for such students.
  • The university will not remain responsible for any kind of delay in the results, ambiguity in the results and/or declared results for such students.

Anticipatory Measures

The procedure for transferring credits from SWAYAM-NPTEL MOOCs in the Gujarat University is as follows.

  • The university shall constitute the university level CBCS credit transfer committee (CBCS-CTC) for transferring credits earned by the students through SWAYM-NPTEL-MOOCs.
  • The university level CBCS credit transfer committee shall resolve any issues that may arise in the implementation of this ordinance/ rules/ Regulations/ policy from time to time.
  • The university shall review its credit transfer policy in the light of periodic changes brought by UGC, SWAYAM, NPTEL and state government through the existing university level CBCS credit transfer committee.

CBCS Credit Transfer Committee

The University level CBCS credit transfer committee shall have following structure.

  • Controller of Examinations – Member Secretory
  • The University level MOOCs Coordinator (SPOC)
  • Deans Academics
  • Three to Five Directors of the University Schools nominated by the Vice Chancellor. (Due weightage is to be given to various faculties.)
  • Three to Five Principals of the affiliated colleges nominated by the Vice Chancellor. (Due weightage is to be given to various faculties.)

The CBCS-CTC shall identify the list of the courses offered by MOOCs which shall be offered to the students in an academic year / semester/term.

The university level MOOCs Coordinator (SPOC) shall give wide publicity of the identified courses, provide proper guidance, educate, and encourage the students to opt MOOCs.

The Controller of Examination – Member secretory shall convey the meeting twice in an academic year preferably each in a semester/term, record minutes of each meetings, do the necessary formalities to take approval of various university bodies (if required) and take all measures to implement the policy. It shall be obligatory for the controller of examination to inform the rules/policy of SWAYM-NPTEL-MOOCs-MHRD to the CBCS-CTC.

The proposed policy for GU-SWAYAM credit transfer shall remain applicable to the examination/ paper for semester/annual pattern of courses for the CBCS programmes.

The above Ordinances/ Rules/ Regulations/ Policy shall be applicable also for the candidates undergoing the programmes in Self-Financing / Higher payment Stream.

The University/ The Vice Chancellor may from time to time revise, amend and change the Ordinances/ Rules/ Regulations/ Policy and the Curricula, if found necessary.