Department of English


The Department of English was established in the year 1963. Internationally Known Scholar Professor K. R. Chadrashekharan was the first Head of the Department. Since its inception the Department has served the society through both its Research activities and student output.

Our mission is to educate the students by integrating teaching, research and human values. We wish to encourage students to develop a critical yet healthy world view. Our aim is to cultivate a life-long passion for learning, and help them to be respectful towards diversity in today's global world.

We at the Department of English envision a world of learned and sensitive scholars. We aim to illumine the inner spirit through the combination of humanistic values and literary gems. We empower our students to face challenges both in their work and life.

1. Department of English organizes educational tour and visits of the eminent educational institutions every year.

2. The Department runs Book Talk Club, Reading Club, Movie Club and Creative Writing Club.

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