
Master of Science in Biotechnology

Program Code



Post Graduate


2 Year

Department name

Department of Microbiology & Biotechnology
Semester Sr no CourseCode Course CourseCredit
Sem-1 1 BT-401 Cellular Microbiology 4
Sem-1 2 BT-402 Advances in Biochemistry 4
Sem-1 3 BT-403 Genetics and Biostatistics 4
Sem-1 4 BT-404 E Physiology and Immunology 4
Sem-1 5 BT-405 PR Lab-1 4
Sem-1 6 BT-406 PR Lab-2 4
Sem-2 1 BT- 407 Applied Microbiology 4
Sem-2 2 BT- 408 Gene regulation and recombinant DNA technology 4
Sem-2 3 BT- 409 Tools and Techniques in Synthetic biology 4
Sem-2 4 BT- 410 E Advances in Microbial biotechnology 4
Sem-2 5 BT- 411 PR Lab-3 4
Sem-2 6 BT- 412 PR Lab-4 4
Sem-3 1 BT- 501 Plant Biotechnology 4
Sem-3 2 BT- 502 Environmental Biotechnology 4
Sem-3 3 BT- 503 Biogeohydrotechnology and Biofuels 4
Sem-3 4 BT- 504 E1 Animal Tissue Culture and Pharmaceuticals Biotechnology 4
Sem-3 5 BT- 504 E2 Recombination DNA Technology 4
Sem-3 6 BT- 504 E3 Biopharmaceuticals and Drug Development 4
Sem-3 7 BT- 505 PR Lab-5 4
Sem-3 8 BT- 506 PR Lab-6 4
Sem-4 1 BT- 507 PT Project 16
Sem-4 2 BT- 508 S Seminar / Field Work / Study Tour 4
Sem-4 3 BT- 509 M Assignments, Group Discussion / Industrial Training 4
Eligibility Criteria
  • PO1: Develop a technical skill set for employability, entrepreneurship and a basic research aptitude.
  • PO2: Impart training that develop critical thinking, problem solving, inculcating research aptitude and knowledge, teamwork, planning, interpretation and analysis in the domain of Biotechnology.
  • PO3: Inculcating the wisdom and subtleties of work ethics of an industry and research organization in biotechnology and allied domains.
  • PO4: Learn technical skills through laboratory sessions, research projects and develop self-directed experiential learning.
  • PSO1: Consolidation the fundamentals and principles of basic and applied aspects of biotechnology with an aim to serve the society
  • PSO2: Develop a technical skill set for generating, analyzing and interpreting scientific data for employability, entrepreneurship and research aptitude
  • PSO3: Introducing scientific cognition, critical thinking, analysis using in age computational tools to develop competence for academic research and industry at par with the global scenario
  • PSO4: Making students aware to the needs of a society for constructive contribution towards its sustainable growth and development of products of high socio-economic importance such as improved crops, vaccines, diagnostic tools, improve microbial strains for enhancing the production of high value compounds.
  • PSO5: Understand the social aspects, ethical concerns, issues of intellectual properties and policies of the Biotechnology industry along with evaluating the ethical, legal and social issues pertaining to use of biological systems
Academy Year Title Download
2022-2023 Master of Science in Biotechnology (SEMESTER 1 & 2)
2023-2024 Master of Science in Biotechnology (Sem-1 to 4) As per NEP