Project Title: Kutchna Lagangeetono samaijk ane sanskrutik Abhyas (Sorthiya-Ahir Samajna vishesh Sandarbhama
Principal Investigator : Prof. KANTILAL MALSATAR
Project Title: 'A Critical Study of Indian Dalit Autobiographies as the Social, Cultural and Literary Document in the Context of Indian Dalit Movements'
Principal Investigator : Prof. KANTILAL MALSATAR
January 2021
January 2022
Project Title: Wedding Songs of Kolipatel Community of Valsad District: A Study
Researcher : Dr. Chimanlal Patel
Project Title: Vasava Samudayna Maukhik paramparana sahityano samajik-sanskrutik Abhyas
Principal Investigator : Anand Vasava