Publication Cell

Publication Cell

Newsletters, Research Briefs, Working papers and Director’s Report. The IIPS Newsletter is a biannual publication and contains information about various academic and non-academic activities of the institute’s faculty, staff and students. The ‘Research Brief Series’ was initiated in 1952 and provides a platform to the faculty, research staff, research scholars and visiting fellows to quickly disseminate the important findings and highlights of their research before they are published in any any journal.

  • Journals 
  • Newsletter
  • Book
  • Annual Report
  • Proceeding

VIDYA - A JOURNAL OF GUJARAT UNIVERSITY is a national, peer-reviewed, scholarly journal, dedicated to making accessible the latest results of researchers from a broad sweep of subject areas. VIDYA - A JOURNAL OF GUJARAT UNIVERSITY accepts original articles, reviews of existing knowledge, short communications which have not been previously published. The articles should be written in English. Papers can be submitted at any time and will be published once it has been accepted for publication by the Editorial Board. In its humble attempt VIDYA - A JOURNAL OF GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, the publication of Gujarat University offers an excellent platform for publishing and spreading awareness on new and emerging thoughts, ideas, and researches in many diverse fields from the fraternity of academicians, researchers, and students. It offers rapid editorial evaluation and short publication times without compromising on quality.

Towards Excellence, an indexed refereed & peer-reviewed journal of higher education, has a wide scope for scholarly research papers, research proposals, book reviews, policy papers, articles etc. Blind referee system is followed for review of the contributions before publication. No correspondence can be entertained regarding editorial policy. Unpublished, original contributions can be submitted within the range of 1,500 words.

Journal is the leading open-access journal, providing a platform for publishing innovative and research articles. The journal accepts the any kind of theoretical and experimental research including Botany, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Climate Change and Forensic Science. Computer applications of new software concepts, statistical methods for the modelling and analyses of all kinds of biological data can also be contributed. However, the prime objective of this journal is to bring all the current development in the area of Sciences on to a global platform and expand the information exchange.

International Journal of Management, Public Policy and Research is dedicated to promoting research in Business, Public Policy and management studies. A key objective is to equip practicing managers and academicians to conduct credible research respectively to make better decisions in their professional lives. It welcomes original research papers dealing with complex business and economic problems relating to trade, industry, finance, foreign direct investment, international trade, entrepreneurship, and family business. The journal accepts submission of empirical research articles, conceptual research articles, case studies, practitioner’s viewpoints, interviews with experts, and book reviews.

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The Publication Officer,

Room No 1,Main Bulding,

Gujarat University Campus

Navrangpura, Ahmedabad - 380 009

Gujarat University

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