Department of Chemistry


The Department of Chemistry, School of Sciences, Gujarat University was established in the year 1958 and has grown over the years into one of the most sought after department for post-graduate teaching and research in the state. The department has been recognized as a centre of Excellence in Supramolecules and Nanomaterials by Gujarat Council on Science and Technology (GUJCOST), Department of Science and Technology (DST), Gandhinagar (2004-2008), covered under DST-FIST (Level–I completed successfully, 2006-2011), and UGC Special Assistance Programme DRS Level–III (2013-2018). The department has been very proactive in industrial interaction and placement of students through campus interviews.

  •  To inculcate a value based system among students, to foster global competencies, have quest for excellence and contribute to the development of the State and the Country
  • With an objective to garner basic research experience in post graduate students, the department focuses on the dissertation program for Semester 4 giving due importance to pure sciences as well as inter-disciplinary branches of chemistry.
  • To provide maximum placements for post graduation students by maintaining and fostering interactive linkages with leading industries and academic institutions and centers of research in state as well as across the country.
  • Adopting modern methods for teaching while keeping original values alive, we aspire to prepare more of "creative chemists", "innovative thinkers" and "chemical entrepreneurs"
  •  A dedicated modern infrastructure exclusively for chemical sciences and its inter-disciplinary branches matching top level research laboratories is in its final stage of materialization.
  • A world-class instrumentation facility is being manifested for the growing researchers associated with all the fields of chemical sciences.
  • The department thus has a mission of producing “think tanks” that is a blend of quality research as well as higher education.
  • To make quality the defining element in teaching and research through a combination of self and external quality evaluation.
  • Stimulate an academic environment for promotion of quality teaching, learning and research. Besides, encourage use of technology for all round development of students
  • The Department of Chemistry, Gujarat University envisiages providing state of the art education in the field of chemical sciences, to awaken the young minds and discover their flair and aptitude for the subject – both theoretically and practically. 
  • It also aims to produce graduates of national distinction committed to integrity, professionalism and lifelong learning by widening their knowledge horizons in range and depth.
  • The Department also thoroughly attempts to chemically literate the society by introducing pioneering programs that enable students to set in tune with national standards while embracing the heritage and values of the department. 
  • Along with active academia the department also strives to encourage students in co-curricular activities and thereby provide a vibrant atmosphere. 
  • Research programs being another corner stone of the department, it envisages to create a knowledge platform that supports an inventive culture through visionary research, innovation, collaboration and scholarship. 
  • To increase our international visibility by continuing to publish our research work in top tier conferences and journals, while maintaining a focus on Indian context.
  • Already being one of the top centers for post graduation and research in the state, the department aims to be among the top institutes in the nation in near future.
  • The department perceives the possession of a modern structure to carry original, far-sighted and valuable contribution for society.

Title of the Practice: Research based Teaching and Learning (2019-20)

Objectives: With a view to provide impetus to ongoing research activities, the major objectives include the following:

  1.  Innovative and high impact research
  2.  Imbibing research-oriented culture
  3. Intertwining research activities and academics
  4. enhancing the scientific temperament and research potential of faculty members

The Context: Teaching and Research play a pivotal role in achieving the quality and attributes of the post-graduates passing out from an institution both in national and international perspective. In an innovation-driven global society where research is the key to prosperity and social well-being, it becomes imperative that the Research activities be suitably nurtured and essential support is provided to the faculty members actively engaged in teaching students at postgraduate level. The constraints of time and facilities usually hamper the ability of teachers to stay focused in specialized areas, thereby, limits the interdisciplinary approach and thinking process. This necessitates the need for the measures for encouragement and promotion of research.

The Practice: Research is important in growth and development of a country and especially Gujarat University as per its Vision and Mission statement. The Department is committed to provide quality education to its students and has undertaken major initiatives to strengthen and promote ongoing research activities and its integration with the academics. For this purpose, various initiatives such as, an appropriate research policy, augmentation of research infrastructure, hiring and training of human resources, incentives at different levels, etc. have been undertaken. The main emphasis is on research-based understanding and learning, research-based/research-informed teaching to enable systematic delivery in the teaching-learning process.

Various steps in this direction have been introduced to encourage research activities and strengthen research culture in the University, some of which include the following:

a) Admissions to Ph.D. programmes on the basis of competitive entrance examination and engagement of faculties with post-doctoral fellows/research associates to promote extraordinary research 

b) Providing research scholarships to students (SHODH from State Government)

c) Holding inter-disciplinary seminars, workshops, and symposia

d) Inviting national and international experts and eminent scientists on problem solving, critical thinking, etc. and to keep students abreast with the latest in chemical sciences

e) Provision of duty/academic/study leave and seed money to the teachers

f) Excellent infrastructural facilities for research and innovation with the assistance by intramural sources of finance and assistance by external funding agencies such as DRDO, DST-FIST, UGC, GUJCOST etc.

h) Subscription to large number of e-Journals.

i)  Simplification of the system and procedure for execution of Research Projects.

j) Exhorting the faculty for publication of research articles in high impact journals, presentations at national and international scientific meetings and competing for national and international highly acclaimed awards

k) Development of research laboratories and advanced instrumentation facility, for strengthening our teaching, and promoting growth areas in research. 

Evidence of Success: 

The impact of integrating research and education is reflected in terms of:

  •  Awards such as National Post Doctoral Fellowship, enrolment of CSIR-Research Associates, Project fellows, etc. to Faculty members of Chemistry Department
  • Award of around 28 PhD Degrees in last five years.               

                                   - Published 230 books/books chapters/proceedings

                                   - Published 4 National Patents

  • Publication of research papers in refereed Journals indexed in reputed databases including WoS/Scopus/Pub Med/ICI and indicative of the research standards with an H-index of 28.
  • Financial support for number of research projects worth more than 2 crores at present by various funding agencies like DRDO, DST-FIST, UGC, GUJCOST etc.
  • Signed MoUs with four reputed private research labs for Collaborative Research (non-remunerative)
  • Linkages with Industries for Internship, Hands-on training for instruments, Project work, and Sharing of Research Facilities.
  • Self-directed and motivated research scholars

Problems Encountered and Resources Required

The time lag in release of funding granted for various research projects by various external agencies as the funds are not released in time is a major irritant thereby affecting timely execution of research projects. Since integrating research and education requires considerable resources, efforts are needed for resource generation from internal accruals. The reluctance of students to comprehend education and research in early learning experiences is also one of the impeding factors. Efforts have been made to convert this challenge into opportunity thereby prompting the students to excel. The faculty members involved in basic research are encouraged to undertake application-based research in line with industry expectations finally culminating into projects of similar nature.

Gujarat University

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